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Response to Intervention . 3-5 Mathematics. Something to Think About. What does it mean to be fluent in a language?. What does it mean to be fluent in mathematics ?. What does it mean to be a fluent reader?. RTI is the practice of.
Response to Intervention 3-5 Mathematics
Something to Think About What does it mean to be fluent in a language? What does it mean to be fluent in mathematics? What does it mean to be a fluent reader?
RTI is the practice of • Providing high-quality instruction and intervention matched to student needs and • Using learning rate over time and level of performance to • Make important educational decisions. (NASDSE, 2005)
WV RTI Framework Components Three Tier Instructional Model Universal Screening Progress Monitoring Teaming & Collaboration Data-based Decision Making Professional Development
Fidelity of Implementation Practices Fidelity is the degree to which something is implemented as designed or intended. Implementation of the core program Consistent progress monitoring Use of evidence-based instructional strategies (e.g., Marzano) Integrity checks (e.g., walk-throughs) Collaborative problem solving (e.g., data meetings)
Key Research Findings & Features of the Model A Three-Tier System for Mathematics
Why worry about math? 64% of US 4th graders are not proficient on National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) measures. They lack facility in understanding whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. 70% of US 8th graders are not proficient on the NAEP measures of mathematics. They do not understand fractions, percents, decimals, and other basic arithmetic concepts needed to solve practical problems.
Key Research Findings… • Early mathematics intervention can repair deficits and prevent future deficits (Fuchs, Fuchs, & Karns, 2001; Sophian, 2004). • Providing specific feedback to parents on their students’ mathematics achievement is important • Principles of direct or explicit instruction are useful in teaching mathematical concepts and procedures (Baker, Gersten & Lee, 2002)
Together we will understand the processes and procedures needed for successful implementation of RTI for mathematics.
RTI Continuum of Support for All Intensive Strategic Universal
Policy 2510 Requirements Intermediate Elementary (3-4) Intermediate elementary students will be taught the given content areas. It is required, in accordance with scientifically based reading research, that, at a minimum, 90 minutes of reading and English language arts instruction be provided through whole group, small group and reading center activities as a block or throughout the school day. A minimum of 60 minutes of daily mathematics instruction is required. Sufficient emphasis must be placed on the following content areas to ensure that students master content knowledge and skills as specified in the 21st century content standards and objectives for each subject.
Policy 2510 Requirements Middle Level Education (Grades 5-8) These required core courses shall be taught daily by a team of qualified teachers. An intervention component will ensure mastery of the rigorous content standards and objectives at each grade level. The core courses (Reading and English/Language Arts, Mathematics/Algebra I, Science and Social Studies) will be offered within a block of time no less than 180 minutes. The principal and a team of teachers will determine time allocations that provide adequate time to achieve mastery of the West Virginia content standards and objectives for each of the required courses and effectively address the academic needs of students who are below mastery in the basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics.
What do you want students to know when they enter your classroom in the fall?What are the key concepts?
What artifacts would you collect to assess a student’s understanding of mathematical concepts?
Formative Assessment M.O.4.1.4 using concrete models, benchmark fractions, number line • compare and order fractions with like and unlike denominators • add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators • model equivalent fractions • model addition and subtraction of mixed numbers with and without regrouping. Which fraction is larger 5/6 or 3/4? Justify your answer.
Let’s Look Closer at Acuity Please logon at http://acuityathome.com if you want to look at your own class data. You may also do the same activity with the sample that we have provided.
The strength and quality of Tier 1 instruction determines the number of students who need Tier 2 intervention…
Quality Lesson Design Tier 1 • WV CSOs/ Assessment • Launch • Explore • Summarize • Research-based Strategies • Vocabulary Instruction • Formative Assessment • Differentiation Strategies
Quality Lesson DesignTier 2 • Mathematics Goal/Related WV CSOs/Assessment • Introduction/Concept Development • Practice/Application • Reflection • Identification of misconceptions • Explicit, scoffolded instruction • Error correction • Meaningful practice • Peer interaction and collaboration
Teach 21 http://wvde.state.wv.us/teach21/ResponsetoInterventionMath.html
RTI Resources • Teach 21 http://wvde.state.wv.us/teach21/ResponsetoInterventionMath.html • NCTM Intervention Site http://www.nctm.org/resources/content.aspx?id=13198 • Quantileshttp://quantiles.com/ • America’s Choice http://www.americaschoice.org/index.cfm • Do the Math http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/dothemath/ • Symphony Learning http://www.symphonylearning.com/ • Origo Education http://www.origoeducation.com/
RTI Resources Page 2 • Destination Math http://www.hmlt.hmco.com/DM.php • Fastt Math http://www.tomsnyder.com/fasttmath/index.html • Number Worlds http://www.sranumberworlds.com/sample.html • Math Steps http://www.eduplace.com/math/mathsteps/ • Momentum Math http://www.momentummath.com/ • Moving with Math http://www.movingwithmath.com/ • Vmathhttp://www.voyagerlearning.com/vmath/index.jsp
RTI Resources Page 3 • Accelerated Math http://www.renlearn.com/am/ • Camelot Learning Math Intervention http://www.camelotlearning.com/ • Breakaway Math Intervention http://www.optionspublishing.com/643.htm • Math Perspectives http://www.mathperspectives.com/index.html
Contact Information Lynn Baker, Coordinator Office of Instruction lhbaker@access.k12.wv.us John Ford, Coordinator Title I Mathematics jford@access.k12.wv.us Linda Palenchar, Coordinator Office of Special Programs, Extended and Early Learning lpalench@access.k12.wv.us Mary Pat Farrell, Coordinator Office of Special programs, Extended and Early Learning mfarrell@access.k12.wv.us Lou Maynus, Mathematics Coordinator Office of Instruction lmaynus@access.k12.wv.us