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Health Information Technology Update: Texas Landscape

This presentation provides an overview of health information technology (HIT) in Texas, including updates on legislative initiatives, funding, projects, and future activities. It also discusses the role of the Texas e-Health Alliance and the Texas Health Services Authority. Key topics include privacy and security, telemedicine, Medicaid, and stakeholder involvement.

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Health Information Technology Update: Texas Landscape

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health Information TechnologyUpdate on the Texas LandscapePresentation to TASSCC’s State of the State Conference Nora Belcher Texas e-Health Alliance December 10, 2010

  2. Health Information TechnologyOverview • Background • Update on Texas Landscape • Legislative Preview

  3. Background Planning and Policy Development – Federal • Initiated through April 2004 State of the Union address • Furthered through the creation of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology • Ongoing federal health IT initiatives • Open, deliberative policy development process (Health IT Policy Committee) • Certification and standardization (Health IT Standards Committee) • Health information exchange pilots (Nationwide Health Information Network) • Privacy & security (Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration) • New health IT initiatives through the ARRA

  4. Background Planning and Policy Development – Federal • Health IT initiatives created and funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) • Electronic health record incentives (estimated $36-$46 billion) • Health information infrastructure ($2 billion) • State grants for HIE planning and implementation • Health IT regional extension centers • Health IT workforce program

  5. Texas Landscape: State Funding and Projects • State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program $28.8 million – HHSC/ Office of e-Health Coordination (OeHC) • Medicaid Health IT Plan/EHR Incentive Payment Program $4.5 million planning – HHSC/Medicaid • Health IT Regional Extension Centers (REC) $35.7 million – 4 awards • Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) $15 million – UT Health Science Center, Houston • Beacon Community Program 8 Texas applicants, 0 awards • Health IT Workforce Grants $5.4 million – Texas State University, San Marcos

  6. HHSC Texas Health Services Authority (THSA) • Develop & implement a state plan for HIE • Support the development of local & regional HIE • Foster the development of HIT policy for the state • $28.8m planning & implementation funds through ONC via MOU with HHSC • Pass through Medicaid incentive funds: up to $2b through 2019 • Develop & implement a Medicaid HIE (HB 1218) • Pass through planning and implementation funds to THSA Regional Extension Centers (HITRECs) Universities & Community Colleges • ONC award: Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) for research on barriers to EHR adoption: UTHSC- Houston, $15M • ONC award: Program of Assistance for University-Based Training to increase availability of HIT professionals: Texas State University, $5.4m • Funded by ONC to offer technical assistance, guidance & information on best practices to support & accelerate efforts to become meaningful users of EHRs • CentrEast REC (TAMU): $5.3m • North TX REC (DFW Hospital Council): $8.5m • West TX HIT REC (Texas Tech): $6.7m • Gulf Coast REC (UTHSC): $15.2m

  7. Texas Health Services Authority • State plan approved in November 2010 • Established a Collaboration Council and a number of working groups on specific topics • Moving into procurement phase: • Local HIE RFA • White Space RFA • State Level Services • THSA undergoes Sunset in 2013

  8. Texas Legislative Activity Increasing interest in health IT in the Texas Legislature Before 2005 – 0 health IT bills filed 2005 – 1 health IT bill filed 2007 – 6 health IT bills filed 2009 – 30 health IT bills filed 81st Regular Legislative Session (2009 ) Health passport expansion Electronic prescribing (also LBB report) Medicaid-based HIE

  9. Texas Legislative Issues Privacy and Security Regulation Telemedicine and Telehealth Scope of Practice Medicaid Managed Care Expansion Federal Health Care Reform Health Insurance Exchange

  10. Future Activities • The Texas path forward • State HIE planning and implementation grant • THSA and workgroups • Clear role for local HIEs • State Medicaid Health IT Plan development and implementation • Other, Ongoing Texas state-level projects • Office of e-Health Coordination • Medicaid HIE Initiative • Private-sector developments • Regional initiatives • Stakeholders (employers, payers, etc.)

  11. What Does It Mean For You? • Major open questions • Funding/sustainability • Achieving population and geographic coverage – network topology • Patient involvement in HIE – consent? How much? • Provider liability • Impact on state agencies • Direct impact • Indirect impact

  12. Helpful Links http://www.txrecs.org/ http://www.cms.gov/EHRIncentivePrograms/ http://www.thsa.org/ http://www.tmhp.com/Pages/HealthIT/HIT_Home.aspx http://www.himss.org/

  13. Questions? Nora Belcher Executive Director Texas e-Health Alliance nora@txeha.org (512) 536-1340

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