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Plant Meristems

Plant Meristems. Tissue:. Leaf (Cross Section). Dermal Tissue Ground Tissue Vascular Tissue. Stem (Cross Section). Dermal Tissue Vascular Tissue Ground Tissue. Dermal Tissue. Function:. Dermal Tissue: Cell / Substance Types. Epidermal Cells Guard Cells Trichomes

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Plant Meristems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plant Meristems

  2. Tissue:

  3. Leaf (Cross Section) • Dermal Tissue • Ground Tissue • Vascular Tissue

  4. Stem(Cross Section) • Dermal Tissue • Vascular Tissue • Ground Tissue

  5. Dermal Tissue Function:

  6. Dermal Tissue: Cell / Substance Types • Epidermal Cells • Guard Cells • Trichomes • * Cuticle • * Stoma

  7. Dermal Tissue Leaf Epidermal Cells

  8. Dermal Tissue Waxy Cuticle

  9. Dermal Tissue Waxy Cuticle

  10. Dermal Tissue Guard Cells and Stomata

  11. Dermal Tissue Guard Cells and Stoma

  12. Dermal Tissue Guard Cells and Stoma

  13. Dermal Tissue Winterfat Stinging Nettle

  14. Dermal Tissue Trichomes (= Hairlike Epidermal Outgrowths)

  15. Dermal Tissue Stinging Nettle

  16. Ground Tissue Function (1):

  17. Ground Tissue Function (2):

  18. Ground Tissue Function (3):

  19. Ground Tissue: Cell Types Parenchyma: (Including Mesophyll Cells) Collenchyma: Sclerenchyma: (Including Unbranched Sclereids, Branched Sclereids and Fibers)

  20. Ground Tissue Parenchyma Cells

  21. Ground Tissue Parenchyma Cells (Mesophyll)

  22. Ground Tissue Parenchyma Cells (Mesophyll)

  23. Ground Tissue Parenchyma (Mesophyll)

  24. Ground Tissue Collenchyma Cell

  25. Ground Tissue Collenchyma Cells

  26. Ground Tissue Sclerenchyma Cells

  27. Ground Tissue Sclerenchyma Cells

  28. Ground Tissue Sclerenchyma Cells (Sclereid Unbranched)

  29. Ground Tissue Sclerenchyma (Sclereids – Branched)

  30. Ground Tissue Sclerenchyma Cells: Fibers

  31. Plant Plumbing

  32. Vascular Tissue

  33. Vascular Tissue

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