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Enhancing Education Through Internet-Based Project Work

Learn about WebQuest, a mini-project utilizing online resources, short vs. long-term options, and creating effective webquests. Discover the benefits of using email, chat rooms, and incorporating chat lessons in the classroom.

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Enhancing Education Through Internet-Based Project Work

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  2. SomeSteps in preparingan Internet basedprojectwork

  3. Webquest Definiton of Webquest It’s a mini-project in which a largepercentage of the input and material issuppliedfromthe Internet.

  4. Types of webquest • Short-termWebQuest: Lasts a couple of classes. • Longer-termWebQuest: Mightlast a fewweeks, a termoreven a semester. It has specificoutcomesothers can respondto.

  5. The process webquests design Exploringthepossibilitiesstage: • Choose and chunkthetopic • Identifylearning gaps • Inventoryresources • Uncoverthequestion

  6. Webquest creation

  7. The benefit of email and chat room for ELT The benefit of chat room • Students are more inclined to participate since the context is less formal • Many students are already familiar with chat and use it for recreational purposes • Chat generates a lot of writing (although students tend not to recognize this medium as producing "real writing" - still you might use this opportunity to talk about what "real writing is" and why it's viewed as more valid than informal writing) • Chat can generate ideas which may not arise during a classroom discussion

  8. The benefit of email • It's usually free and the person receiving it gets the message within seconds. • People can also transfer files and pictures from one location to the another, making it almost a necessity in modern life.

  9. A sample text chat lesson plan • Before the class 1. Make contact with the teacher of a similar class in term of level, class size and access to technology 2. Learners also need to be confident about how to use the chat program. 3. With the teacher of other class, set a time for the chat. 4. Try out with other teacher before class

  10. Class room management issues 1. Ideally learners are put in pairs for the first chat. 2. Learners can either conduct the cat in pairs, or consecutive learners can be allowed access to the same computer for a certain amount of time 3. Using voice chat rather than text

  11. During the cat 1. Provide hand out worksheet 2. Each learner has a slightly different worksheet 3. Asking questions on their worksheet 4. Print out their chat script and complete the worksheet from that, once the cat is finished.

  12. After chat 1. Display their profile in the classroom separately 2 Create learner profile in an inter-class blog

  13. Concordances and corpuses for language analysis A “concordance”, according to the Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary (1987), is “An alphabetical list of the words in a book or a set of books which also says where each word can be found and often how it is used.”


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