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Typing. A Behavioral Notion of Subtyping By Barbara Liskov and Jeannette M. Wing in ACM Trans. Of Prog. Languages and Systems Vol 16, No 6, November 1994, Pages 1811-1843. Hierarchy and Inheritance. Type A is a subtype of B What does this mean?
Typing A Behavioral Notion of Subtyping By Barbara Liskov and Jeannette M. Wing in ACM Trans. Of Prog. Languages and Systems Vol 16, No 6, November 1994, Pages 1811-1843 SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Hierarchy and Inheritance • Type A is a subtype of B What does this mean? • Subtypes must provide expected methods with compatible signatures. • Objects of a subtype ought to behave the same as their super-types. • Eg: x: T := E should be legal provided that (type of ) E is a subtype of (the type of) T SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
What Ensures Stated Expectations? • Answer: Invariants, called subtype requirement • Subtype Requirement: • Let f(x) be a predicate about object x of type T. • Then f(y) should be true for objects of type S where • S is a subtype of T • Notation: • f(x), x: S, y:T, S < T This is called a typing judgment f(y) - An axiom, if you will, in proof about types SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Where are these Issues Important? • In programming languages: • In using inheritance properly • In type checking • In using types to catch (and report) errors • In object oriented design: • In reuse: common reusable design patterns • We need to ensure the “correctness” of reusable components. • In promoting common properties to supertypes • Application: Meta Models SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
What Should we be looking for in this Paper? • We design using UML, hence properties • Drawn using UML • Stated in OCL • Do we use/assume Liskov Inheritance • If so where? • Are we aware of the assumption? Do our designs violate them? • Meta Model • When we inherit form the meta-model why should our modeling elements have the same behavior? SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Back to Liskov+Wing Assumptions about properties • They are formulas: • Is this true in UML? If not what should we do about them? • Are there pictorial formulas in UML? Do they satisfy subtype requirement? • How about typing judgments? • Are there pictorial typing judgments? • Are properties about state expressible in OCL? • All ? Some? None? Can we make an adequacy argument SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Back to Liskov+Wing Assumptions about properties • Formulas are invariants over: • Single states (to be defined shortly) • History properties over state transitions • Properties limited to safety (that is nothing bad happens) • Is that enough for UML? SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Back to Liskov+Wing Properties not Considered • Liveliness properties (that is something good happens) • Is the OCL action clause a safety property or a liveliness property? • How about constraints preventing two instances of the same object having the same state? • Constraints that span across many states SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Producer-Consumer: Only one producer only one consumer Feature Models Disjoint features Back to Liskov+Wing Properties not Considered SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Back to Liskov+Wing Other Questions • In the UML all meat-models are classes. Hence subtyping applies to • Sequence diagrams • Statecharts • Use Cases • What subtyping principles have been used • What inter-diagram consistency principles are necessary for view integration? SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Models • Models uses Environments, Stores, States and computation sequences. Env: Var -> Obj. Store: Obj -> Val. State: Env X Store. • Computation sequence: r1 Tr1r1 …rn-1 Trnrn where. Each ri is a state, and. Each Tri is a partial function on states. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
More Notation! • History: A subsequence of states in any computation. • Methods come in three main categories: • Constructor: returns values of same type. • Observer: does not change the value. • Mutator: Can change the value. Can have mixed methods. • Objects come into existence and get their initial values through Creators. These are class methods. • Assumption: No objects are destroyed. Where is it used in Liskov’s paper? SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Types name (disc of the) value space Per each method: Name Signature Including exceptions Behavior Pre-conditions Post-conditions Note: no creators bag = type uses Bbag(bag for B) for all b:bag <- parameters put=proc(i:int) requires |bpre.elements| <bpre.bound modifies b ensures bpost.elms=bpre.elmsU{i}^ bpost.bound=bpre.bound Specifying Types SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Specifications • Modifies: • Means no others are modified • Can have signals specified: get’=proc() returns(int) signals(empty) modifies b ensures if bpre.elms ={} then signal empty else bpost.elms=b.pre.elms-{result}^ result e bpre.elms ^ bpost.bound-bpre.bound SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Specifications • Post condition= modifies ^ ensures • Specifying Creators bag_create= proc(n:int) returns(bag) requires n>0 ensures new(result) ^ resultpost=({},100) bag_create_single=proc(i:int) returns(bag) ensuresnew(result) ^ resultpost=({i},100) SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Ensuring the Validity of Invariants Data Type Induction. • Make sure that they are valid when object is created. • Show that if the invariant was valid before a call to a method, then it is valid after the call. • Therefore, by induction, they are valid through any computation sequence. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Validity of Invariants • For the Bag example, we need to show that. number of elements < bound of the bag. Invariant | br.elmts| < br.bound. • Technically we need to ensure that. x:tt.x e dom(r) => f(xr). This says that the invariant is true in any state of any computation sequence. