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Helping Out By Mrs. Gray’s second grade class 2012-2013

Helping Out By Mrs. Gray’s second grade class 2012-2013. Helping out is important in the classroom! Our classroom needs to be clean and run smoothly. It’s too much work for Mrs. Gray to do alone. We help her because we care about our school and our classroom. Teacher’s assistants.

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Helping Out By Mrs. Gray’s second grade class 2012-2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Helping Out By Mrs. Gray’s second grade class 2012-2013

  2. Helping out is important in the classroom! Our classroom needs to be clean and run smoothly. It’s too much work for Mrs. Gray to do alone. We help her because we care about our school and our classroom.

  3. Teacher’s assistants

  4. Mrs. Gray needs you! She has too much to do! The teacher’s assistants come to the rescue! We check agendas and help file and sort. We also get the homework out. They also take attendance.

  5. Messengers

  6. Messengers! We need you to deliver the office papers and to deliver people to the right place! Do you need to go to the nurse….or the office…or the cafeteria to turn in money….library to turn in your books? The messengers got your back!

  7. Bus callers

  8. Dismissal can be a hairy time…….if we are too noisy, people miss buses. The bus callers make sure that kids don’t miss their bus! Be careful….they will move your cougar if you’re rowdy! They move the buses as they are called…they need to be good listeners!

  9. Clean-up crew

  10. Got a messy room? Here comes the clean up crew!!!!!!!!! It’s our job to keep our room clean and tidy! We get to boss around the other students. We tell them to pick up trash and supplies that fall on the floor.

  11. Door holders

  12. Door holders make sure that people don’t get caught in the door, especially when we go to gym, outside or to lunch….those are heavy doors that don’t hold themselves!!!!

  13. Recess helpers

  14. We need playground equipment to play with! Our recess helpers take out what we need when the weather is nice. If it is nasty outside, the recess helpers get out games, toys, Legos and art supplies. We would bored without you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Weather and calendar helpers

  16. The calendar helpers write the weather and date every day!!!! We need to know how to dress to go out and what day it is……The calendar helpers to the rescue!

  17. Science helpers and substitutes

  18. Everyone is absent from time to time….the substitutes are there to back you up! They will do your job if you can’t. Science helpers help to set up for experiments. They keep an eye on our science equipment and help during science.

  19. Paper passers

  20. Paper passers are busy bees! There are always papers to pass……..what would Mrs. Gray do without them?

  21. Line leader and caboose

  22. We get to budge in the front of the line…..or the back. We have to be a good example to our class to keep us straight and quiet.

  23. Hand sanitizer and library assistants

  24. Library helpers take the library cart to the library. We remind forgetful Freddy’s to put their books in the cart! Hand sanitizer people keep us healthy. We pass out sanitizer before we eat.

  25. Desk faries

  26. Are you a paper stuffer or are you as neat as a pin? The desk fairies stay in for recess for just a bit. They check for the neatest desks and give them a little treat and card! It’s fun to do and nice to get a prize for being NEAT AND CLEAN!!!!!!

  27. Recycle police

  28. Whoa! Don’t throw that bottle in the trash! That paper goes in the green recycle can! The recycle police will turn you in! Their job is to be sure bottles get recycled in the hallway and that all papers are recycled properly……nothing but papers in the green can please!!!!!!!!

  29. iu The End

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