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As the GEF Operational Focal Point (GEF-OFP), my main concern and task are to monitor, coordinate and manage the GEF Portfolios on biodiversity, land degradation and climate change and endorses project for GEF consideration and funding.
The GEF-OFP is being supported by the three (3) Focal Point Agencies (FPAs) for Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). These agencies are as follows:
Protected Area and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB), the agency mandated to conserve the country's biological diversity through conservation of Wildlife Resources, and information and Education for Nature Conservation, (click) and is in charge of overseeing the Philippines’ compliance to multilateral environmental agreements on biodiversity (click).
Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM), (click) a staff bureau under the Department of Agriculture (DA) mandated to conserve and protect agricultural resources including soil and water conservation (click) and is in charge of overseeing the Philippines’ compliance to multilateral environmental agreeements on land degradation (click).
Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), (click) is a line bureau mandated to formulate, integrate, coordinate supervise and implement all policies, plans, programs, projects and activities and relative to the prevention and control of pollution as well as the management and enhancement of the environment (click) and is in charge of overseeing Philippines’ compliance to multilateral environmental agreements on climate change, ozone layer, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and waters (click).
The GEF-OFP and these Focal Point agencies are mandated to ensure the country’s compliance to multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) and conventions to which the Philippines is a party or a signatory. (Click for slide 3)
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As the GEF Operational Focal Point (GEF-OFP), my main concern and task are to monitor, coordinate and manage the GEF Portfolios on biodiversity, land degradation and climate change and endorses project for GEF consideration and funding.
The GEF-OFP is being supported by the three (3) Focal Point Agencies (FPAs) for Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). These agencies are as follows:
Protected Area and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB), the agency mandated to conserve the country's biological diversity through conservation of Wildlife Resources, and information and Education for Nature Conservation, (click) and is in charge of overseeing the Philippines’ compliance to multilateral environmental agreements on biodiversity (click).
Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM), (click) a staff bureau under the Department of Agriculture (DA) mandated to conserve and protect agricultural resources including soil and water conservation (click) and is in charge of overseeing the Philippines’ compliance to multilateral environmental agreeements on land degradation (click).
Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), (click) is a line bureau mandated to formulate, integrate, coordinate supervise and implement all policies, plans, programs, projects and activities and relative to the prevention and control of pollution as well as the management and enhancement of the environment (click) and is in charge of overseeing Philippines’ compliance to multilateral environmental agreements on climate change, ozone layer, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and waters (click).
The GEF-OFP and these Focal Point agencies are mandated to ensure the country’s compliance to multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) and conventions to which the Philippines is a party or a signatory. (Click for slide 3)
6. Slide 3
Let me outline the existing inter-agency mechanisms and committees we have for GEF specifically on three (3) UN conventions namely:
UN Convention on Biological Diversity Ratified in Oct 8, 1993,
UN Convention to Combat Desertification ratified in Oct 2, 2000; and
the UN Framework on the Convention on Climate Change ratified in August 2, 1994.)
The Corresponding committee for each of these conventions are as follows:
The Philippines Council for Sustainable Development (PSCD) Sub-committee on Biodiversity Conservation chaired by the Director of the Protected Area and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) (click) tasked to oversee the Philippines’ compliance to its obligation to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that was ratified last October 8, 2003. (click).
Multi-agency Committee chaired by the Director of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM), convenes an informal body that discusses and handles issues on land degradation in compliance to Philippines’ obligation to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) that was ratified last October 2, 2000 (click).
Interagency Committee on Climate Change (IACCC) chaired by the Director of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), (click) which oversees the Philippines’ compliance to UN Convention Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that was ratified in the country last August 2, 1994. (click for Slide 4)
Slide 3
Let me outline the existing inter-agency mechanisms and committees we have for GEF specifically on three (3) UN conventions namely:
UN Convention on Biological Diversity Ratified in Oct 8, 1993,
UN Convention to Combat Desertification ratified in Oct 2, 2000; and
the UN Framework on the Convention on Climate Change ratified in August 2, 1994.)
The Corresponding committee for each of these conventions are as follows:
The Philippines Council for Sustainable Development (PSCD) Sub-committee on Biodiversity Conservation chaired by the Director of the Protected Area and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) (click) tasked to oversee the Philippines’ compliance to its obligation to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that was ratified last October 8, 2003. (click).
Multi-agency Committee chaired by the Director of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM), convenes an informal body that discusses and handles issues on land degradation in compliance to Philippines’ obligation to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) that was ratified last October 2, 2000 (click).
