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ALTC CELEBRATORY DRINKS. Office of the DVC(E). ALTC Citation for outstanding CONTRIBUTION TO student learning . Congratulations! ~ Dr. Christine Kilham ~ Opening the doors of higher education through teaching and scholarship that foster inclusion for people with disability

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  2. ALTC Citation for outstanding CONTRIBUTION TO student learning Congratulations! ~ Dr. Christine Kilham ~ Opening the doors of higher education through teaching and scholarship that foster inclusion for people with disability ~ Dr. Linda Li ~Supporting Higher Degree Research students in their journeyto successful thesis writing through skilled advising, empathetic guidance, and developing productive writing skills.
  3. ALTC Citation for outstanding CONTRIBUTION TO student learning Congratulations! ~ Associate Professor Mary Walsh ~ Inspiring undergraduate and postgraduate politics students toachieve career-enhancing outcomes beyond their expectationsthrough a research and publications-based portfolio. ~ Ms. Sarah St Vincent Welch ~Taming the terror of the bare page: devising playful writing spacesthat surprise, stimulate and support creative writing students to write and keep writing.
  4. Altc awardS ceremony @ Sydney OPERA HOUSE
  5. ALTC extension grants Congratulations! ~ Dr. TheaVanags, Dr. Amanda George, Dr. Tricia Brown, Dr. Sarah Ailwood, & Assoc. Prof Coralie McCormack ~ $5,000 awarded for their project to encourage greaterparticipation in peer review of teaching in the University’s Health & Law faculties
  6. ALTC extension grants Congratulations! ~ Assoc. Prof. Anna Wilson & Prof. GerleseAkerlind ~ T.R.E.A.S.U.R.E: Teaching Research Evaluation and Assessment Strategies for Undergraduate Research Experiences$182,000 ~ Assoc. Prof. Coralie McCormack ~NSW/ACT Promoting Excellence in Teaching Network$50,000
  7. ALTC extension grants Congratulations! ~ Danny Munnerley, Matt Bacon, Prof. Robert Fitzgerald & Assoc. Prof. Anna Wilson ~ Augmented Reality Studio: Creating opportunities from multimodallayered learning through augmented reality. $204,000~ Dr. Amanda George, Assoc. Prof. Lynne Magor-Blatch,& Ms. Toni Green ~Virtual world interview skills training for health professionals. $114,000
  8. Augmented reality studio Team
  9. ALTC project funding Congratulations! ~ Assoc. Prof. Jackie Walkington, Dr. Monica Kennedy, Assoc. Prof. Laurie Grealish, & Prof. GerleseAkerlind~ Work Integrated Learning: Assessing the impact of work-integrated learning on student work readiness. $220,000
  10. ALTC project funding Congratulations! ~ Professor GerleseAkerlind & Ms. Sue DeMoor ~ ‘Moodleposium’: A forum enabling the sharing ofinnovations and practice amongst ANU, CIT and UC.$5,000 ~ Assoc. Professor Coralie McCormack ~Leadership: Building leadership with the Sessional Staff Standards framework.$220,000
  11. Collective Successes Teaching & Learning Composite Index is now 100.2% of target New Teaching Commons & Student Commons opened Finalised RLE Strategy FinalisedWIL Project PG Renew Project underway
  12. Collective Successes Established the CAG and Course Reaccreditation policy Established Generic Skills strategy and Peer Review model External moderation of assessment exercise with SCU underway $900,000 Lecture Streaming Project Finalised the 2010 Assessment Improvement Project
  13. Well Done & Congratulations!!!
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