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Ch. 1 Sec 4 The Reformation Continues I. Calvin Continues the Reformation A. Reform in Switzerland. Led by Catholic priest Huldrych Zwingli Called for a return to the more personal faith of early Christianity Met his death in a bitter war between Protestants and Catholics.
Ch. 1 Sec 4 The Reformation ContinuesI. Calvin Continues the ReformationA. Reform in Switzerland • Led by Catholic priest Huldrych Zwingli • Called for a return to the more personal faith of early Christianity • Met his death in a bitter war between Protestants and Catholics
B. Calvin Formalizes Protestant Ideas • John Calvin gave order to the faith that Luther started • Preached the doctrine of predestination – meaning God had determined since the beginning who will be saved
B. Calvin Formalizes Protestant Ideas 3. This became known as the religion of Calvinism 4. Also stated that men & women are sinful by nature
C. Calvin Leads the Reformation in Switzerland • Calvin believed in a govt. that was run as a theocracy – govt. controlled by religious leaders • Calvin controlled the city of Geneva with strict rules-no bright clothing, card playing or you could be burned at the stake
D. Calvinism Spreads • John Knox spread Calvin’s ideas to Scotland in 1559 & his followers became known as Presbyterians • Many Protestant churches today trace their roots to Calvin but have softened the strict rules
D. Calvinism Spreads 3. In France the Calvin’s were called Huguenots-the Catholics hated them and killed over 12,000 in a six month period in 1572
II. Other Protestant ReformersA. The Anabaptists • Believed in should be baptized twice • Hated by Protestants and Catholics • Believed church and state should be separate- later known as Mennonites & Amish
B. Women’s Role in the Reformation • Protected people like Calvin and Luther from prosecution • But the more established a religion became the less freedoms the women had
III. The Catholic ReformationA. Remaining Loyola • Catholic Reformation was led by Ignatius of Loyola who pushed for more pious leaders
B. Ignatius of Loyola • Created a religious order called the Jesuits- they had 3 goals- 1. Founded schools 2. Convert non-Christians 3. Stop the spread of Protestantism
C. Reforming Popes • Pope Paul III and Pope Paul IV worked hard to fix the Catholic religion • Paul III created the Council of Trent which outlined several doctrines on how Catholicism should be run • Paul IV vigorously carried out the decree