Interagency Committee on Climate Change (IACCC) chaired by the Director of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), (click) which oversees the Philippines’ compliance to UN Convention Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that was ratified in the country last August 2, 1994. (click for Slide 4)
7. Composition of the Interagency Committees and Core Functions
8. Slide 4
To comply with the commitments and obligations of the Philippines to the UN Conventions of Biological diversity, Land degradation and climate change, the GEF- Operational Focal Point (OFP) directly coordinates with existing interagency coordination committees composed of members from other government agencies and concerned stakeholders (click).
The Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD) Sub-committee on Biodiversity Conservation, being chaired by DENR-Protected Area and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) is composed of representatives from various agencies such as:
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) (click), oversees operations of Local Government Units (LGUs) in the country
Department of Agriculture (DA) (click), promotes agricultural development growth in the country
National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP), promotes and protects the well-being of the Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs)
Department of Health (DOH), agencies in-charge of providing access public health services
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the agency of the government which takes care of all researches in science and technology development
National Museum
Civil Society Groups (Click for Slide 5)
Slide 4
To comply with the commitments and obligations of the Philippines to the UN Conventions of Biological diversity, Land degradation and climate change, the GEF- Operational Focal Point (OFP) directly coordinates with existing interagency coordination committees composed of members from other government agencies and concerned stakeholders (click).
The Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD) Sub-committee on Biodiversity Conservation, being chaired by DENR-Protected Area and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) is composed of representatives from various agencies such as:
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) (click), oversees operations of Local Government Units (LGUs) in the country
Department of Agriculture (DA) (click), promotes agricultural development growth in the country
National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP), promotes and protects the well-being of the Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs)
Department of Health (DOH), agencies in-charge of providing access public health services
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the agency of the government which takes care of all researches in science and technology development
National Museum
Civil Society Groups (Click for Slide 5)
9. Philippine Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) Subcommittee on Biodiversity ConservationCore Functions oversees implementation of UNCBD
formulates and prepares positions for the
Conference of Parties (COPs)
created the Review Committee (REVCOM) to
review GEF proposed projects on biodiversity
Slide 5
The core functions of the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development(PCSD) sub-committee on Biodiversity include the following : (click)
oversees implementation of country’s obligation to UN Convention on Bio -Diverstiy (UNCBD) (click)
formulates and prepares positions for the Conference of Parties (COPs) on Convention Biodiversity (click)
creates the Review Committee (REVCOM) as an advisory body to review GEF proposed projects on biodiversity (click)
Slide 5
The core functions of the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development(PCSD) sub-committee on Biodiversity include the following : (click)
oversees implementation of country’s obligation to UN Convention on Bio -Diverstiy (UNCBD) (click)
formulates and prepares positions for the Conference of Parties (COPs) on Convention Biodiversity (click)
creates the Review Committee (REVCOM) as an advisory body to review GEF proposed projects on biodiversity (click)
10. Slide 6
With regards to the The Multi-agency Committee (Informal Body) on Land Degradation, the committee is being Chaired by the Department of Agriculture (DA) –Bureau of Soil and Water Management. The Committee is composed of representatives from various agencies, namely:
Department of Agriculture (DA) (click), promotes agricultural development growth in the country
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) (click), the agency of the government which takes care of all researches and technology development
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) (click), undertakes land tenure improvement and development program of beneficiaries under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) (click), mandated to conserve and protect our natural resources
Academe (click)
Private Sector (click)
NGOs ( click for Slide 7
Slide 6
With regards to the The Multi-agency Committee (Informal Body) on Land Degradation, the committee is being Chaired by the Department of Agriculture (DA) –Bureau of Soil and Water Management. The Committee is composed of representatives from various agencies, namely:
Department of Agriculture (DA) (click), promotes agricultural development growth in the country
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) (click), the agency of the government which takes care of all researches and technology development
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) (click), undertakes land tenure improvement and development program of beneficiaries under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) (click), mandated to conserve and protect our natural resources
Academe (click)
Private Sector (click)
NGOs ( click for Slide 7
11. Multi-Agency Committee on Land Degradation CORE FUNCTIONS discusses issues and concerns on land degradation
coordinates implementation of UNCCD’s National Action Plan
provides technical review for GEF proposed projects under land degradation
Slide 7
The core functions of Multi-agency Committee (informal body) on Land Degradation are as follows:
Discusses issues and concerns on land degradation (click)
Coordinates implementation of UNCCD’s National Action Plan (click)
Provides technical review for GEF proposed projects under land degradation (Click for slide 8)
