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Understanding the Immune System: Vaccines, Allergies & Disorders

Learn about the immune system's response to pathogens, allergies, autoimmune disorders, and immune deficiencies, including HIV/AIDS. Discover how vaccines and memory cells work, the impact of allergies, and the progression of HIV to AIDS.

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Understanding the Immune System: Vaccines, Allergies & Disorders

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  1. IMMUNE SYSTEM III PP. 961-966 & 970-972

  2. VACCINES • Using a weakened form of a pathogen to initiate an immune response to create memory cells

  3. ALLERGIES • Allergens: cause allergies • Over-reaction of the immune system to a harmless invader)

  4. IMMUNE DISORDERS • Autoimmune: The immune system attacks their own body cells as though they were pathogens. EX. Rheumatoid Arthritis

  5. Immune deficiency: the immune system's ability to fight infectious disease is compromised or entirely absent • HIV: human immunodeficiency virus • AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome): weakened immune system caused by the infection of HIV HIV ≠ AIDS

  6. HIV • Caused by a retrovirus 1. Enzymes to transcribe its RNA to DNA 2. New DNA inserted into host cell’s DNA 3. Host cell now makes proteins to assemble more HIV viruses

  7. AIDS

  8. Transmission: fluid containing the virus or cells with the virus (blood, sexually, breast-feeding) • Course of the disease Phase I: (asymptomatic) few or no symptoms Phase II: worsening of symptoms Phase III: T-cell count goes below 200 cells/mL (normal 600-700) • People with AIDS die from opportunistic infections (diseases that only strike because of a weakened immune system)

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