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Validity of Invariants: Contd. • In order to do so, we require that invariants are established at creation. • That is technically stated as. For each creator of type t. x:tt.x I(resultpost/xr). This says that the invariant is true in any state at which the creator is called. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Subtypes • Subtype’s value space may be different from the super type’s value space. • Therefore, to relate values of the subtype to those of the super-type, there needs to be an abstraction function. • A subtype specification must say what are its super types. • We use a subtype clause for this purpose. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Example: Type BStack stack=type uses BStack(stack for S) Invariant length(sr.items) < spre.limit push=proc(i:int) requires spre.items =/= [] modifies s ensures spost.items=spre.items || [i] ^ spost.limit=spre.limit Notation: || is concatenation and [] is the empty sequence SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Bstack Continued Subtype of bag [push for put pop for get height for card] st:S A(st)=<mk_elems(st.items),st.limit> where mk_elems : Seq -> M I:Int, sq:Seq mk_elems([])={} mk_elems(sq||[i])=mk_elems(sq)U{i} Abstraction Function : A() maps elements of subtype to elements of the super type. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
First Definition: Constraint Rules • <: s=(Os,S,M) is a subtype of t =(Or,T,N) if there is • an abstraction function A: S => T and • A renaming function R: M => N satisfying the following: 1. It respects invariants: s:S Is(s) => Ir(A(s)) SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
First Definition: Continuation-1 2. Subtype methods preserve super type method’s behavior ( s subtype of t ). If ms of s is renamed to mt of t then the following must hold: (2.1 Signature Rule). • ms and mt must have the same # of arguments. If the list of argument types of ms is ai, and that of mt is bi, then ai > bi for all i. (contravariance). B. Either both ms and mt must return results or neither does. If there is a result of ms and mt are aandb respectively, then b > a. (covariance). C. Exceptions of ms are contained in those of mt. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Covariance and Contravariance SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
First Definition: Continuation-2 2.1 Methods Rule. Pre-Conditions: mt.pre[A(xpre)/ xpre]=>ms.pre That means, any precondition holding for the super type must hold for the subtype. Post-Conditions: ms.post => mt.post[A(xpre)/ xpre, A(xpost)/ xpost]. That means, any post condition holding for the sub type must hold for the super type. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
First Definition: Continuation-3 3. Subtype constraints ensure super type constraints Constraint Rule: For all computations C and all states r and f such that r precedes f in C, Cs[xr, xf]=> Ct[A(xr)/ xr, A(xf)/xf] SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Applying the Subtype Definition • Back to Stack < Bag Example. • s=(Ostack,S,{push,pop,swap_top,height,equal}). • r=(Obag,B,{put,get,card,equal}). • Recall: • Bag’s value is a pair (elements, bound). • Stack’s value is a pair (items, limit). • Assume (can be proved that) each specification preserves constraints. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Application: Stack < Bag Example • Abstraction function: • A(st) = (mk_elems(st.item),st.limit). maps a stack element to a bag element, where mk_elms is recursively defined as follows: mk_elems([]) = {}. mk_elems(sq || [i]) = mkelems(sq) U {i}. • Can show that function A respects invariants by induction of the length of sq. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Application: Stack < Bag Example • Renaming function: R(push) = put R(pop) = get R(height) = card R(equal)=equal • Unmapped “additional” method in the subtype is swap_top SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Application: Stack < Bag Example • Need to show the correspondences between domain and range methods of R. Example: push and put. • Precondition Rule Requires us to prove. |A(Spre).elms| < A(Spre).bound Implies. Length(Spre.items) < Spre.limit. • Why is this true? • We will argue this informally. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Application: Stack < Bag Example • To show that |A(Spre).elms| < A(Spre).bound Implies Length(Spre.items) < Spre.limit. • Why is this true? • Length of the sequence Spre = size of the multiset A(Spre).elms, as A maps the stack’s sequence component to bag’s multisets by making each element in the stack go into an element of the bag. • A : (Limit of the Stack) |-> (bound of the bag). Hence Spre.limit = A(Spre).bound. • put’s precondition implies |A(Spre).elms| < A(Spre).bound. • Now substitute equals to equals and get the result. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Informal Justification of the Definition • How does this definition guarantee that the subtype’s behavior is similar to the super type? • Hence can call a subtype method instead of a super-type method SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Informal Justification of the Definition • Preservation of Invariants and history properties. • We can show that rules ensure that any proposition true about the super type is true about the subtype. • Like a soundness rule in proofs. • Values: • Covariance of returned values. • Contravariance of the inputs. Guarantee that a calling a subtype method does not result in a type violation of the caller-calee relationship. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Review: Covariance and Contravariance SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Extension Maps • Recall that for the constraint approach to work, we must: • Add all required constraints as predicates. • Prove that subtype constraints ensure super type constraint modulo the abstraction map. • Disadvantage: Loss of the history rule: mt.pre ^ mt.post => f(xpre/xr, xpost/xp). f (xr,xp). SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
