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Realising the European Research Area: Key Challenges and Initiatives

Explore the challenges and initiatives to strengthen European research competitiveness, investment, and collaboration within the ERA. Learn about strategic goals, global positioning, response to crises, innovative partnerships, and the vision for 2020.

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Realising the European Research Area: Key Challenges and Initiatives

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  1. Realising the European Research Area (ERA) Key challenges European Commission Research Directorate-General Anneli Pauli Deputy Director-General

  2. Outline • Our global position in numbers • Ljubljana Process and ERA vision 2020 • The five ERA initiatives and other ERA building blocks

  3. 1. Our global position in numbers

  4. The challenges: Globalisationof Research • Over 75% of global research investment is made outside the EU • Our share is decreasing due to new global players in S&T • Europe must invest more while opening up to the world

  5. EU is increasing its investments in research • All Member States respond by increasing their R&D investments in real terms (2000-2007) • 17 Member States even managed to increase their R&D intensity since 2000

  6. EU’s overall R&D intensity stagnates • However the EU’s R&D intensity has stagnated … • …while Asia’s is growing strongly and the USA maintains far higher investments

  7. What are the main reasons for the R&D intensity gap with the US and Japan?

  8. A low intensity of private sector R&D investments…

  9. …linked to the EU’s industrial structure

  10. EU’s assets in research • The EU is still the largest producer of scientific publications • The EU has a growing pool of researchers • The EU is increasingly attractive for foreign research investments

  11. Number of doctoral graduates in 2005 and average annual growth 2000-2005

  12. R&D expenditure of affiliates of US parent companies abroad R&D expenditure flows between EU-15 and the USA (billion PPP$), 2003 and 2005

  13. Effect of the crisis on R&D investment • Overall private investment in R&D likely to be cut, especially in high-tech SMEs • Public support to R&D has an essential counter-cyclical role to play • European Council, 20 March 2009 called for « stepping up and improving the quality of investmentin research, knowledge and education »

  14. EU’s response to the crisis:Recovery Package / R&D aspects • Call for Member States to increase investment in R&Dand reduce patent registration and maintenance fees for SMEs • Three Public-Private Partnerships on R&D and innovation: • Automotive: Green cars initiative (1B€ for R&D element) • Construction: Energy-efficient buildings initiative (1B€) • Manufacturing:Factories of the future initiative (1.2B€)  50/50 funding from FP7 and private partners  First step: Calls for proposals planned for mid-2009 • Risk-Sharing Finance Facility (EIB / FP7): Frontloading of EC resources in 2009 to support access to credit (loans) for R&D and innovation (220M€ vs EUR150M€)

  15. Money innovation research Knowledge

  16. 2. Ljubljana Process & ERA vision 2020 04/01/2020

  17. Basics of the development of the European Research Area (ERA) • The ERA concept combines: a European "internal market" for research, where • researchers, technology and knowledge freely circulate; • there is effective European-level coordination of national and regional research activities, programmes and policies; • initiatives are implemented and funded at European level.

  18. Ljubljana Process 04/01/20202. ERA vision & Ljubljana process • We need to develop a well-organised partnership between the Member States, Associated States and the Commission to exchange information and to steer all initiatives in a coherent way. • A common long-term vision for the future of ERA as the basis for our future actions and initiatives • An action plan and the roadmap to implement the vision • Better governance, notably with better political steering at the ministerial level, is needed.

  19. ERA Vision 2020 04/01/20202. ERA vision & Ljubljana process ERA Vision 2020 adopted at Competitiveness Council on2 December 2008 “By 2020, all actors fully benefit from the ‘Fifth Freedom’ across the ERA: free circulation of researchers, knowledge and technology. The ERA provides attractive conditions and effective and efficient governance for doing research and investing in R&D intensive sectors in Europe. It creates strong added value by fostering a healthy Europe-wide scientific competition whilst ensuring the appropriate level of cooperation and coordination. It is responsive to the needs and ambitions of citizens and effectively contributes to the sustainable development and competitiveness of Europe.”

  20. Single labour market for researchers World-class research infrastructures Excellent research institutions and universities Well-coordinated research programmes and priorities (joint programming) ERA Opening of the ERA to the world Effective knowledge sharing ERA building blocks 04/01/2020 3. The five ERA initiatives

  21. 3. The five ERA initiatives and other ERA building blocks 04/01/2020

  22. European Partnership for Researchers 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives Key Challenges: • Ensure quality and availability of researchers across Europe and raise the attraction of Europe to the best research talents world-wide • Increasing competition, globally and with other economic sectors • Demographic developments affecting Europe's research workforce • Europe's goal to increase public and private investments in R&D • Mainstream mobility between institutions, between sectors and across borders, based on the “brain circulation” paradigm

  23. European Partnership for Researchers 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives Response to challenges: • A partnership between Member States, Associated States and the Commission to accelerate progress, building on reforms and actions underway • A common framework to help focus the efforts on shared objectives and key areas of common interest • A balanced approach: better careers and more mobility • New voluntary measures to promote the Charter & Code principles (The European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of Researchers) at institutional level (“HR Strategy for Researchers”) • The Gago/Biltgen report of December 2008 with further ideas for implementing the Partnership pointing out the importance of education in science.

