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t he end game. Revelation: The End Game Week 2: THE end is NEAR Why that title? What does that expression mean? The End Game is actually an expression that comes from Chess. It is used in the context of the strategy you need to win the game. .
Revelation: The End Game Week 2: THE endis NEAR Why that title? What does that expression mean? The End Game is actually an expression that comes from Chess. It is used in the context of the strategy you need to win the game.
Involves the king, the pawns and the use of Bishops. The concept, however, of the End Game in the book of Revelation is similar to that of chess. How are we going to win? It too involves the King, kings, pawns and bishops! The End Game is simply defining what winning the game looks like. The End Game is beginning with the end in sight.
As a believer, we know 2 things: We are living in the Last Days. We will win! We have read the end of the Book, and we win! Jesus is the Victor and satan has been defeated andwill finally be destroyed. But, what are the steps that lead up to the climax of the ages? Revelationdetails them. That is what we are going to examine as we go through this book.
Let’s review the 10 reasons why we are living in the final generation. These events have not been fulfilled in any other generation: The Rebirth of Israel in 1948 (the lesson of the Fig Tree) Restoration of Hebrew (Zeph. 3:9) Arab-Israeli Conflict (Psalm 83:2-8) Return of the Ethiopian Jew (Zeph. 3:10 & Isaiah 43:6) Incredible Fertility of Israel (Is. 27:6)
Knowledge & Travel Shall Increase (Dan. 12:4) Technology & the Mark of the Beast Instant Global Television (Rev. 11:9-10) The Rebuilding of Jerusalem (Jer. 31:38-40) Prophetic Signs among the Newly Reached
Tonight, we need to first answer the questions of Why and How? Let me begin by saying that I know we have people on all different levels here. I need to walk that delicate balance between the 2. PRAY FOR ME!
Why should we study the Book of Revelation? Revelation 1:3—God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and He blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near. 5 reasons & 3 Come from this verse. The Time is Near! Revelation is apic. of how it is going to end. 10 Reasons—THE Time is NEAR!
You never put a book down before reading the last chapter or leave a play as the closing act is about to begin. • But, that is what most believers have done. • They have walked out before the grand finale. • They are afraid to look at Revelation because of • its apparent confusing terminology & • the differing of opinions on interpreting it. • 2 impressions: • If scholars can’t agree, how can I? • I am going to be raptured, so why do I care?
That is a cop-out attitude. • Why would God gives us a Bible that is clear and easy to understand and then throw a book in at the end that is confusing? • 3 Thoughts— • 2 Timothy3:16 – All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. • All Scripture, including Revelation, is inspired and profitable for teaching. • We are capable of understanding Revelation.
1 Corinthians 14:3– For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. (NKJV) • If God is not the author of confusion, who is? • Satan • Do you not think that this is his plan? • He does not want us to understand the teachings of this book. Why? • He knows what it will produce in us if we do! • Peace & Joy • Purity • Evangelistic Zeal
Revelation 1:1 – This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place. (NLT) • The word revelationis opposite to confusion. • Revelationin the Greek is apokalupsis. • It means: an unveiling or uncovering. • It is similar to the unveiling of a work of art. • This book is not to confuse, but to open our eyes to see what is going to happen at the end. • It unveils Jesus as He really is—the King!
Why study Revelation? Revelation 1:3—God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and He blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near.
2. He blesses all who listen. • Here is how the Amplified says this: • and blessed (happy, to be envied) are those who hear [it read] and who keep themselves true to the things which are written in it [heeding them and laying them to heart], (AMP) • In other words, blessed are those who hear it and allow the words to impact their lives. • Armed with this information it should motivate us in 2 ways:
Live holy and productive lives. • It should give us cause to live holy lives in the midst of an unholy generation. • Having a focus helps to say, No, to temptation. • It is when we don’t have a focus or vision that we easily fall for anything. • One of the reasons I was able to stay pure as a young man was because I knew I had a call on my life. • It gave me purpose and a good reason to say No!
The same is true with the impact of knowing what is about to unfold. • It gives us a clear purpose and reason to say, No!, to temptation. • It is gives us a clear motivation—a reason! • Share our faith and work to spread the Gospel around the world. • The time is short &the Message must get out! • It should light a fire under us to pray and work to bring the lost into the Kingdom. • Give urgency & not a safe, snug feeling.
Far from leading to spiritual escapism, knowing that the Lord could return at any moment should motivate us to live in spiritual purity and to witness with urgency to the lost while there is still time.
