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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. THE ROMANIAN TEACHING SYSTEM. The structure of the Romanian Teaching System:. P re-school Education (the kindergarten) – from 3 to 7 years. It is divided into:. the small group: from 3 to 4 years;
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. THE ROMANIAN TEACHING SYSTEM The structure of the Romanian Teaching System:
Pre-school Education (the kindergarten) – from 3 to 7 years. It is divided into: • the small group: from 3 to 4 years; • the middle group: from 4 to 5 years; • the main group: from 5 to 6 years; • the preparatory group: from 6 to 7 years.
The General Compulsory Education • The Primary Education: • the classes I – IV – from 7 to 11 years; • The Inferior Secondary Education: • the classes V – VIII – from 11 to 15 years.
The Superior Secondary System: • The classes IX – XII (the high school) – from 15 to 19 years.
Post – secondary education • Post-secondary education is organized at the initiative of the Ministry of Education or at the request of traders. Studies lasting 1 – 3 years, depending on the complexity of professions. • Specializations: • Health (Nurse, Pharmacy assistant) • IT • Services (masseur, beautician, secretary, etc.) • Economic.
The Romanian high school: In Romania high schools can be: • Theoretical high schools; • Technological high schools; • Vocational high schools.
Superior Education (the universities):- license degree – 3 years;- master degree – 2 years.
Grading conventions Primary education - For the first four years a system similar to E-S-N-U is used, known as the ”calificative”. These are ”Foartebine” (FB) — Excellent, ”Bine” (B) — Good, ”Satisfăcător/Suficient” (S) — Satisfactory, actually meaning (barely) passing, ”Nesatisfăcător/Insufficient” (N/I) — Failed. Students who get an N/I must take an exam in the summer with a special assembly of teachers, and if the situation is not improved, the student will repeat the whole year. 'Qualifiers' (calificative) are given throughout the year, in a system of year-long assessment, on tests, schoolwork, homework or projects.
For grade 5 to 12, a 1 to 10 grading system is used with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst and 5 is the minimum passing grade. The system of continuous assessment is also used, with individual marks for each test, oral examination, project, homework or class work being entered in the register (these individual marks are known as note). There must be at least as many note for a subject as the number of weekly classes for that subject plus one. Some subjects also require a partial examination at the end of the semester (teza). This requirement is however regulated by the Ministry as mandatory and cannot be changed. The partial is valued at 25% of the final mark, and for grades 5 to 8 it applies to Romanian Language and Math and only in the eight year, in the case of a minority language, that particular language. The marks are given on the basis of strict Ministerial guidelines, as they count for high school repartition.
POWER POINT PRESENTATION, REALIZED BY THE PUPILS OF 6 - 7TH GRADE: Stroe Bianca, Bojan Alexandru, Paun Teodora, Ghenea Laurentiu, Matei Alice, AND THE TEACHERS: Frăsineanu Anca, Matei Carmen, Matei Gina, Diaconu Andreea, Negrilă Cristina. This presentation reflects the views only of the autor, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use wich may be made of the information contained therein.