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High Schools That Work Technical Assistance Visit

High Schools That Work Technical Assistance Visit . Furr High School October 30 – November 1. My Personal Journey, and A Personal Invitation…. SREB builds on strengths, using data SREB provides the framework, but Furr provides the individualization

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High Schools That Work Technical Assistance Visit

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  1. High Schools That WorkTechnical Assistance Visit Furr High School October 30 – November 1

  2. My Personal Journey, and A Personal Invitation…. • SREB builds on strengths, using data • SREB provides the framework, but Furr provides the individualization • SREB allows staff members to connect to a network of similar schools who are trying research-based improvement initiatives • SREB allows staff members to learn and grow professionally • “The more you do, the more you CAN do. The more you enable your students to do, the higher your professional capacity is.”

  3. What Does This Mean to Me?

  4. “I’m already doing my best, and being successful with my students, so what’s in it for me?” “I just do my thing in my classroom. I can’t control the entire school.” “I’m too new at this to be expected to do everything.” “There are so many challenges, it’s often overwhelming.” “The pressure of TAKS is what drives me most.” “If I can just get my kids to graduate, I’ve done my job.” “I’ve been doing this so long. I can’t change.” School Dynamics

  5. Some progressive thoughts… • If I join a focus group, maybe I’ll learn something useful and meet new colleagues. • If I push my students to be lifelong learners, shouldn’t I be the same? • Is there a better way out there? • Using wise practices makes everyone wiser. • I won’t allow myself to be the barrier to progress. • The best and worst thing about teaching is that you can always learn more, do more, achieve more.

  6. Furr is… Caring and nurturing Innovative Intelligent Well-staffed Committed to excellence Improving Furr can be… Exemplary Focused Successful for ALL students Setting the standard for research and wise practice THE BEST! The Furr Potential

  7. HSTW Technical Assistance Visit • “Snapshot” as seen by those external to your school. The team: • Interviewed students, teachers, parents, administrators and others • Observed classrooms • Reviewed data and plans • Heard presentations • Review of school and classroom practices • Baseline data • Use as a tool to further school improvement work

  8. Thank You • Team Members • Site Coordinator and Administrators • Teachers and students • The team wants to specifically recognize the students for their polite, positive attitudes. They were welcoming and undistracted by our presence.

  9. Scott Warren Rose Avalos Bena Kallick Robert Lann Perkins Lurlean Dixon Robin Raibon Kevin McDonald Saralyn Richard Martha Quijano Debra Rimmer-Majorca Willie Spencer Jean Hall TAV Team Members

  10. Components of theTAV Report • Promising Practices • Next Steps • Challenges and Action Steps

  11. Promising Practice: Increasing expectations and providing extra help • Daily objectives and student work were posted in most classrooms. • In a state where athletics is often emphasized, the Furr “Super Stars” are prominently displayed in the main entrance in caps and gowns. • Most teachers kept students involved in lessons, not permitting anyone to opt out. • High expectations were evident in cosmetology and CAST classes, where math and science concepts were being taught. • One teacher said, “I care about how many of my students complete college, not how many go. I try to give projects that require the high level work to prepare students for life.” • Several high level lessons and assignments were observed, especially in the magnet school classes. • Smart boards were in use in several classrooms. • Furr has hired a new math teacher to pull out repeated failed students for test preparation tutorials during the second semester. One math teacher had tutorial times posted on his door, and an English teacher provides re-teaching and extra help during 6th period daily. Another math teacher invites students to use calculators and work on their homework in his classroom during lunch periods. • The REACH program provides credit recovery opportunities, and several regular teachers cross over to work with REACH students during the school day. • Life Skills students are given assistance in searching for jobs and writing resumes by an employment director. • The 2006 TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) scores for Furr made AYP (adequate yearly progress). YAY!!!

  12. Promising Practice:Continuous review and revision of the academic and career/tech curriculum to meet student needs • The CAST program has an alliance with the American General Contractors Association and an internship with Baylor University. Building trades classes are receiving OSHA training for certification in December. • The dual credit computer maintenance students are working toward A+ certification. • Another dual credit course in math is offered in cooperation with Houston Community College. • The AVID program expectations and strategies are being used in ESL, PE, and other classes. • Coop students have jobs as Shell, Exxon, the Houston Chronicle, banks, and other institutions. • Literacy strategies, including the use of lexiles to evaluate reading materials throughout the school, have resulted in eliminating textbooks in favor of a standards-based curriculum, and the use of literature and poetry in the ESL classes. • Classes in Russian are producing students who are successfully competing at the state level. • An English teacher, who noticed his students were having difficulty understanding humor in the written word, developed a unit in understanding written humor, culminating in a project illustrating mastery of the concepts. • Two social studies teachers had students engaged in gubernatorial debates and pictorial riddles of famous Americans. • Daily journals were also required in several classes.

