1. GHSGT Review Biology
Part #1: Ecology & The Cell
2. EcologyThe study of organisms & their environment. An animals habitat is where it lives.
An animals niche is what it does.
3. Abiotic or Biotic?
4. Abiotic or Biotic?
5. Abiotic or Biotic?
6. Abiotic or Biotic?
7. Energy Flow in an Ecosystem Energy in most ecosystems comes from the sun.
8. Consumers & Their Source of Energy
9. Name the Producer, Consumers & Decomposers in this food chain:
10. Food Web
11. Feeding Relationships Food Chain
Simple Energy path through an ecosystem
Food Web
More realistic path through an ecosystem made of many food chains
12. Food Web Practice
What would happen to the owl population of all of the mice died?
What would happen to the bird population if the snake found another source of food?
13. Producers (aka autotroph) What is the producer in this food web?
What is the main source of energy for producers?
Plants make food using the suns energy in the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
14. Symbiotic Relationships Symbiosis: when 2 different organisms live together & one or both are affected
Mutualism (+, +)
Parasitism (+, -)
Commensalism (+, 0) This shows mutualism because both the birds and rhinos are benefiting.
Birds eat bugs off rhino and get food while the rhino has the parasites removed from its skin.
15. Mutualism, Parasitism or Commensalism? Parasitism!
Parasites, such as fleas, get their food from host organisms.
16. Mutualism, Parasitism or Commensalism? Commensalism
The air plant lives on the tree but the tree is not harmed.
17. The CellSection 2 of Day #1 Review Cells are the basic unit of life
Discovery of the cell made possible by the microscope.
18. Prokaryote vs. EukaryoteCells can be either prokaryotes or eukaryotes Prokaryote
No True Nucleus
Just remember
pro means NO
Most are single-celled Eukaryote
True Nucleus
Nucleus is the control center of the cell
More complex
Contain organelles
Organelles are tiny structures with specific functions
19. Organelles The most common organelles are
Animal cells DO NOT have chloroplasts, only plant cells have chloroplasts.
20. Plant Cells Green because they have chlorophyll
Pigment that captures suns energy for photosynthesis
Square because they have a cell wall
Large vacuole to store water
Also needed for photosynthesis
21. Animal Cells Circle in shape because they have a plasma membrane that surrounds the cell
22. The Plasma Membrane
23. Any Questions?