History Rule • We prefer to argue inductively as follows: • For every proposition f, • If f holds after constructors are called • If f holds in state r, then f holds in state s after r. • Then f must hold. • History rule is the above (general) inductive argument! • Using this rule, we may prove a property f for a type r that may not hold for a subtype of r. • Consequence: must specify enough constraints so that all necessary properties can be derived from these constraints. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Subtypes using Extension Maps • Invariance Rule: (that abstraction respects invariants) – same as constraint based approach \/s: S It(s) => Is(s) • Signature Rules: • Contravariance of arguments (stays the same) • Covariance of results (stays the same) • Method Rules: • Precondition rules strengthened to equality mr.pre[A(xpre)/xpre] =ms.pre • Post-condition rule stays the same SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Extension Map • E: Osx M x Obj* -> Prog must be defined for each method m not in the domain dom(R). • For each m, and x:s, the following conditions must be true for p, the program to which E(x,m,a) maps : • Inputs to p is the sequence [x]||a. • The set of methods invoked in p is contained in the union of dom(R). • The diamond rule must hold. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
The Diamond Rule • Relate the abstracted values of x at the end of either calling m: • A(xr2) • Calling the program p: • A(Xy) • Need A(xr2) = A(Xy) SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Explanation of the Extension Map • Purpose: • Running the extra method is similar to running the explanation program. • Diamond diagram says: • Values returnedby running the extra methods in the subtype is the same. • Note: • The extension rule constrain only what the explanation program does to the method’s object – and not to other objects! SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Explanation of the Extension Map • Note: • The explanation program does not really run! Its sole purpose is to show what can happen to the object. • In reality, the values do not have to be equal, but observably indistinguishable! (through some bi-simulation relation). • Now the history rule is restored by combining the method rules and the extension rule. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Extension Map Applied to the Bag/Stack Example • Bag: Super type • uses BBag(bag for B) • Methods: • put, get, card, equal • Stack: Sub type • uses BStack(stack S) • Methods: • push, pop, height, equal, • swap_top E(s.swap_top(i)) = s.pop();s.push(i) SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Informal Justification of the Extension Map Method • What we need to show is the subtype requirement. That is the following: If |-- l(x), x : S, S < T, y: T then |-- l(y) • What proof rules are allowed? • Invariants, • covariance of inputs, • contravariance of outputs and post conditions • Equality of pre-conditions • History rule SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Informal Justification of the Extension Map Method • Consider any property l of objects for which there is a proof of l(x) for x: S. We will go through the proof tree of l(x) and show that is can be transformed in to a proof tree for the proposition l(y) for y: T. • Where is the difficulty ? • Assumptions in the proof tree of l(x) are at the leaves of the tree: • Can each one be transformed in to an assumption valid for the subtype T ? (discuss induction here!). • Can application of proof rules be transformed into valid proof rules? SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Informal Justification of the Extension Map Method: Contd. • One of the proof rules used is the history rule, that reads as mt.pre ^ mt.post => f(xpre/xr, xpost/xp) f • Now suppose that the antecedent of this rule has been proved for the super type. How do we prove it for the sub type? SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Informal Justification Contd. • That is we need to show that any (history) property f satisfies the following: ms.pre /\ ms.post => f[A(xr)/xr,A(xy)/xy]. • Assuming that the following is true for the super type t. mt.pre /\ mt.post => f[A(xr)/xr,A(xy)/xy]. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Proof Continued ms.pre /\ ms.post => mt.pre [A(xr)/xr] /\ mt.post [A(xr)xr, A(xy)/xy] Follows from the method rules (i.e. equality of the precondition and contravariance of the post condition) • Because the formula is proved for the super type, we get mt.pre [A(xr)/xr] /\ mt.post[A(xr)/xr,A(xy)/xy] => f[A(xr)/xr,A(xy)/xy] SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Type Hierarchies • Concern: • Are Liskov/Wing sub-typing rules too strong? • That is, do they include or exclude many applications of subtypes ? • We consider two common ways of constructing subtypes • Extension subtypes • Constrained subtypes SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Extension Subtypes • Two non-exclusive ways of having extension subtypes • Have more methods than the super type. • Method mapping may not be one-to-one. • Have more “state” than the super type. • Abstraction function is many-to-one. • If a subtype object is used as a super type object (should be possible), then the super-type methods cannot distinguish finer details about subtype state. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling
Extension Subtypes Contd. • Example 1: Sets of Integers. • Super type has insert, delete, select, size. • Subtype has union, intersection in addition. No extra state, only methods. • Extension map method has to explain each additional method in terms of insert, delete and select methods. • Need to do similar work if we were to implement union and intersection using insert, delete and select. SWE 699/IT 823: Precise Modeling