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STAR Pre-Test Workshop

STAR Pre-Test Workshop. January – February 2007. Objectives and Agenda. District STAR coordinators will follow correct STAR procedures and train test site coordinators to conduct testing consistently. New for 2007 District Coordinator Responsibilities Overview Multiple Choice CAPA STS

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STAR Pre-Test Workshop

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  1. STAR Pre-Test Workshop January – February 2007 Pre-Test Workshop

  2. Objectives and Agenda District STAR coordinators will follow correct STAR procedures and train test site coordinators to conduct testing consistently. New for 2007 District Coordinator Responsibilities Overview Multiple Choice CAPA STS Grades 4 & 7 Writing Application EAP Essay H 1 Pre-Test Workshop

  3. Introduction Video Jack O’Connell State Superintendent of Public Instruction Deb Sigman California Testing Director Pre-Test Workshop

  4. New for 2007 M 2 • STS: grades 2, 3, 4 • Algebra I: grade 7 added • World History: grades 9–11 • Audio CDs: Read Aloud in IEP; V1 only • CAPA: 12 items; signature block (back page) • NPS: school code on answer doc • Answer document: A2, A3 additions • Security Audits Pre-Test Workshop

  5. VideoNew for 2007 Pre-Test Workshop

  6. District CoordinatorResponsibilities • Security • Train site coordinators • Train examiners • Coordinate testing schedule • One schedule for district (Preferred) OR • Determined by individual schools • Student Demographic Data • Pre-ID (Preferred) OR • Hand coding answer documents Pre-Test Workshop

  7. VideoSecurity Pre-Test Workshop

  8. Scheduling H 2 • Item and Time Charts • CST, STS, CAPA, Aprenda, EAP: untimed • CAT/6 timed • Recommended 1 part/day, grades 2–3 • STS • Administered during same test window • CAPA • Administered during same test window • Allow time to assemble manipulatives Pre-Test Workshop

  9. VideoScheduling Pre-Test Workshop

  10. CST (non-writing), CAT/6, STS, CAPA Delivery Schedule M 7 • ETS Delivers to district 10–20 days before 1st testing day • STAR Management System • Test Administration Summary screen • Order Status screen • District delivers to test sites 5–10 days before 1st testing day • Site delivers to examiner • CST, STS day of test only • CAPA at least 5 days before testing Pre-Test Workshop

  11. DeliveriesCAUTION VERY IMPORTANT • Do NOT obtain additional test materials from neighboring districts • Two scoring keys used this year • Each district has been assigned test documents associated with ONE scoring key • If wrong scoring key is used students’ scores will be INCORRECT Pre-Test Workshop

  12. Audio CDs H 3 • For CSTs, CAT/6, and EAP only • Only for students with IEPs/504 plans • Packed with 5 version 1 booklets • Version 1 only – or scored wrong • Administered individually or in groups • On Answer Doc, mark P in A3 Pre-Test Workshop

  13. Administration: Train Examiners • Distribute test materials to correct students • Be very careful with similar names – Check Date of Birth • Test booklets: Correct EOC math, science and history • Follow Directions For Administration (DFA) • Read “Say” boxes exactly as written • Students cannot go back to previous part of test Pre-Test Workshop

  14. Math and Science • Science: Chemistry • Packed with separate reference sheets. • Advise examiners to replace attached reference sheet. • Math • Algebra I, grades 7–11,Grade 7 scored as grade 7 math if blank • General Math, grades 8, 9 only • H.S. Summative Math, grades 9–11 • EOC Math and Science: • Ensure correct test marked • If no test marked, no score Pre-Test Workshop

  15. Non-Public Schools (NPS) H 4 Answer doc Section 13 • Front page, bottom right • Code only if districtschool code = 0000001 • 7-digit NPS codes found on CDE web site Pre-Test Workshop

  16. Back of Answer Documents M A67-77 Grade 6 Example • A1 if irregularities • Complete form • If CDE says, complete A1 • A2 Special Conditions • C for cheating • Y for questions read aloud (+P in A3) • A3 Accommodations, Modifications • X Unlisted Accommodations(check with CDE) • A4 Variations for ELs Pre-Test Workshop

  17. SGID withScorable Materials M A89 • Packed by grade or group • Test type, Grade, Number of documents • Ensure school code is correct: 0000001 for NPS • Group name: for teacher reports (takes precedence over Pre-ID): no STS Pre-Test Workshop

  18. Multiple ChoiceReturning Scorable Materials M 75 ORANGE label • Test materials for • Students enrolled on first day testing (including absent or exempted) • Students enrolled later and tested • Used grades 4-11 answer documents • Used grades 2,3 test booklets • Package CAPA, on TOP of lowest CST grade answer document or test booklet • STS under CST of same grade • SGIDs, Master File Sheets Pre-Test Workshop

  19. VideoScorables Pre-Test Workshop

  20. Multiple ChoiceReturning Secure Nonscorable Materials M 76 GREEN label • Grades 4–11 test booklets • Grades 2,3 unused test booklets • CAPA Examiner’s Manuals • Grade 2 DFAs • Special versions, including CDs • Voided answer documents, booklets Pre-Test Workshop