Slide 7
The core functions of Multi-agency Committee (informal body) on Land Degradation are as follows:
Discusses issues and concerns on land degradation (click)
Coordinates implementation of UNCCD’s National Action Plan (click)
Provides technical review for GEF proposed projects under land degradation (Click for slide 8)
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Among the three (3) committees, the Interagency Committee on Climate Change (IACCC) created by virtue of Executive Order No. , has the most number of participating national agencies namely:
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), the Planning Agency of the Philippines
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), in charge of diplomatic relations and foreign service in the country
Department of Agriculture (DA), responsible for overseeing programs and projects in the country related to agriculture
Department of Trade and Industry- Bureau of Investments (DTI-BOI),
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAG-ASA), oversees weather and geophysical conditions in the country
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), the agency responsible for the construction and maintenance of bridges, roads and other infrastructure activities in the country
Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), responsible for the maintenance and expansion of viable and efficient transportation and communication systems in the country
Department of Energy (DOE), the national agency mandated to explore, development and monitoring of all energy related activities
Forest Management Bureau (FMB), the DENR Bureau mandated to protect , conserve and manage the Philippines forest
Department of Science and Technology, the agency of the government which takes care of all researches and technology development
Philippine Network on Climate Change (PNCC), a group of NGOs and academe advocating climate change issues
The DENR-EMB chairs this Committee (click to Slide 9)
Slide 10
Among the three (3) committees, the Interagency Committee on Climate Change (IACCC) created by virtue of Executive Order No. , has the most number of participating national agencies namely:
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), the Planning Agency of the Philippines
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), in charge of diplomatic relations and foreign service in the country
Department of Agriculture (DA), responsible for overseeing programs and projects in the country related to agriculture
Department of Trade and Industry- Bureau of Investments (DTI-BOI),
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAG-ASA), oversees weather and geophysical conditions in the country
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), the agency responsible for the construction and maintenance of bridges, roads and other infrastructure activities in the country
Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), responsible for the maintenance and expansion of viable and efficient transportation and communication systems in the country
Department of Energy (DOE), the national agency mandated to explore, development and monitoring of all energy related activities
Forest Management Bureau (FMB), the DENR Bureau mandated to protect , conserve and manage the Philippines forest
Department of Science and Technology, the agency of the government which takes care of all researches and technology development
Philippine Network on Climate Change (PNCC), a group of NGOs and academe advocating climate change issues
The DENR-EMB chairs this Committee (click to Slide 9)
13. Inter-Agency Committee on Climate Change (IACCC)CORE FUNCTIONS prepares national communications plan and country positions on climate change issues
formulates national climate change policies
reviews GEF proposed projects for climate
Slide 8
The major functions of the Inter-Agency Committee on Climate Change are as follows:
prepares national communications plan and country positions on climate change issues
formulates national climate change policies
reviews GEF proposed projects for climate change
Slide 8
The major functions of the Inter-Agency Committee on Climate Change are as follows:
prepares national communications plan and country positions on climate change issues
formulates national climate change policies
reviews GEF proposed projects for climate change
14. The Philippine Experience in Inter- Agency Coordination and Evaluation Process Slide 9
Let me present to you how the coordination mechanism in the country and the process of priority setting has enabled or facilitated the GEF – OFPs work and the Philippine participation in the GEFSlide 9
Let me present to you how the coordination mechanism in the country and the process of priority setting has enabled or facilitated the GEF – OFPs work and the Philippine participation in the GEF
15. Slide 12
(click) Second, it facilitates the familiarization and compliance of the Philippines’ to the obligations and commitments on the three (3) UN Conventions including the country’s response to global concerns and issues through programs and projects (click)
(click) Third, the coordination mechanism serves as forum for information sharing and exchange. Slide 12
(click) Second, it facilitates the familiarization and compliance of the Philippines’ to the obligations and commitments on the three (3) UN Conventions including the country’s response to global concerns and issues through programs and projects (click)
(click) Third, the coordination mechanism serves as forum for information sharing and exchange.
16. In country project evaluation process Slide 11
First, it facilitates project prioritization and determination of projects and programs for GEF consideration and funding through the In-Country Project Evaluation Process
Click (1) – The process of setting of priorities has facilitated the determination of projects to be prioritized under the RAF through the in-country evaluation process as follows: (click)
Proponent submits proposals to GEF-Operational Focal Point
GEF-Operational Focal Point then refers proposals to concerned MEA Focal Point Agencies for technical review
If proposal is ok, it will be endorsed by the GEF-OFP to concerned Implementing Agencies (IA) such as:
World Bank (WB) for Investment Projects
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for Capacity Building Projects
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for Scientific Research Projects
Implementing Agencies endorsed projects to GEF-CEO.
