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Developing Integrated Youth Support Services in Leicestershire

Developing Integrated Youth Support Services in Leicestershire. Neil Hanney Senior Strategy Manager Integrated Youth Support Leicestershire County Council. The Integrated Youth Offer links with many elements of the ECM agenda and Targeted Youth Support cannot be delivered without these.

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Developing Integrated Youth Support Services in Leicestershire

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  1. Developing Integrated Youth Support Servicesin Leicestershire Neil Hanney Senior Strategy Manager Integrated Youth Support Leicestershire County Council

  2. The Integrated Youth Offer links with many elements of the ECM agenda and Targeted Youth Support cannot be delivered without these • Targeted youth support • Information, advice & guidance • Positive activities • Community & volunteering By December 08 to reform radically support services for vulnerable young people and their families Youth matters Integrated youth support services Targeted youth support Extended services Children’s centres Common Assessment Framework Lead Professional 14-19 Next Steps Workforce development Respect National Service Framework Commiss-ioning Building Schools for the Future NEET, drugs, parenting etc strategies Teenage Pregnancy Strategy 2

  3. Why make changes? Government expectation that partners transform leisure-time opportunities and support services. Even for high performing authorities like ours • Improve life chances of all young people • Emphasis on a more preventative system • Build resilience • Intervene sooner when problems arise

  4. Active involvement of partners • Guided by IYSS Steering Group • Reported to 13+ Group, CYP Exec and CYP Board • Each partner agency responsible for engaging their own staff in discussions and keeping them up to speed • Draft recommendations and consultation • Revised recommendations • Working on an Implementation Plan

  5. Leicestershire’s Approach to Integrated working • Brings together a number of policy areas: the common assessment framework, extended services, the development of school partnerships to improve behaviour and reduce absence and the developing role of area special schools. • The approach is based on the ‘windscreen of need’ model which describes both additional needs and provision made for children and young people with varying levels of difficulty.

  6. Integrated Working in Leicestershire

  7. AN AGREED APPROACH TO IYSS DELIVERY • Part of a larger agenda of local integration • Not create a new service called IYSS • Partner agencies should improve how we currently operate as a ‘network’ using local knowledge and data to plan, commission and deliver services at a local level • A local youth offer that is available for all and with a planned emphasis towards vulnerable young people

  8. AN AGREED APPROACH TO IYSS DELIVERY • IYSS should cover the secondary school age range • Extended Services Locality Partnership Groups might expand their brief to incorporate IYSS • Partner resources are re-focussed • Explore the potential of co-location • Create multi-agency ‘hubs’ for service delivery and staff work bases, with strong outreach capacity

  9. TARGETED YOUTH SUPPORT (TYS) • For individuals experiencing difficulties and for groups with high risk factors • TYS network further enhanced within each locality • All partner agencies identify a nominated link worker to liaise with TYS network • Agencies identify how they will increase the capacity to contribute to TYS in each locality.

  10. Existing targeted work will form part of a bigger picture of TYS Preventative group work Commissioned work from VCS Links with schools/FE Outreach IAG Targeted Universal Positive Activities &Youth Work Universal Targeted Generate CAF when necessary Act as Lead Professional Links to local Health Managers Support CAF exits Link to wider Family Support Joint work with YOS Prevention Priority neighbourhoods Targeted Voice of YP work

  11. Targeted Youth Support TYS supports transition into Universal for YP who also access Tier 2,3 or 4 services. Will provide targeted group work and individual support in response to needs identified at higher tiers A focus on Prevention and Intervention at tier 2

  12. Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance • Core business for Connexions • Continuing focus on progression • 13-19 vertical case loading • Universal via PAs working in schools, Connexions offices, web, literature • Meet IAG quality standards • Connexions continue SLAs with schools • Ensure impartial IAG • Enhance Careers Education and broader IAG in universal settings e.g. schools/colleges • Other agencies also offering IAG e.g Health, Housing, VCS

  13. Aiming High- Positive Activities The duty on local authorities to secure access to positive activities • sufficient educational leisure-time activities which are for the improvement of young peoples’ well-being; and • sufficient recreational leisure-time activities which are for the improvement of their well-being. These are referred to in the legislation as ‘positive leisure-time activities’. Youth Service is by no means the only provider of these activities Positive activities can build resilience and social and emotional skills. A national indicator to monitor increasing the proportion of young people participating in positive activities

  14. Aiming High- Positive Activities • Increase local co-ordination capacity • Get to know what’s out there and spot gaps • Check what YP want and like and involve them • Co-ordinate to fill gaps and avoid duplication • Engage and support VCS • Publicise and promote activities • Increase mobile/outreach provision • Link with ‘v’ programme for young volunteers • Know total resource available in a District • Local shaping of commissioning – even if actual task done centrally: a local forum to agree • Help grow the ‘market’- Support for new community groups/volunteers • Safeguarding and Quality assurance

  15. Making a Positive Contribution • The Pyramid of Participation should be the preferred system for involving young people • Active involvement reinforced through the implementation of the Hear By Right framework by all partners • The Youth Service will be the lead agency for supporting the County Youth Council (CYCLe) • Youth Service to develop SLAs with local partners for supporting District Youth Councils

  16. Two Pilots next year February 2009 to end of June 2009 Hinckley & Bosworth and NW Leics

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