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Explore Polish culture and traditions such as Santa Claus bringing gifts on December 6th, Fat Thursday's indulgent treats, the Sinking of Marzanna, Palm Sunday palm traditions, Easter egg painting, Easter Saturday church visits, Wet Monday's water fun, and Mayday celebrations. Discover St. John's Night, St. Andrew's fortune-telling, Miners' Day, and All Saints' Day cemetery customs. Dive into the rich tapestry of Polish folklore and celebrations!

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  2. Who and When brings Gifts to Polish Children during Christmas Season In some regions of Poland the gifts are given to the children only on December 6th - since St. Nicolaus called also Santa Claus is a patron of this day. But in the majority of houses children (and adults) can expect gifts twice- on December 6th and also on Christmas Eve. The atmosphere of this feast is different than the atmosphere of Christmas eve since December 6th is a normal working day. Whereas Christmas is usually celebrated as a family feast.

  3. Delicious Food for Fat Thursday The Thursday before Ash Wednesday is celebrated as Fat Thursday - Tlusty Czwartek . On this is the day when you forget about your diet and eat mountains of donuts (paczki) and all the other things fat, greasy, sweet, full of cholesterol, generally unhealthy, and mmmmm.... delicious.

  4. Sinking of Marzanna Winters in Poland were long and unforgiving. Therefore people are longing for spring. One of the ancient and pagan habits that supposedly was helping to get rid of winter was "sinking of Marzanna". Kids made a doll from old grass and tree branches and take it to the river. They burn the doll and throw her into the river. The symbolic meaning of this ceremony is to get rid of winter therefore it is performed in early spring.

  5. Palm Sunday Traditions Palm Sunday niedziela palmowa is called also The Sunday of the Lord's Passion. Here we will focus mainly on the tradition of Polish palms The most popular palms that people usually carry to the church are made of blooming pussy willows branches called bazie or kotki decorated with branches of birch, raspberry, currant and also some boxwood bukszpan, dry flowers and grass, ribbons and other decorations. In the Catholic Church the willow (Polish: wierzba) symbolizes the resurrection and the immortality of the soul.

  6. Art of Coloring Easter Eggs The Easter eggs are symbols of fertility and beginning of the new life. Some of the eggs were painted in traditional Polish folk patterns. These eggs were called "pisanki". Word "pisanki" comes from the root-word meaning "to write". Painting eggs is a multi-layered process of writing on an egg with hot beeswax, dying the egg, then finally melting and rubbing off the egg for a finished product.

  7. Easter Saturday in Poland Easter Saturday in Poland is a busy day. Every Polish family visits a church with a basket full of food products (a piece of bread, salt, sausage, egg - usually painted etc). Especially children love it! The baskets are then blessed by a priest.

  8. Wet Monday Smigus Dyngus (shming-oos-ding-oos) is an unusual tradition of Easter Monday. This day (Monday after Easter Sunday) is called also in Polish "Wet Monday", in Polish: "Mokry Poniedzialek" or "Lany Poniedzialek". Easter Monday is also a holiday in Poland. It was traditionally the day when boys tried to drench girls with squirt guns or buckets of water.

  9. A long Mayday weekend in Poland. May 1st - International Workers' Day May 2nd - Flag Day, it is also celebrated as a day of Polish immigration or Poles abroad, so called POLONIA DAY. May 3rd - The oldest feast is a feast of May 3rd which is devoted to the day of constitution, since the famous Constitution of the 3rd May was established on that day. Many people go on the outdoor trips during long Mayday weekend.

  10. St. John's Night At the end of June, at the time of Summer Solstice, when night is shortest and Nature bursts with blossoms and growth, we celebrate the Holiday of Fire and Water, also called Noc Kupaly. People gather at a fire, jumping through the fire, sing songs, dance and having lots of fun.

  11. Girls wore wreaths of flowers on their heads. If the burning wreath was thrown in the river and then pulled by a single man it might mean they are engaged.

  12. St. Andrew's Night There is a long tradition of fortune telling especially for non-married girls on the November 30th in Poland.The main purpose of Andrzejki celebrations is to predict the future of unmarried girl, especially her prospects for a good marriage. Presently people do not take seriously the fortune-telling during st. Andrew Day but this day is still celebrated because it is lots of fun

  13. Miners' Day (St. Barbara Day), One of the most celebrated days associated with workers group is St. Barbara's Day on December 4th. St. Barbara is a patron of coal miners. Miners are dressed in the special uniforms during Barbórka. The uniform consists of black suit and hat with a feather. The color of the feather depends on the rank of the miner.

  14. All Saints' Day in Poland, November 1st Poles take flowers (especially fall flowers like chrysanthemum), wreaths, candles and votive lights into the cemeteries where graves of family, friends or national heroes are. It is worth to mention that the cemeteries in Poland are different than in any country. Graves and tombs are big and very individualized.

  15. The atmosphere of All Saints' Day is unique. In the evening cemeteries are decorated in glowing and flickering colorful lights of countless candles.


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