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Taiga. Tyler Ziegler Hannah Binder Ariella Zelicovich. Location. Largest Biome North America, North Europe, and North Asia South of Tundra. Climate: winter. -10°c to 14 °c Fairly cold climate Below 0° during winter Winter days very short Midwinter: sun shines only 6 hours a day.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Taiga Tyler Ziegler Hannah Binder Ariella Zelicovich

  2. Location • Largest Biome • North America, North Europe, and North Asia • South of Tundra

  3. Climate: winter • -10°c to 14°c • Fairly cold climate • Below 0° during winter • Winter days very short • Midwinter: sun shines only 6 hours a day

  4. Climate: Summer • 20°F to 70°F • Mostly warm • Rainy • Humid • Total precipitation: 12 to 33 inches

  5. Plants and Adaptations: Conifer Trees Adaptations: Pinecones Waxy needles: protection from climate Keep needles all year to start Photosynthesis early Dark color allows to absorb heat from sun Types: Spruce,Fir,Pine,Larch,Hemlock

  6. Animals and Adaptions • Elk, moose, wolves, wolverines, lynx, snowshoe hare • Lynx, Wolves, wolverines stay active • Migrate

  7. Environmental Issues • Trees are cut for lumber and for pulp • Deforestation • Trees are food for animals • Oxygen (from trees) • Destroys animal's habitats = animal’s migrate, endangerment, extinction danger to humans

  8. Environmental Issues . • Acid Rain is one of the most problems in the Taiga Forest • Acid rain is rain that is more acidic than normal. • Scientists have discovered that air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels is the major cause of acid rain.

  9. Environmental Issues • Power plants and factories burn coal and oil. • The smoke and fumes from burning fossil fuels rise into the atmosphere and combine with the moisture in the air to form acid rain. • The main chemicals in air pollution that create acid rain are sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides

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