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STDs and HIV Among Youth in Nevada

STDs and HIV Among Youth in Nevada. Nevada State Health Division Office of Epidemiology Julia Peek, MHA Office of Epidemiology Manager Sandi Noffsinger , MPH HIV/STD Surveillance and Control Coordinator. Office of Epidemiology STD and HIV Surveillance.

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STDs and HIV Among Youth in Nevada

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  1. STDs and HIV Among Youth in Nevada Nevada State Health Division Office of Epidemiology Julia Peek, MHA Office of Epidemiology Manager Sandi Noffsinger, MPH HIV/STD Surveillance and Control Coordinator

  2. Office of Epidemiology STD and HIV Surveillance

  3. Reportable Diseases/Conditions in Nevada • Reportable diseases are outlined in Nevada Administrative Code 441 A • Reportable diseases are reported to the Office of Epidemiology at each jurisdiction • Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinantshealth-related states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the control of health problems. • See Nevada Reportable Diseases and Conditions for a listing of reportable conditions (health.nv.gov)

  4. STD/HIV Epidemiology • HIV/AIDS Surveillance • Monitor HIV/AIDS in the state for prevention and care efforts • Provide case investigation and partner services • STD Prevention and Control • Monitor cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in the state • Provide case investigation and partner services • Direct statewide prevention and laboratory services

  5. Epi Traceback and Analysis

  6. STDs Among Youth (15-24 Years Old)

  7. Chlamydia Rates per 100,000 Among Youth (15-24 years old), in Nevada:2009

  8. Chlamydia Rates per 100,000 Among Youth (15-24 years old) in Nevada: 2005-2009

  9. Gonorrhea Rates per 100,000 Among Youth (15-24 years old) in Nevada: 2005-2009

  10. Chlamydia Rates per 100,000 Among Males and Females in Nevada, by Age:2009

  11. Gonorrhea Rates per 100,000 Among Males and Females in Nevada, by Age:2009

  12. Chlamydia Rates per 100,000 Among Youth(15-24) in Nevada, by Race/Ethnicity:2009 *AI/AN= American Indian/Alaskan Native; API= Asian/Pacific Islander

  13. Gonorrhea Rates per 100,000 Among Youth (15-24) in Nevada, by Race/Ethnicity:2009 *AI/AN= American Indian/Alaskan Native; API= Asian/Pacific Islander

  14. Summary of STDs Among Youth • Youth 15-24 years old are disproportionately affected by chlamydia and gonorrhea in Nevada especially women and minorities. • Chlamydia rates among Black females are eight times that of Hispanics and five times that of Whites. • Nevada is experiencing increasing trends of Chlamydia among males and females. • Black males have the highest rates of reported gonorrhea cases among youth in Nevada.

  15. HIV/AIDS Among Youth (15-24 Years Old)

  16. Rate per 100,000 of HIV/AIDS Cases Among Youth (15-24 years old) in Nevada: 2005-2009

  17. Rates per 100,000 of New HIV Infection Among Youth (15-24)in Nevada, by Sex: 2005-2009

  18. Rates per 100,000 of Youth (15-24) Living with HIV/AIDS in Nevada, by Sex: 2005-2009

  19. Rates per 100,000 of New HIV Infections Among Youth (15-24) in Nevada, by Race/Ethnicity:2009 *AI/AN= American Indian/Alaskan Native; API= Asian/Pacific Islander

  20. Risk of HIV Transmission among Youth (15-24) in Nevada, by Sex: 2009 Males Females

  21. Summary of HIV/AIDS Among Youth in Nevada • Rates of youth living with HIV/AIDS and new HIV infections among youth are increasing in Nevada. • Among youth, the burden of the epidemic is among males. • Rates of new HIV infections disproportionately affected Blacks for both males and females. • MSM is the primary risk of new HIV infections for males and heterosexual contact for females.

  22. Teen Pregnancy and Birth Rates Among Youth

  23. Preliminary Report: Teen Pregnancy Rates In Nevada by Year of Birth and Mothers Age Group: 2004-2008* * Note: The counts and rates for 2008 are not final and are subject to changes.

  24. Number of Teen Pregnancies In Nevada by year of Birth and Mothers Age Group: 2004-2008* * Note: The counts and rates for 2008 are not final and are subject to changes.

  25. Preliminary Report: Number of Teen Birth Rates In Nevada by Year of Birth and Mothers Age Group: 2004-2008* * Note: The counts and rates for 2008 are not final and are subject to changes.

  26. Number of Teen Births In Nevada by year of Birth and Mothers Age Group: 2004-2008* * Note: The counts and rates for 2008 are not final and are subject to changes.

  27. Summary of Teen Pregnancy and Birth Rates

  28. Thank You! Additional data reports can be found on the Nevada State Health Division’s website: http://health.nv.gov/Epidemiology.htm Julia Peek, MHA Office of Epidemiology Manager jpeek@health.nv.gov 775.684.4192 Sandi Noffsinger, MPH HIV/STD Surveillance and Control Coordinator snoffsinger@health.nv.gov 702.486.6515 x 261

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