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10 Ways to Decrease the Disruptive Effects of Major Life Cha


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10 Ways to Decrease the Disruptive Effects of Major Life Cha

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  1. 10WaystoDecreasetheDisruptiveEffectsofMajor LifeChallenges During theHolidays The holidays are alreadyastressful time.Let’s face it,theyare probablythe most stressfultimeof the year. Nomatter howmuch you love your family, they can also besome ofthe most stress-inducingpeople in your life, especially when you are goingthrough amajor lifechallenge like a career change, a divorce, or copingwith a disease. But holidaystress doesn’t just comefromyourfamily, or your circumstances, you can levyit on yourself with unrealistic expectationsor it can bubbleup asa result of pastbad experiences duringwhat shouldbe themostrelaxing, happy, and stress-freetimeof year. Instead of lettingstress rule your lifeduringthe holidayseason, we have ten ways to decrease the disruptive effectsofamajor life challengeduringthe holidays. Join theHolidayS.O.S Club.You’ll getfreeencouragement,tips, and talks right toyour inbox, includingeven more ways tofight stress and lessen the effect of lifechallenges duringtheholidayseason.The holidays—regardless ofwhich one(s) you celebrate–allcome with the samebasicneedsandstress-inducing demands…on top of what you are alreadydealingwith onadayto daybasisfacing your major life challenge!This holidayS.O.S. clubcanhelp. Changeyour outlook.Whiledealingwith alife challenge, itmayseem like the last thingyou want todo is be merry andbright, especially when everyone around you is caughtup inthehustle and bustle of theseason.

  2. Inreality, however, you canfindsomethingto bepositive and happy about,despite the challenge you maybefacing. Ifyou change your outlook and embrace the realityofwhat lifehas thrown at you,instead of simplydreadingthe worst thatcanhappen, you’refarmore likelytofind joyand peaceduring the holidayseason,despitethe lifechallenge you arefacing. Trysomething new.If you alreadyknowthat your mother-in-lawis goingto complain (even onthe sly), about your apple pierecipe,there’s a prettyeasy wayto ensure she has nothingto complain about—don’t makethat applepie.Instead, trysomething entirelynew. Don’t do what you’ve always done. Your lifeis likelyinfluxright now, so don’t tryto cramit intothe same old box. Tryastress reduction course.Those life challenges, whether theybe jobloss,deathofaloved one,divorce, or disease,canmake what is alreadyastressful time ofyear,even MOREoverwhelming, but—onlyif you let them.A stressreduction course shows you howto stayontop of thestresscausedbe these challenges,soyou canstill havefun this season. Learn that it isokayto cutback.Tryingto do everythingyourselfcan be amajor strainon your alreadyover-strained mental, physical and emotionallycapacities,which willfurtherexacerbateyour stress response. You,like most women,probablyspenda lotof timetryingto makeeverythingperfectfor everyone elseandforget that youmatter, too.Knowthat it is okayto cut back or to delegate holidaytasks (like wrappingpresents,decoratingthehouse,makingcookies) toothers or to cut themout altogether. Stop obsessing about howitwas.With lifechallenges come major life changes.Thatmeansa lot ofpeople will be lookingbackand wishing that lifewas just the same.Don’tcompare your current situation to your past situation andespeciallydon’t compare your lifeto someoneelse’s, especiallyduringthe holidays when everyoneseems happier. Followthesefive tips forreduced holidaystress.Havingalife challenge is enough stress without alsopilingon the stress of the holidays. These tips will help you let go ofthestress that is specifically caused bytheholidays. Don’t be afraid to keepyour life toyourself.Oneof themajor stresses ofthe holidays andhavingalife challenge isbeingconstantlyasked about it. Don’tbe afraid totellyourfamilyandfriendsthat you don’t want totalkabout it ifyoureallydon’t want totalk aboutit. Divert the conversationback to other topics thatmaybemorepleasantfor you. At the same time,make sure tofind someone that you can confidein, someone with whomyoushare theburdens ofthe challenges thatyou arefacing. Talkingabout themajor stressorsyou arefacingis an important stepin acknowledgingand coping withwhatever life throws at you! Don’t get involved in familysquabbles.Just keep remindingyourself that (even if you don’tcelebrate Christmas) this season is supposed to be about peaceonearth. Yourfamilyis goingto gossipandsquabble—

  3. maybe about howto carve the roast beef,but alsomaybeabout the divorce or your illness. You don’thave to get involved. 10. Invest ina mini-coaching session.Havingaccess to alifechallenge coachor a stress management coach,evenfor afewhours, is a great wayto help you gain someperspective andfind awayto power through this stressfultime of year, withoutmissingouton allthe good things that theholidays are supposed to be about. A coach canshowyou howto stillbe happyand atpeace,even inthemiddle ofyour personal storm. If you, ( or someone you know), are currentlyfacingalife challenge,wewould love to hearfromyou and learn about howyou cope. Ironsharpensiron, so feelfree toshare your thoughtswith us byusingthe comment section below. P.S. Wantmore holiday stress management tips?Click thelinkto joinourHolidayS.O.S. Club. It is FREE! P.P.S. Want a steadystreamof income? Share our products withyour friends, family, and readers! Click thelink to joinourAffiliateProgram.

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