If the proposal did not pass the criteria set by review committees and/or was not endorsed by the GEF-OFP, it will be returned to the proponent for further refinement and/or resubmission. (click)
Slide 11
First, it facilitates project prioritization and determination of projects and programs for GEF consideration and funding through the In-Country Project Evaluation Process
Click (1) – The process of setting of priorities has facilitated the determination of projects to be prioritized under the RAF through the in-country evaluation process as follows: (click)
Proponent submits proposals to GEF-Operational Focal Point
GEF-Operational Focal Point then refers proposals to concerned MEA Focal Point Agencies for technical review
If proposal is ok, it will be endorsed by the GEF-OFP to concerned Implementing Agencies (IA) such as:
World Bank (WB) for Investment Projects
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for Capacity Building Projects
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for Scientific Research Projects
Implementing Agencies endorsed projects to GEF-CEO.
If the proposal did not pass the criteria set by review committees and/or was not endorsed by the GEF-OFP, it will be returned to the proponent for further refinement and/or resubmission. (click)
Let me present the process by which information sharing occurs within and among the interagency coordination mechanism (click).
The coordination mechanism enable the GEF-OFP to have quick linkages to MEA FPAs and member agencies involved within each agency. GEF-OFP downloads information to these committees through conduct of GEF Country Dialogues and similar meetings. Members in turn provide substantial inputs to the office of the GEF-OFP in matters relating to country positions for the GEF council or convention meetings, feedbacks to GEF new programs and projects, and issues and concerns in the disapproved or cancelled pipeline projects and many others.
Let me present the process by which information sharing occurs within and among the interagency coordination mechanism (click).
The coordination mechanism enable the GEF-OFP to have quick linkages to MEA FPAs and member agencies involved within each agency. GEF-OFP downloads information to these committees through conduct of GEF Country Dialogues and similar meetings. Members in turn provide substantial inputs to the office of the GEF-OFP in matters relating to country positions for the GEF council or convention meetings, feedbacks to GEF new programs and projects, and issues and concerns in the disapproved or cancelled pipeline projects and many others.
What are the challenges and areas of consideration noted in this process?
Slide 14
What are the challenges and areas of consideration noted in this process?
19. MEA FPAs and other stakeholders have yet to be fully oriented on the GEF strategies
yet to expand coordination to include more NGOs
need to improve the coordination system on project development of the ff. focal area:
international waters
biosafety; and
persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Slide 15
Among the challenges and areas of consideration that we have faced in this process are the following:
need for strong orientation of GEF strategies to MEA FPAs & other stakeholders. The MEA FPAs and other stakeholders have yet to be fully oriented on the GEF strategies for focal areas to equip us on how to effectively develop and assess our program priorities vis-ŕ-vis GEF identified priorities. (click)
need to expand the coordination network to reach more NGOs. (click)
coordination on project development in the area of international waters (click), biosafety (click) and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (click) have yet to be enhanced too.
2. At present there has still no permanent focal point agencies for the above said focal areas.
Slide 15
Among the challenges and areas of consideration that we have faced in this process are the following:
need for strong orientation of GEF strategies to MEA FPAs & other stakeholders. The MEA FPAs and other stakeholders have yet to be fully oriented on the GEF strategies for focal areas to equip us on how to effectively develop and assess our program priorities vis-ŕ-vis GEF identified priorities. (click)
need to expand the coordination network to reach more NGOs. (click)
coordination on project development in the area of international waters (click), biosafety (click) and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (click) have yet to be enhanced too.
2. At present there has still no permanent focal point agencies for the above said focal areas.
20. limited M&E system and database of GEF projects
strong need to link existing monitoring mechanisms of IAs/EAs (i.e. APR/PIR) with the monitoring of GEF-OFP Slide 16
Other challenges encountered include:
limited Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) system and database of GEF projects (click), (within GEF-OFP office and within each agency)
strong need to link existing monitoring mechanisms of IAs/EAs (i.e. APR/PIR) with the monitoring of GEF-OFP. (click)
Slide 16
Other challenges encountered include:
limited Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) system and database of GEF projects (click), (within GEF-OFP office and within each agency)
strong need to link existing monitoring mechanisms of IAs/EAs (i.e. APR/PIR) with the monitoring of GEF-OFP. (click)
21. coordination mechanism is being institutionalized and strengthened
maximize and wise utilization of CSP fund
pipeline projects under GEF are being explored to support the ff:
capacity building on program strategizing and prioritization
database building
participate in the training activities sponsored by GEF Secretariat Coping-up with Challenges and Problems Slide 17
How are we resolving these problems:
The coordination mechanism has to be institutionalized and strengthened to be able to move forward in resolving the above mentioned challenges.
