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The Unsinkable Wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic

Family Times. The Unsinkable Wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic. Daily Questions. Prior Knowledge. Graphic Sources. Vocabulary. Dictionary/Glossary. Predictions. Guided Comprehension. Main Idea. Mood. Independent Readers. Shipwreck Season. Additional Resources. Language Skills.

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The Unsinkable Wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic

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  1. Family Times The Unsinkable Wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic Daily Questions Prior Knowledge Graphic Sources Vocabulary Dictionary/Glossary Predictions Guided Comprehension Main Idea Mood Independent Readers Shipwreck Season Additional Resources Language Skills

  2. Study Skills Genre: Narrative Nonfiction Vocabulary Strategy: Dictionary/Glossary Comprehension Skill: Graphic Sources Comprehension Strategy: Ask Questions

  3. Question of the Week: How does technology help adventurers reach new places? Daily Questions: Why did Dr. Ballard want to study the Titanic? Do you think Ballard would’ve been able to explore the wreck of the Titanic without Alvin and Jason Junior? Explain. Would you like to be a surfman? Why or why not?

  4. Language Skills Daily Fix It Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Transparency: Adjectives and Articles Practice Book Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Spelling Strategy Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Writing Workshop Reading Writing ConnectionWriting Prompt Writer’s CraftEditing and Revising

  5. Language Skills

  6. Language Skills Day 1 Daily Fix It Have you saw an movie called Titanic? Have you seen a movie called Titanic? It tells the story of the famous reck of an huge ship. It tells the story of the famous wreck of a huge ship.

  7. Day 2 Daily Fix It The crew worrys that the yaht will sink in the storm. The crew worries that the yacht will sink in the storm. A flud of water gushed in threw the hole in the stern. A flood of water gushed in through the hole in the stern. Language Skills

  8. Day 3 Daily Fix It Angshous passengers of the titanic began to doubt that it was unsinkable. Anxious passengers of the Titanic began to doubt that it was unsinkable. Because the big ship could not turn quickly the iceberg striked the edge of the hull. Because the big ship could not turn quickly, the iceberg struck the edge of the hull. Language Skills

  9. Language Skills Day 4 Daily Fix It Did any of the survivors wrote a book. Did any of the survivors write a book? We can learn a lesson from this disaster do not place too much confidence in tecnology. We can learn a lesson from this disaster. Do not place too much confidence in technology.

  10. Day 5 Daily Fix It 1. Underwater exploration is a interesting science. That I will study someday. Underwater exploration is an interesting science that I will study someday. The wreck of the Titanic was the most terriblest tragedy at sea? The wreck of the Titanic was the most terrible tragedy at sea. Language Skills

  11. Language Skills

  12. Language Skills

  13. Language Skills

  14. Language Skills

  15. Language Skills Spelling Strategy Secret Pronunciations Pronouncing a word correctly won’t work for a word like doubt. Use the “secret pronunciation” strategy. Step 1: Pronounce any silent letters to yourself. For example, say the silent n in condemn. Step 2: Exaggerate or change the sound in the word, for example: Say de pot for depot.

  16. Language Skills

  17. Language Skills

  18. Language Skills

  19. Language Skills

  20. Language Skills

  21. Language Skills

  22. Language Skills Writing Prompt Think of a problem you or a local group have to solve. Describe the problem in exact, clear words. Then explain your plan to solve it.

  23. Language Skills • Editing/Revising Checklist • Did I use persuasive words to explain my solution? • Did I use adjectives and articles accurately and effectively? • Have I spelled words with silent or unusual letters correctly?

  24. Activate Prior Knowledge Titanic K W L The Titanic was a luxury ship that sank. Scientist are still exploring the remains of the Titanic. Why did it sink? How are scientists able to study the wreck?

  25. Graphic Sources: Graphic sources include charts, tables, graphs, maps, illustrations, and photographs. Before reading, look closely at graphic sources that accompany a selection. They will give you an idea of what you will read.

  26. Ask Questions: Asking yourself questions before, during, and after reading and then reading to find answers to those questions can help you understand and recall what you read. For example, before reading “Shipwreck,” you might ask, “What do the title and the map tell me the selection will be about?” You can also use graphic sources during and after reading to help you understand the text.

  27. Write Read “Shipwreck.” As you read, write questions you think you should ask yourself to help you remember the important information in the selection. Write a paragraph telling how the map of the Titanic’s final resting place helped you to understand the selection.

  28. Vocabulary Word List Cramped Debris Interior Ooze Robotic Sediment Sonar Introduce Vocabulary What vocabulary words match the following clues. Which word describes what you might find at the bottom of a pond? Which word means the opposite of exterior? Which word describes what it feels like inside a crowded room? Which word describes a scientific tool that is useful for underwater explorations?

  29. Cramped Shut into a small space.

  30. Debris Scattered fragments; ruins; rubbish

  31. Interior Inner surface or part; inside

  32. Ooze A soft mud or slime, especially at the bottom of a pond or river or on the ocean bottom.

  33. Robotic Of or for a machine with moving parts and sensing devices controlled by a computer.

  34. Sediment Material that settles to the bottom of a liquid.

  35. Sonar A device for finding the depth of water or for detecting and locating underwater objects.

  36. More Words to Know: Ascent: the act of going up Intact: with nothing missing or broken; whole Viewpoint: a small window in a small vessel

  37. Practice Lesson Vocabulary: Yes or No If your foot is cramped inside a shoe is it comfortable? Does sonar help a ship go faster? Would you be likely to find sediment at the bottom of a lake? Fill in the blank. The bottom of the pond was covered with slimy ______________. The ______________ left over from the construction site made a huge mess. The machine’s ______________ hands filled the boxes on the assembly line.

  38. Vocabulary Strategy (p. 538) Dictionary/Glossary Sometimes the sentences around an unfamiliar word don’t have context clues to help you find its meaning. Then you should look up the word in a dictionary or glossary. Follow these steps. Look to see whether the book has a glossary. If not, then use a dictionary. Find the word entry. If the pronunciation is given, read it aloud. You may recognize the word when you hear yourself say it. Look over all the meanings listed in the entry. Try each meaning in the sentence with the unfamiliar word. Choose the meaning that makes sense in your sentence. As you read “In the Ocean Deeps,” use a dictionary or the glossary to find the meanings of words you cannot figure out from the text.

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