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Detente. Walking away from brinksmanship from LBJ to Jimmy Carter. Johnson. Soviets – major supplier of arms to North Vietnam LBJ sees Soviets as a military superpower, but needy economically
Detente Walking away from brinksmanship from LBJ to Jimmy Carter
Johnson • Soviets – major supplier of arms to North Vietnam • LBJ sees Soviets as a military superpower, but needy economically • Proposal that goes no where: USSR stops flow of arms and pressures Ho to settle – USSR sends more arms-states NV is an important communist ally.
LBJ Continued • Prague spring. 1968 - crackdown • Brezhnev Doctrine: any socialist nation has a responsibility to intervene when another socialist nation is threatened, same as US in LA • Brezhnev: conditions of ideological war, crackdown on dissidents
Nixon • Vietnamization – changing color of corpses – failure despite 1 ton bombs for every minute Nixon in office • Nixon Doctrine: as US pulls back from military commitments Americans would help friends with containment – Asia (Japan), M.E. (Iran), Africa (Zaire, Angola, South Africa.
Nixon continued • Arms sales up 500% to $10 billion by end of Nixon Administration • Shah of Iran ordered planes like “going through a Sears-Roebuck catalog” • Raised oil prices to pay for arms • Nixon bedfellow of racist regimes in Africa • American economy went downhill • Japanese economic rise
Nixon 1971-2 • China- Mao and Nixon both feared USSR • China – opening up markets for some US businesses • Nixon announces he will be 1st Prez to visit China 1972 • Nixon visits Moscow 1972 • Great Grain robbery: USSR out negotiates USA
Nixon 1972 • Salt I – end to development of ABMs (US withdraws 2001); froze total # of nuclear missiles (USSR 1600, US 1054) • W/mirvs US possessed a 2-1 lead in deliverable warheads • Nixon reelected in landslide “peace is at hand.”
Nixon 1973 • Vietnam peace treaty Feb 1973 • Overthrow Allende in Chile (September) • Yom Kippur War: Soviets/E-S-J, US/Isreal • Oil Crisis (US only imported 12% from ME)
Ford • 1974- little changed from Nixon • Kissinger still NSA • S. Vietnam falls 1975 after US cuts aid and (K) denies Nixon’s secret promise of full force. • Ford & K to USSR 1974, agree SALT II. • Angola falls to Soviet-backed side. • Mayaguez seized by North Koreans (1976)
Nixon and Kissinger • Kissinger and Nixon ran foreign policy in secret by themselves. Kissinger’s staff referred to as “mushrooms.” “Kept in dark, get a lot of manure piled on them, and then get canned.” • Chose Sec of State William Rogers because he knew nothing about foreign policy
Carter (1977-Jan 1981) • Confusion at first – clash between state/NSA • 1977 encourages Russian dissidents, angering Brezhnev, who cracks down • Reduced aid to Brazil, Chile, Argentina did get better human rights in those countries • 1977 Dec Carter visits Iran, toasts shah • Canal zone treaty • OPEC oil prices up to $35 barrel
Carter 2 • US, no effective response to OPEC, recession sets in • In Africa US steps back and supports nationalism – Soviets press on and are kicked out of Somalia & Sudan, and have big trouble in Ethiopia. • 1978 Camp David accords, but Soviets rush arms to Syria
Carter 3 • May 1978 NSA Brzezinski visits China, diplomatic relations established Jan 1, 1979 • US exports to China doubles, Coke opens plant in China • SALT II (w/USSR) delayed, then signed • Soviet economy fading • Feared “capitalist encirclement” • Iran Crisis
Carter 4 • USSR and US start large military buildup. • US Bases built in Persian Gulf area • Carter authorizes Rapid Deployment Force • USSR invades Afganistan Dec 1979, US helps supply Afgans • Carter Doctrine: US will intervene if USSR threatens interests in Persian Gulf • US/USSR turn back to 1950 rivalry
Reagan 1981-1989 • Rise of neoconservativism • USSR = Evil Empire (Reagan Doctrine) • 1982 Reagan refuses Brezhnev’s request for arms control talks, instead calls USSR imperialist • Reagan ran on large arms buildup to assume #1 … Carter had built up nukes, introduced MIRVs (R & C similar programs)
Reagan 2 • Reagan’s plan to push USSR into the “asheap of history” more talk than action • US “God’s Chosen People” “divine plan” • First 5 years policy consisted of military buildup ($1.6 trillion compared w/Carter’s $1.2) • Ability to fight 3.5 wars simultaneously • Reagan decides to abide by SALT II
Reagan 3 • Words from administration that nuclear war was survivable (mail could be delivered) • Reagan lifts grain embargo to USSR • Poland crackdown on dissidents – US sanctions, but more grain sold to USSR (inconsistent) • Western Europe helps USSR economically • Reagan forbade Euro nations to supply USSR w/ US licensed technology
Reagan 4 • Reagan went through 5 NSA’s before Colin Powell • US support “capitalist authoritarian” regimes oppose “communist totalitarian” regimes • 1985 Reagan Doctrine: nourish and defend freedom and democracy • Oct 1983 US Army bombed in Beruit • Oct 1983 Greneda invasion
Reagan 5 • 1981 US downs two Libyan fighters in disputed territorial waters • April 1986 Reagan orders assassination of Quaddafi (kills daughter) in response to false accusation of West Berlin bombing • Reagan extremely popular (new patriotism) and reelected landslide in 1984 • US supported dictators failed in Haiti, Philippines, S. Africa maintains apartheid
Reagan 6 • Central America, policies fail Nicaragua (contras trained by CIA in violation of US law), 1983 CIA mines harbor and takes over operations. Economic sanctions more effective. Sandinistas out 1990. • El Salvador Reagan to destroy FMLN, CIA heavily involved. Economy a mess. US supplied military massacres 6 priests, 2 women, US blames FMLN instead • Noriega seizes power in Panama, supported by Regan/Bush who ignores drug-running and sent millions for fight against contras
Reagan 7 • Attempt to overthrow Noriega fails in 1987-88 • 1984 Iran seizes US hostages including CIA agents (Iran contra affair – US arms to Iraq and funds from arms sales to contras in violation of Boland amendment • Huge US debt $1 trillion, US slid from world’s leading creditor to largest debtor
Reagan 8 • US and USSR spent trillions for defense during Cold War, hurting economies, USSR more than US • Brezhnev dies 1982, followed by Andropov, Chernenko (repression increased in USSR).
USSR Gorby • 1985 Gorbachev takes power, new generation… reformer in Khrushchev tradition • Economic reforms not working USSR 1988 scarcity of food • 1989 coal workers go on strike • Openness leads to decentralization and in 1990 Communist party gives up power • More western style presidency
Gorby 2 • Nov 1985 Gorby presses Reagan to talks on Geneva, they meet again in Reykjavik Oct 1986 • Agree to eliminate all intermediate missiles in Europe and nearly agree to eliminate all other nuke missiles-Reagan refuses to give up Star Wars. • 1987 Gorby to D.C. and signs treaty eliminating medium and short range intermediate missiles. • Gorby pulls many troops out of E. Europe Dec 1988, allows jews to leave USSR
Gorby 3 • “It is inadmissible and futile to encourage revolution from abroad.” • Pulls troops out of Afganistan 1989 • Visits China • Strengthens relations with W. Europe, India, Argentina and Mexico… trying to compete with US peacefully