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Travel Journals 4 th Grade

Travel Journals 4 th Grade. Heather Barnes Katie Waller ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root. Prewriting & Drafting for Travel Journals. Prewriting & Drafting Georgia Performance Standards. GPS:

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Travel Journals 4 th Grade

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  1. Travel Journals4th Grade Heather Barnes Katie Waller ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Barnes & Waller

  2. Prewriting & DraftingforTravel Journals

  3. Prewriting & DraftingGeorgia Performance Standards GPS: ELA4W1 The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student a. Selects a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements. Barnes & Waller

  4. Prewriting & DraftingPrimary Learning Outcome PLO: The students will be able to begin the writing process by choosing a topic to focus on and begin to generate ideas and thoughts onto paper and will be able to write at an appropriate length for the Travel Journal. Barnes & Waller

  5. Form of Writing Travel Journals • Students will be taking turns taking home a bag which contains a variety items dealing with vacation and a journal. Such as: • Travel Brochures • Maps • Postcards Barnes & Waller

  6. Form of Writing Travel Journals At home students will decide where they will visit on vacation, write a story about their vacation, and illustrate their story using art materials. Barnes & Waller

  7. Form of Writing Travel Journals Students will return the bag with the journal the next day for another student to take home. Entries from the journal will be shared with the whole once a week. Barnes & Waller

  8. Stage of Writing Prewriting and Drafting The students will complete a blank graphic organizer, which will come with the journal. The students will be able to organize their thought before putting their ideas in the journal. The students will complete a draft of their journal. Barnes & Waller

  9. Graphic Organizer

  10. Barnes & Waller

  11. Show and Explain Model • Parish, Peggy (1985). Amelia bedelia goes camping. HarperCollins Publishers. Barnes & Waller

  12. Show and Explain Model • This example shows students possibilities about what they can write about in their travel journals • The example is rather in depth but will open up the students eyes to the possibilities they can write about Barnes & Waller

  13. Published Piece • APA Citation • Moss, M. (1997). Amelia hits the road. Berkeley: Tricycle. • Link to Excerpt • http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1562477900/ref=sib_dp_pt#reader-link Barnes & Waller

  14. Barnes & Waller

  15. Practice Activity • As a class the students will decide on a location as to where they would like to travel anywhere in the world. • The students will to fill out a Graphic Organizer as a class on the overhead projector Barnes & Waller

  16. Assessment Activity • Each student will be given a blank Graphic Organizer to complete on their own. • The students will pick a dream location where they would like to travel, rather then the location they completed as a class. Barnes & Waller

  17. Revising and Editingfor Travel Journals

  18. Revising & EditingGeorgia Performance Standards • ELA4W1 The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student • b. Writes texts of a length appropriate to address the topic or tell the story. Barnes & Waller

  19. Revising & Editing Primary Learning Outcome • The students will be able to write an appropriate length text and once completed writing the student will re-read the story and make any corrections, additions, or deletions if needed to better their writing. Barnes & Waller

  20. Form of Writing Travel Journals • Students will be taking turns taking home a bag which contains a variety items dealing with vacation and a journal. Such as: • Travel Brochures • Maps • Postcards Barnes & Waller

  21. Form of Writing Travel Journals At home students will decide where they will visit on vacation, write a story about their vacation, and illustrate their story using art materials. Students will return the bag with the journal the next day for another student to take home. Entries from the journal will be shared with the whole once a week. Barnes & Waller

  22. Stage of Writing Revising and Editing • Once the students have completed the prewriting and drafting stage, they will go back and re-read their story. • The students will make any additions, corrections, or deletions in order to better their story. • The student will write a final copy of their journal into the “Travel Journal”. Barnes & Waller

  23. Show and Explain Model • Keller, L (1998). The scrambled states of america. New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company. Barnes & Waller

  24. Show and Explain Model • The teacher will share this text with the students. • The teacher will explain to the students that there are several places in the world to travel, even throughout the United States. • This will help the students to add information and detail into their writing. Barnes & Waller

  25. Published Piece • APA Citation • Bierman, C. (1998). Journey to Ellis Island. Toronto: Madison Press. • Link to Excerpt • http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/B0000AA9K7/ref=sib_dp_pt#reader-link Barnes & Waller

  26. Barnes & Waller

  27. Practice Activity • The teacher will present the students with an example of a Travel Journal that contains errors and needs additions, corrections, and deletions, on the overhead. • As a group the students will make additions, corrections, and deletions in order to better the story. Barnes & Waller

  28. Assessment Activity • The students will be given a short example of a journal writing. On their own, the students will make additions, corrections, and deletions. • Once completed the students will share their ideas with the class. • The teacher will remind the students that there is not one right answer and there can be several ways to revise and edit. Barnes & Waller

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