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Progress of Redemption ACT 2, Step 1: Transition. Step 1: Transition (Acts 1-12; 4 Stages, 2 Passages). Progress of Redemption ACT 2, Introduction. I will build My Church!. Go & make disciples. I. Step 1: Transition (Acts 1-12; 4 Stages, 2 Passages) A. The Historical Transition.
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Step 1: Transition Step 1: Transition (Acts 1-12; 4 Stages, 2 Passages)
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction I will build My Church! Go & make disciples I. Step 1: Transition(Acts 1-12; 4 Stages, 2 Passages)A. The Historical Transition Increasing Multitudes 3000 5000 Greatly Still centered in Jerusalem, but...
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction God gives jump start! Stephen stoned, forced out of temple & Jerusalem I. Step 1: Transition(Acts 1-12; 4 Stages, 2 Passages)A. The Historical Transition (continued) Saul/Paul & Peter Insiders called it the “Way” Christian only used 3x in NT Only 2 visits Jerusalem looses emphasis
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction B. Four Stages PentecostPaul SavedUnclean AnimalPaul & Barnabas VisionMissionary Trips
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction II. Two Additional Passages A. Matthew 21:33-39 Taking Away and Giving (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants) 1. A Land Owner: God(see vs. 42-46;Isaiah 5:1-7) The Lord had a vineyard on a fruitful hill Plowed it up, abandoned it, “not raining on it” - Biblical idiom for “lost blessing of God” 2. The Tenants: The Jewish Leaders (vs 45) Didn’t pay rent, killed messengers, the killed the son (heir)
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction 3. Question: When the Landowner comes, what will he do to the tenants? Answer: Bring the wretches to a wretched end (v. 41a) The Jews Rent the vineyard to other tenants (v. 41b) The Gentiles 4. A “Progress” interpretation of this parable: The role of “redemptive channel” is taken away from Israel (the nation) and given to the church!
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction B. Romans 9-11
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction 1. Has God Failed?(Romans 9) a. Paul’s great sorrow for-> the Israelites, to whom belong… …adoption as sons … the divine glory … the covenant … the receiving of the law … the temple … the promise … the patriarchs … the human ancestry of Christ
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction (He is willing to be lost if it meant that Israel could be saved.) b. Question: Has God’s Word (Promise) failed? Has He broken His word? Answer: “It is not as though the word of God has failed.” (Romans 9:6) Israel would not do it God’s way! They tried to gain acceptance by works instead of faith!
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction c. Question: Is God unjust? Has God’s character failed? Answer: God has the right to redeem the world His Way! [See Romans 9:16-22, 23-29; Matthew 21:42; John 1:11.] 2. Did Israel Fail? (Romans 10) a. Paul’s heart They (Israel) “My heart’s desire * Are zealous but with- and prayer to God out knowledge for the Israelites is * Sought their own that they might be righteousness saved.” * Did not submit to God’s righteousness.
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction b. Question: So, did God fail?? (Romans 9) [ ] Yes [ X ] No Question: But, did Israel fail? (Romans 10) [ X ] Yes [ ] No Because not all Israelites accepted Christ 3. Has God rejected His people? (Romans 11:1-6) [ ] Yes [ X ] No There is yet still a remnant!
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction 4. Did Israel stumble so as to fall? Romans 11:11-22) (Was the purpose of their fall only to discipline them?) Answer: [ ] Yes [ X ] No
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Introduction 5. Is this the end of Israel? (Romans 11:12-29) Answer: [ ] Yes [ X ] No At the fullness of time of the Gentiles, all Israel will be saved! III. Concluding Doxology (Romans 11:33-36) Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or has been His counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.
Progress of RedemptionACT 2, Step 1: Transition Step 1: Transition (Acts 1-12; 4 Stages, 2 Passages)