  21. VideoNon-Scorables Pre-Test Workshop

  22. Break15 Minutes Pre-Test Workshop

  23. CAPA Administer Correct Level M 22 Students who repeat grade eleven for multiple years continue to take CAPA Level I or Level V as their statewide assessment until enrolled in grade 12 Pre-Test Workshop

  24. CAPATest Administration • Prepare • Review “CAPA Train the Trainer” material • Assemble manipulatives • Prepare stimulus cards (may need cutting) • Discuss and prepare adaptations • Test Construction • 12 Items per content area • 8 operational plus 4 field test tasks for ELA, math • 12 field test tasks for science • Field Test Items based on new blueprints Pre-Test Workshop

  25. CAPAObservers • Double Rating • 10% for each CAPA level • Observer must be trained to administer CAPA • Observer must complete blank answer document with: • Student Name -DOB • Version -Level • Level -Grade • ID -SSID Pre-Test Workshop

  26. CAPAAnswer Document H 6 Signature Block • Moved to back page • Pre-ID documents pre-coded as “Examiner” • Examiner signs • Observer completes name, signs, dates and codes “Observer” Pre-Test Workshop

  27. Who Takes STS? • Required for Spanish-speaking English learners (ELs), grades 2-4 who either: • Receive instruction in their primary language; or • Have been enrolled in a school in the U.S. less than 12 months. • May also be administered to other Spanish-speaking ELs in grades 2–4. • STS is not to be administered to English-only or RFEP students in Spanish dual immersion classes. Pre-Test Workshop

  28. STS • DFA “SAY” boxes in Spanish • Translation of demographics is in Coordinator Manual • Section 4 Version Number • Section 9a Country of Origin • Optional • Only one should be coded Pre-Test Workshop

  29. VideoStandards-based Tests in Spanish Pre-Test Workshop

  30. CST Writing AdministrationDelivery & Packaging M 6 • ETS Delivers to district • March 6 administration • Delivered Feb 20–27 • May 1 administration • Delivered April 17–24 • STAR Management System • Test Administration Summary screen • Order Status screen • District delivers to test sites 2–6 days before day of testing • Site delivers to examiner day of test only Pre-Test Workshop

  31. Writing Administration Answer Document M A57 Minimal demographic data required in sections 1 – Name, School etc. 3 – Date of Birth 5 – Student name 6 – Gender 7 – Grade 11 – Student ID (if applicable) 12 – SSID 13 – NPS School Code (if applicable) Pre-Test Workshop

  32. CST WritingReturning Materials H 6 • Scorables packaged by grade, BLUE labels • SGID Sheet • Code Grade, Number of documents • Do not code Group name • Answer documents for students who test • Non-Scorables, RED labels • Unused test materials • DFAs Pre-Test Workshop

  33. EAP EssayDelivery & Packaging M 8 • ETS Delivers to district Feb 20–27 • Separate shipment from CST Writing Administration • March 6–30 administration • STAR Management System • Test Administration Summary screen • Order Status screen • District delivers to test sites after taking inventory of materials • Site delivers to examiner day of test administration Pre-Test Workshop

  34. EAP Essay Answer Document Minimal demographic data required in sections 1 – Name, School etc. 3 – Date of Birth 5 – Student name 6 – Gender 7 – Grade 11 – Student ID (if applicable) 12 – SSID 13 – NPS School Code (if applicable) Pre-Test Workshop

  35. EAP EssayReturning Materials M 78 • EAP scores on 2007 STAR Student Reports; return essays on time. • Scorables, MAGENTA labels • Separate return shipment, NOT return with scorables for Grade 4 and 7 CST Writing • SGID Sheet • Code Grade, Number of documents • Do not code Test Type • Do not code Group name • Response booklets for students who test, only • Non-Scorables, YELLOW • Unused test materials • DFAs Pre-Test Workshop

  36. SummaryDelivery & Packaging • Separate deliveries • CST Multiple Choice (includes CAPA and STS) • CST Writing • EAP Essay • STAR Management System, see Order Status to track shipments • District box 1 – White • Secure and Inventory materials, report missing items to STAR TAC • Retain return labels in a safe, memorable place Pre-Test Workshop

  37. SummaryTest Administration • Prepare room • Distribute test materials correctly • Follow Directions For Administration (DFA) • Monitor • Audio CDs • Only use VERSION 1 Pre-Test Workshop

  38. Summary Answer Document • Version Number • End-of-Course test taken • Read Aloud • P = Read Aloud (Audio CD or Examiner) Additionally code • Y if Examiner Read Aloud (Audio CD NOT used) Pre-Test Workshop

  39. SummaryReturning Materials • Return each administration separately • CST Writing Administration 1 • CST Writing Administration 2 • EAP Essay Administration • Multiple Choice Separate Administrations • Use correct color labels • Don’t send scorables with non-scorables • Don’t use non-scorable labels for scorables Pre-Test Workshop

  40. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. d 5. a 6. a 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. c 11. a Questions Quiz Answers Pre-Test Workshop

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