  13. Promising Practice: Several examples of students engaged in challenging learning Interdisciplinary lessons There was an art-English integrated project in one classroom. CAST classes were planning to build a fountain on campus, using English and math in its creation. High level math formulas were in use. Students were competing with their various designs; the winning design will be used. One social studies class has no tests, only projects and essays. A student said, “We do real stuff in here, not book stuff.” There was an integrated BCIS-science-math project. Integration of technology Smart boards were in use in several classes of different disciplines. Social studies class was doing research reports in four stages. The final stage was a Power Point. Cosmetology class uses five computers. Some classes incorporated music, Power Points, movie clips in student presentations. One class used EdMark software as enrichment.

  14. Promising Practice: Several examples of students engaged in challenging learning, continued Cooperative learning • Lots of examples of students working in pairs/groups in English and science. • AVID and REACH used common instructional practices. • Social studies class used animated, interactive discussions. • Life Skills teachers were giving excellent training in housekeeping tools, following directions, and controlling emotions. Advanced literacy and numeracy strategies across the curriculum • Use of Cornell notes, graphic organizers, pictorial representations of concepts, timelines. • World history class defined “paganism,” using literacy strategies. • Social studies class presented pictorial clues to describe famous Americans, attempting to stump the class and teacher with riddles. • Cosmetology students were required to do a daily journal related to a real-world setting. • High level assignments and assessments in English, plus commendations and recommendations for improvement. • Debates about gubernatorial elections were held. • Advanced assignment and assessment in dance; students performed and interpreted at high levels.

  15. Promising Practice: Commitment to developing a Guidance and Advisement System Efforts are underway at FHS to improve guidance and advisement to meet the needs of students and their parents. • FHS has a Go Center to encourage a college-bound culture. • REACH assignments have career orientations. • There is an ESL Parent Liaison who meets with parents, takes students to the Go Center, and advises students and parents about college matters. • A second counselor and a college access coordinator have been hired to assist in creating a college-bound culture. • Advocacy and Expedition sessions meet weekly to provide adult mentoring to students in mixed-grade groups.

  16. Promising Practice: Teachers have support of system of school leaders School and district administration are providing quality leadership and support to improve student achievement. • The leadership team participated in a mountain-climbing event in Colorado, from which came the school’s philosophy and mission statement. • To provide support for an instructional focus and embed professional development, the administrative structure was reorganized from one principal and two assistant principals to a principal and a team of professionals with various tasks. • Weekly book study creates common terminology and ideas. • The bi-weekly academy meetings and tri-weekly PLC meetings provide opportunities for exchanges of ideas and common practices. • The weekly gathering allows participants to reflect on specific topics, as well as to celebrate successes and reaffirm philosophy and goals. • Principal appoints teachers to an Instructional Council, which meets to improve instruction in all classrooms. • All leadership team members have been trained in and use Carolyn Downey’s reflective walkthrough strategies. • There is a nurturing environment for teachers. Those struggling are given extensive help in lesson planning, classroom management, and other professional development topics. • Board member expressed full support for any initiatives that would enhance student achievement at Furr. • Leadership team members expressed a willingness to work hard, work late, work on weekends, whatever it takes to “make Furr students soar.”

  17. Next Steps Planned by FHS • Take advantage of professional development from David Ramirez on how to use data (INOVA). • Build a Fine Arts magnet school for 2007-08. • Investigate implementing the Project Lead the Way course sequence as a high level C/T program. • Train teachers on more effective use of Smart Boards. • Expand the use of Achieve 3000 program. • Expand the AVID program strategies to include the entire school. • Participate in SIOP training to improve student readiness for college-preparatory coursework. • Develop leadership among staff members, including teacher-leaders and administrators, to improve support and sustainability of all school improvement initiatives.

  18. Challenge #1:To create a college-readiness culture for all students by raising academic expectations across the school. Set a goal to have 85 percent of graduating students complete a solid academic core add higher-level courses, such as dual credit, pre-AP and AP courses; Revise course offerings to ensure that all courses prepare students for college and career success; Institutionalize the AVID ideals for all students, across all curricula; Implement a redo policy and a re-teach policy; Work through the College Access Coordinator to train teachers on college readiness checklists, writing recommendations, conducting SAT preparation activities, and preparing FAFSA and other financial aid forms.

