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130 years from A . A. Milne’s birth

130 years from A . A. Milne’s birth. For the 8 th form. Plans for the lesson. to remember the words and expressions to revise the poem to speak about A. A. Milne’s life and his characters to work in groups and present your own small projects about A. A. Milne.

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130 years from A . A. Milne’s birth

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  1. 130 years from A. A. Milne’s birth For the 8th form

  2. Plans for the lesson • to remember the words and expressions • to revise the poem • to speak about A. A. Milne’s life and his characters • to work in groups and present your own small projects about A. A. Milne

  3. Match the descriptions with the pictures • Is only a year younger than Christopher Robin • Likes thistles • Was the present of the neighbours • Has to eat Extract of Malt • Is very hospitable and has always had smth tasty to eat • Is an invented character • Was one of the teachers of A.A.Milne • Was an adorable son • Was married A.A.Milne

  4. Spell these words • [ ‘f∧si] • [ tri’mendəs] • [ ‘glu:mi] • [‘æŋk∫əs] • [ ‘soləmli] • [ weit] • [ ‘m∧mbl] • [ ‘mε:mə] • [ po:] • [ ‘promis] • [ pə’tikjulə] • [ kən’denst] • [ ‘straipi] • [ kən’sidərə] • [ ‘intə’lekt∫uəl] • [ ‘kjuəriəs] • [ ‘hju:mə]

  5. Recite the poemWaiting at the Window There are my two drops of rain Waiting on the window-pane. I am waiting here to see Which the winning one will be. Both of them have different names. One is John and one is James. All the best and all the worst Comes from which of them is first. James had just begun to ooze. He’s the one I want to lose. John is waiting to begin. He’s the one I want to win. James is going slowly on. Something sorts of sticks to John John is moving off at last. James is going pretty fast. John is rushing down the pane. James is going slow again. James has met a sort of smear. John is getting very near. Is he going fast enough? ( James has found a piece of fluff) John has hurried quickly by. James was talking to a fly. John is there, and John has won! Look! I told you! Here’s the sun! !

  6. Fill in the missing words • Are there any ________topics you would like to explain further? • His silence made me __________. • He smiled and ______ when he saw me. • The average ________ of a baby at birth is just over three kilos. • He __________ something about not wanting to go to work. • The police chief ________ tougher action against criminals. • The prince gave a ________ promise to find Cinderella. • The strong wind made the flowers _____ to the ground. • If you say that the sky is _______ you mean that the sky is covered with clouds. • They are investigators of the _________ disappearance of a young man. • She must feel desperately ______ with all her family in Scotland. • Little children are usually _______ and _______. • It is not allowed in theatres speak loud during the performance, you have to speak in a ________ . careless lonely whisper waved curious gloomy mysterious weight promised anxious bend solemn particular murmured

  7. Describe the appearance • Hair • Nose • Eyebrows • Eyes • Eyelashes • Mouth • Teeth • Chin • Figure • Beard/ moustache • Character • Personality • Education • Life

  8. What do you know about A. A. Milne’s life? • Where was A. A. Milne born? What century was it? • What do you know about his studying? • What journal did he work in? • When did he publish his first book? • What can you say about his first book? • How much did he earn in the journal?

  9. What do you know about A. A. Milne’s life? • What do you know about his wife? • Why did A. A. Milne have to return home from the front line? • What child did Mrs. Milne hope for? • Describe Christopher Milne • Why did A. A. Milne rent a house? • What was the first book A. A. Milne wrote for children?

  10. What do you know about A. A. Milne’s life? • What did A. A. Milne write about in his book “Winnie-the-Pooh”? • Why did Ernest Shepard draw sketches of Christopher Robin with a bear? • What was A. A. Milne’s secret for success? • What do you know about Christopher Milne?

  11. What do you know about A. A. Milne’s life? • What happened to Winnie-the-Pooh and other toy animals when Christopher Milne went off to school? • What can you say about Christopher Milne’s toys? • Winnie-the-Pooh • Piglet • Tigger • Rabbit • Kanga and Roo • Eeyore

  12. In pairs: Make your own small projects Use the information that you have found in the Internet • The life of A. A. Milne • A. A. Milne’s creation • A. A. Milne’s family • A. A. Milne’s characters

  13. Finish the phrase A. A. Milne’s success was … …

  14. Put marks for this lesson in your groups

  15. Your homework is … To summarize what we have discussed today and give a 3 min. talk

  16. Thank you for your work Don’t forget people who create a special world for children!

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