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Procedures for Starting This Session. Sign in, put on your name tag & pick up an agenda Get some food from the back room Rank your knowledge of the Common Core State Standards – Literacy in the Content Areas
Procedures for StartingThis Session • Sign in, put on your name tag & pick up an agenda • Get some food from the back room • Rank your knowledge of the Common Core State Standards – Literacy in the Content Areas • Place a colored dot (MS = blue & HS = green) on the continuum. • Continuum is on east wall.
Common Core State Standards Literacy in Science and Social Studies Allegan AESA
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Strategy: Quick Write Why do YOU do what you do? What keeps you at this work?
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Today’s Outcomes: • Introduce the background and structure of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) – Literacy in Content Areas. • Interact with the CCSS document and support materials in order to become familiar with the standards. • Understand the SMARTER Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Framework and its implications on instruction. • Learn how to interact with colleagues using MOODLE.
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Today’s Agenda: • Career and College Readiness Standards – Overview (Literacy in the History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects) • SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) – sample assessments • Using MOODLE to keep connected in between sessions
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Introduction Exercise
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Understanding the Common Core Find someone not at your table from a different district. You will be working with this partner for the next half hour. • Strategies: • A-B Pair Share • Read Silently, Simultaneously
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Introduction: Page 3 Read paragraph 3 which focuses on the criteria for the CCSS. • How is this different from the way we have set standards in the past? Partner A • What are the implications of a College and Career Ready measure? Partner B
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Introduction: Page 3 Read paragraph 5. Silently, Simultaneously • Why & how science and social studies are included? Partner A
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Introduction: Page 4 Read and highlight these sections on Key Design Considerations: • A focus on results rather than means • Research and media skills blended into the Standards as a whole • Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development Read silently, simultaneously
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Introduction: Page 4 Key Design Considerations: • How is this similar to what is happening in your school? Partner B
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): Introduction, Pg. 5 How do these percentages compare to your answers on the formative assessment? Thank your partner.
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Writing Standards: • Exploring the Anchor Standards • Literacy in Science /Social Studies • Looking Across Grade Spans • Looking Down a Grade Level
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Exploring the Anchor Standards: • Anchor standards 1 & 2 are the types of writing. • Anchor standards 4-9 describe how writing should look and how it is done. • Anchor standard 10 describes when and for what purposes students write.
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Writing Standards: • Exploring the Anchor Standards • Literacy in Science and Social Studies • Looking Across Grade Spans • Looking Down a Grade Level
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Writing Standards: • Exploring the Anchor Standards • Literacy in Science and Social Studies • Looking Across Grade Spans • Looking Down a Grade Level
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Writing Standards: • Exploring the Anchor Standards • Literacy in Science • Looking Across Grade Spans • Looking Down a Grade Level
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Looking at the assessments SBAC samples
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Looking at 4th grade “Sharks” example: • Using the K-5 writing standards link them to your grade level – What is the skill progression?
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Looking at 4th grade “Sharks” example: Strategy: FQR (Fact, Question, Respond) • Using your graphic organizer review this sample assessment and make connections to current practices you currently use at your grade level. • Fact: What facts do you see? • Question: What questions arise as you read? • Respond: What connections or thoughts do you have?
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Break into Content Specific Groups Strategy: Text Review • Center Box: name and grade level of assessment • 4 boxes: • Task Requirements to be Proficient • DOK and Type of Writing • What challenges do you see as a teacher? • What benefits do you see for your students?
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Strategy: Whip Around • What was your big “A-ha”? • 30 seconds or less
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Resources: • http://www.corestandards.org • The assessment consortium of which Michigan is a member http://www.smarterbalanced.org • Excellent adolescent literacy resources including CCSS information http://www.missionliteracy.com/ • MDE CCSS information http://bit.ly/mdecc • ACT’s Reading Behind the Lines http://biy.ly/actcomplex
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Resources: Allegan AESA CCSS Resource Warehouse http://aaesa.wikispaces.com/ Amy Oliver Aoliver@alleganaesa.org Pam Rickli Prickli@alleganaesa.org Phone: (269) 673-2161
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Resources: AAESA Instructional Services MOODLE http://ismoodle.alleganaesa.org This is the Asynchronous portion of the Secondary Content Writing Series. You can log into the course anytime, anywhere there is internet.
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies The purpose for using the moodle site is to keep you connected in between meetings and beyond! We are also using it as a way to model a technology integration strategy.
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Go to http://ismoodle.alleganaesa.org • Click on ‘create a new account’ • You will need to fill out a short form • Check your email for confirmation • Clicking on the link in email will take you back to Moodle and you will be logged in!
CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies Exit Slip: • For our next meeting, what is at the top of your “wish list” to move your learning forward? • What conversations about writing in the content area do you plan on having back in your district?