The GEF OFP intends to maximize the utilization of the Country Support Programme (CSP) fund to address those challenges.
Given the limited support under CSP, other avenues for capacity building on program strategizing and prioritization, on GEF programs and strategies for focal areas, project cycle etc. and database building are being explored through pipeline projects under GEF.
Participation in the training activities sponsored by GEF Secretariat is also being seen as a step to develop the country’s capacity to improve GEF operation at the national level.
Slide 17
How are we resolving these problems:
The coordination mechanism has to be institutionalized and strengthened to be able to move forward in resolving the above mentioned challenges.
The GEF OFP intends to maximize the utilization of the Country Support Programme (CSP) fund to address those challenges.
Given the limited support under CSP, other avenues for capacity building on program strategizing and prioritization, on GEF programs and strategies for focal areas, project cycle etc. and database building are being explored through pipeline projects under GEF.
Participation in the training activities sponsored by GEF Secretariat is also being seen as a step to develop the country’s capacity to improve GEF operation at the national level.
22. LESSONS LEARNED continuity of GEF-OFP
GEF OFPs and MEA FPAs have to be capacitated at early stage to enable them to deliver the ff :
clear and reliable database
program and priorities strongly related to national and GEF strategies
institutionalized and strong coordination mechanism
institutionalized and regular monitoring and evaluation system of GEF projects Slide 18
Among the lessons learned from this process are the following:
(1) Continuity of the GEF OFP is a key element to ensure effective and efficient operation of GEF at the country level. GEF Secretariat’s regional consultation mechanism is an important tool to assist GEF OFPs perform their functions.
(2) GEF OFPs including MEA FPAs have to be capacitated at the early stage to be able to
establish clear database,
formulate program priorities in relation to national and GEF strategies,
establish coordination mechanism,
institutionalize monitoring and evaluation of GEF projects.Slide 18
Among the lessons learned from this process are the following:
(1) Continuity of the GEF OFP is a key element to ensure effective and efficient operation of GEF at the country level. GEF Secretariat’s regional consultation mechanism is an important tool to assist GEF OFPs perform their functions.
(2) GEF OFPs including MEA FPAs have to be capacitated at the early stage to be able to
establish clear database,
formulate program priorities in relation to national and GEF strategies,
establish coordination mechanism,
institutionalize monitoring and evaluation of GEF projects.
23. FUTURE PLANS AND RECOMMENDATIONS database building will be started
systems and procedures for M&E of GEF Philippine projects will be developed
coordination mechanism will be institutionalized and strengthened more
will focus more on defining specific national priorities vis-ŕ-vis GEF programs and strategies
capacity building for GEF OFP and MEA FPAs will be strengthened
knowledge and information sharing will be established, (i.e GEF Philippines website) Slide 19
To be able to make GEF Philippines responsive to the needs of the country in terms of project development and implementation, following activities shall be undertaken such as follows:
database building will be started. To date, the office of the GEF-OFP has started to store data of pipeline and proposed projects and have it updated regularly.
systems and procedures for M&E of GEF Philippine projects will be developed;
coordination mechanism will be institutionalized and strengthened, with primary aim of defining specific national priorities vis a vis GEF programs and strategies;
capacity building for GEF OFP and MEA FPAs will be initiated; and
knowledge and information sharing will be established, initially through the development of the GEF Philippines website.Slide 19
To be able to make GEF Philippines responsive to the needs of the country in terms of project development and implementation, following activities shall be undertaken such as follows:
database building will be started. To date, the office of the GEF-OFP has started to store data of pipeline and proposed projects and have it updated regularly.
systems and procedures for M&E of GEF Philippine projects will be developed;
coordination mechanism will be institutionalized and strengthened, with primary aim of defining specific national priorities vis a vis GEF programs and strategies;
capacity building for GEF OFP and MEA FPAs will be initiated; and
knowledge and information sharing will be established, initially through the development of the GEF Philippines website.
24. Slide 20Slide 20