  19. Challenge #2: Engage students in rigorous instruction in all classrooms. • Deepen the schoolwide literacy focus through the use of SREB literacy goals and implement a school-wide plan for improvement in literacy across the curriculum. • Establish demonstration classrooms. • Provide staff development in the areas of asking higher level questions and cultivating higher level answers (Lynn Erickson’s Structure of Knowledge, Socratic seminar, project-based learning, and integration of academic and vocational instruction). • Continue to provide lesson planning training for those who need it. • Have all teachers present their best lessons at department and PLC meetings on a rotating schedule. • Set expectations for follow-up use of staff development strategies.

  20. Challenge #3: Create an improved guidance and advisement system, including a comprehensive counseling/guidance system. • Create a true developmental counseling program in which counselors and advocates: • Create four- to six-year plans and personal graduation plans, • Involve parents in student course planning and selection, • Host college and career fairs during the school day, and • Create a program of study booklet that articulates broad career concentrations and courses students should take to meet business and industry standards. • Make broader use of the Bridges career exploration software. • Consider making Furr an SAT and ACT test site. • Refine the advocacy/expedition program to concentrate on college/career readiness, including a parent involvement component.

  21. Challenge #4: Improve the academy structure by upgrading academics and career/technical components. • Use surveys and community input to refine the academy structure to fit the size of the school and the needs of the students. • Reorganize leadership around the new academy format to ensure that each has an instructional leader, counselor, disciplinarian. • Adopt new kinds of career/technical (CT) programs, such as Project Lead the Way, that challenge students with rigorous academics and a career focus. • Require every student to complete four courses in either a math-science, a humanities, or a career/technical concentration.

  22. Challenge #5: Create an intervention program for extra help for all students, particularly for seniors failing TAKS. • Create a systematic plan for continous re-teaching and redoing of work to meet standards, making sure the emphasis is on acceleration rather than remediation. • Consider an embedded extra help period within the school day in an effort to make additional instruction mandatory. • Investigate the use of online assistance programs, content-area study teams, a mastery approach to algebra providing variable learning time, and use of community tutoring programs.

  23. Challenge #6: Continue working to create an effective ninth-grade transition program. • Designate an administrator and counselor to focus solely on the needs of freshmen. • Support ninth-graders with effective orientation, including tours during the eighth grade year, welcoming newsletters describing the freshman opportunities and teaching staff (also produced in Spanish), peer tutors, upperclass mentors, and a strong advocacy curriculum. • Consider reinstating summer bridge programs, and double periods of English and mathematics for those who may need extra time. • Select a team of English and math teachers to participate in SREB’s 9th grade transition course training in the summer of 2007, implementing the courses in Fall, 2007.

  24. Summary of Challenges • The overriding challenge for FHS is to create a college-readiness culture for all students by raising academic expectations across the school. • To engage students in rigorous instruction in all classrooms. • To create an improved guidance and advisement system, including a comprehensive counseling/guidance system. • To improve the academy structure by upgrading academics and career/technical programs. • To create an intervention program for extra help for all students, particularly for seniors who have failed TAKS. • To continue to create a ninth-grade transition program.

  25. What’s Next? • Review all data including TAV report • Establish teacher focus teams • Use your data to select and prioritize action steps • Develop/integrate new three-year action plans and get faculty support • Steps • Interim Timelines and Benchmarks • Resources • Evidence of implementation’s impact; Results

  26. Working Together to Make Furr Soar (make the Furr fly)! Many resources, one goal • TAV Team • Texas High School Project • SREB and High Schools That Work Network • Latest research on wise practices • Dedicated and enthusiastic faculty and staff at Furr • Parents and community who support improvement • Above all, students who deserve our very best efforts!

  27. TAV Team Appreciation and Support The Technical Assistance Team wishes to thank you for your hospitality, cooperation, and helpfulness during the site visit. THANK YOU! Support: Dr. Simmons, Principal Mr. Serenil and Ms. Wiggins, Asst. Principals Ms. Whitford, School Improvement Facilitator Ms. Borzon, Literacy Coach Mr. Sondhi, College Access Coordinator Department Chairs and PLC Facilitators Counselors, Title I Coordinator Ms. Avalos, THSP Program Manager Ms. Richard, THSP School Improvement Consultant

  28. Saralyn RichardSchool Improvement Consultant • Contact information: Phone: (409)744-2811 Fax: (409)740-1533 Email: saralyn.richard@sreb.org

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