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Evaluation of Effectiveness

Evaluation of Effectiveness. Chapter 19. Evaluation of Effectiveness. What is the purpose of this phase of advertising campaign planning?. 1. Developmental Research. 2. Concurrent Research. 4. Diagnostic Research. 3. Posttesting Research. Methods of Evaluation Research.

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Evaluation of Effectiveness

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  1. Evaluation of Effectiveness Chapter 19

  2. Evaluation of Effectiveness What is the purpose of this phase of advertising campaign planning?

  3. 1. Developmental Research 2. Concurrent Research 4. Diagnostic Research 3. Posttesting Research Methods of Evaluation Research

  4. Evaluation Components • The affect of the communication on the receiver • The effect of the communication on Sales

  5. Copy Testing • Message strategy • Concept testing • Pretesting • Diagnostics

  6. Concurrent Testing • Tracking Results • Attitude tests • Wave analysis • Consumer diaries • Pantry checks • Test marketing Favorable/Unfavorable Pre/Post design Record activities View products used Test cities

  7. Post-testing • Memory tests • Persuasion tests • Likability tests • Inquiry tests • Scanner • Single-source Recognition, Recall Attitude change Liked/Disliked Responses to ad Check out scanners Matched groups

  8. Media Evaluation • Check estimates against actual vehicle performance • Determines whether reach and frequency objectives were obtained • Evaluates GRP and CPM

  9. Media Efficiency • ROI • Wearout • Optimization Creation/Running vs Revenue Lack of or no response Dollars spent vs greatest impact

  10. Campaign Evaluation • Last stage in the development of a campaign plan • Determines whether the campaign was effective

  11. Direct Response • Evaluate ads containing elements that can be returned by using direct-response counts

  12. Sales Promotion • Sales • Response rates • Awareness • Redemption rates

  13. Public Relations Changes in • Awareness • Attitude change • Behavior change

  14. Retail Advertising • Increase in store traffic • Visibility • Loyalty

  15. B2B Advertising • Leads generated • Conversion rates

  16. Discussion Question • Research professionals recommend using focus groups to help develop a campaign strategy or theme, but many are opposed to using focus groups to choose finished ads for the campaign. • Is this advice contradictory? Why or why not?

  17. Discussion Question • Most clients want a quick and easy answer to the question of whether the ad works. • Advertising professionals tend to believe that a one-score approach is not appropriate. • If you were helping an agency prepare for a presentation regarding campaign effectiveness, what would you suggest the agency say to the client that a one score approach is not valid?

  18. Discussion Question • In the dot.com craze of the late 1990s, new Internet companies emerged almost daily. • What types of strategic or evaluative research do you think many of these companies conducted, if any? • Do you believe research would have helped any of these companies make decisions that might have helped them survive the dot.com crash?

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