God blesses the one who reads this prophecy! • For no other reason to study the book of Revelation, this verse promises a blessing! • The devil does not want us to be blessed! • To him ignorance is bliss! • He wants you to be in the dark to the liberating truth of this book! • That is how he controls the masses—he deceives to the truth.
Blessedcan also be translated as happy. • When looking at what is going on the world right now, most people are quite fearful— • economic collapse • nuclear weapons falling the hands of terrorists • natural disasters • super viruses that are resistant to antibiotics • cancer • Etc. • The world is anything but happy.
But, Knowledge is power! • If you know the truth aboutthe end and that God is our protector, it will give you peace in your heart and make you happy! • It will make your heart smile!
How do we interpret this book? • Let’s start with the most important point first: • Focus: The Revelation of Jesus • Revelation 1:1 – The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show His servants what must soon take place. (NIV) • Revelation—What do you think of? • Armageddon • the mark of the beast • the Antichrist • the plagues
Notice who is missing? • Jesus! • Jesus dominates this book! • Look at that verse again—The revelation of Jesus Christ. • This is the revelation or the unveiling of Jesus Christ. • Since Jesus is the central theme of Revelation, you can understand why there is a great blessing attached to this prophecy.
3 Views of Jesus in the New Testament: • Gospel View – He isthe God-Man who came to take away the sins of the world—the Lamb. • Epistle View – He is seen as the Head of the Church. • You see Him as He relates to us today. • Revelation View – He is seenas the triumphant Lord—the Lion. • He is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. • Hewill reign forever in the Kingdom of God. • Knowing Jesus in His fullness is awesome!
Answering the Question: How do you interpret Revelation? • The Literal, Plain Truth is the Best Method • This is where the majority of the difficulty with this book comes from. • There are generally 3 basic ways people approach their interpretation: • Historical Method – The events happened before the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. • They claim Revelation was written in AD 68 and not AD 96.
Apostle John – Polycarp • Polycarp – Justin Martyr • Justin Martyr confirmed AD 96 date • Spiritual/Allegorical Method – The book has a spiritual, mysterious and allegorical meaning. • Because of this, there is no consistency in interpreting this book. • Origen and St. Augustine popularized this method around AD 350. • It dominated the church for centuries until the Protestant Reformation.
Origen was from Alexandria, Egypt, and he was influenced by the GreekGnostics who spiritualized everything. • They had secrets and hidden knowledge. • God doesn’t work that way—He is always plain, simple and is not exclusive. • Literal Method – this is the preferential method of Jesus &the Apostles. • I choose this method myself. • The Scriptures are to be interpreted literally unless the passage tells us otherwise.
There are 3 reasons I take this approach: • Early Church took this view. • It was not until the AD 350’s did the allegorical method come into play. • And, only by those who had been influenced by Greek Mysticism. • There are over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament pertaining to Jesus’ 1stComing. • All were interpreted in the Gospels as literal. • None were spiritual or allegorical.
Jesus and the apostles, who wrote the New Testament, always interpreted the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets as literal. • For example, Matthew recorded that the soldiers gambled for Jesus’ garments. • This was predicted literally in Psalm 22:18 – They divide My garments among themand cast lots for My clothing. (NIV)
A study of the hundreds of fulfilled Old & New Testament prophecies reveals that ALL were fulfilled in a literal manner. • None were allegorical or spiritual. • Thus, we can have confidence that the remaining prophecies in Scripture will be fulfilled in a literal manner as well. • The impact of this method! • Once it was reinstituted by the Reformers, it has led to the literal explosion of the spread of the Gospel around the world!
Several Examples: • Sir Isaac Newton – many believe was the greatest scientist to ever live. • Formulated the Law of Gravity and Calculus • He actually studied the Bible more than he did science. • He wrote of his belief that in the last days God would raise up men who would devote their efforts to the study of the prophetic portions of the Scripture and will insist upon their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition. (1600’s)
Pre-Millennial– Jesus is coming back before His literal 1,000 year reign on earth. • Early 1800’s the Church awakened to this. • It reawakened the Church to missions and evangelism. • John & Charles Wesley & the Wesleyan Revival • This revival produced a social revolution in England and in the U.S. • It led to universal education, Sunday school movement, charitable hospitals, labor laws to protect women and children, and the abolition of slavery. • William Wilberforce was challenged by Wesley and motivated by thebelief in the imminent return of Jesus.
As I stated before, the belief in the soon returning Christ, should motivate Christians to • live pure lives and • to share their faith with a sense of urgency! • Final Revelation Facts: • Author—the Apostle John • When—AD 96 • Where—Isle of Patmos • Exiled by Emperor Domitian • Just would not die—Boiling, Hot Oil Bath! • God was not through with him!