  24. European Partnership for Researchers Focus actions at national and European level in four key areas: • Open recruitment and portability of grants • Meeting social security and supplementary pension needs of mobile researchers • Attractive employment and working conditions • Enhancing training, skills and experience of researchers Next steps: • Member States to plan/act at national level based on common objectives • Continue progress at European level through the ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility and its four Working Groups (Working Conditions & Recruitment; Social Security & Pension Rights; Training & Skills; Monitoring & Indicators) • Member States to provide first reporting on progress end of 2009 and the Commission to provide a global assessment on actions & results in 2010

  25. European Partnership for Researchers 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives The “Charter & Code” (C&C) • Signatures: Around 100 signed declarations representing nearly 1000 research organisations spread over 27 countries: Ministries of Research Universities (individual and representative bodies), funding bodies. • Impact: e.g. Improvement of working conditions of young researchers, Reform PhD and post-doc grant system, New Trainee Statute, National funding bodies linking funds to C&C, Working groups on specific issues: pensions etc. Next step: the « HR Strategy for Researchers »

  26. Joint Programming in Research 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives Key Challenges : • Science and Technology must contribute to solving major societal challenges • Benefits not optimised due to compartmentalisation of public research funding in the EU • National research programmes have their place… but are not equipped to tackle major European societal problems by themselves Response to challenges : • Commission Communication on Joint Programming in research adopted by Council Conclusions (2008) • Member States engaging • Voluntary and on the basis of variable geometry • …based on a common vision on how to address major societal challenges • …in the definition, development and implementation of common strategic research agendas



  29. Joint Programming in Research General Timetable • From 13/2 to 4/12/09 7 Meetingsof Joint Programming Group • Throughout 2009Consultation of Stakeholders by Member States, proposals to GPC • End 2009Identification of Joint Programming themes by the group, for the December 2009 Council Commission prepares proposal for Council Recommendation on the basis of themes identified by the Joint Programming Group (e.g. Neurodegenerative diseases in 7/09) • 2009-2010Council adopts Recommendation, launching the selected Initiatives Setting up of management structures, development of visions, drafting of the Strategic Research Agendas, pooling the resources, analysis of the potential of existing instruments or the need for new ones. Commission supports as deemed necessary. • … by end 2010Implementation.Launch of first joint activities, first report to Council P H A S E 1 P H A S E 2

  30. World-class research infrastructures 04/01/2020 3. The five ERA initiatives • Essential for Europe’s researchers to stay at the forefront of research development • Key component of Europe’s competitiveness in both basic and applied research Key Challenges: • To overcome fragmentation in Europe in the field of Research Infrastructures • To improve the efficiency of services and access to European Research Infrastructures • To cope with their increasing cost and complexity • To further develop and better exploit the potential of e-infrastructures

  31. World-class research infrastructures Response to challenges: • Integration of existing Research Infrastructures • ESFRI roadmap for new Infrastructures (updated on December 9, 2008) • A new Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) providing a legal personality to ease the setting up of European Research Infrastructures (Valid as of 28 August 2009) Next steps: • Implement the ESFRI roadmap (national support) • Continue developing a Research Infrastructures policy at EU level 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives

  32. World-class research infrastructures Application / assessment process Regulation, Agreement between Guidelines partners results communicated to possible pre-submission advice by Preparation of applicants the EC application Submission to Application N° Commission Tracking revision x system assessment by Commission with help of independent 4-8 months experts Proposed EC decision (positive or negative) on the ERIC establishment Opinion of Management Committee Final draft decision EC Decision Publication in the Official Journal, if decision to set up the ERIC

  33. Opening of ERA to the world 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives Key Challenges: • Globalisation and global challenges (e.g. climate change, energy security) • Rise of "non-traditional" research partner countries and research locations ("new global S&T players") • Facilitation of knowledge transfer at global level • The need to ensure equitable and fair access to IP generated in international R&D collaborations • The need to avoid duplication of activities between the Member States and the European Community with third country partners

  34. Opening of ERA to the world 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives • Europe has thousands of links with other parts of the world on many levels: national and European bilateral agreements, inter-institutional collaborations and researcher to researcher contacts. • However, there is currently no strategy at European level exchange of information about the activities deriving from these contacts, nor to permit an adequate level of cooperation and coordination among the activities. “A Strategic European Framework for International S&T Cooperation“ • based on a long term partnership between the Member States and the European Community • aiming for a more coordinated approach between Member States and the European Community activities

  35. Opening of ERA to the world Strategic Forum for International Cooperation • Member States, Associated States and the European Commission collaborate to identify common priorities which could lead to coordinated or joint initiatives and positions vis-à-vis third countries and international fora. • Has established two Task Forces: • Information Sharing • Priority Setting/ Global Challenges

  36. Knowledge transfer and IP management 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives Key Challenges: • To enhance the impact of public research on European socio-economic growth by strengthening knowledge transfer between Public Research Organisations (PROs) and the private sector at national, European and international levels. • To improve the management of intellectual property arising from research by PROs (including universities), and the development of relations with the private sector. Response to challenges: • Commission Recommendation and Code of Practice (2008) including key principles for improving national Intellectual Property (IP) and knowledge transfer policies, and guidance for PROs to set up institutional policies and knowledge transfer systems. • Council Resolution endorsing and supporting Recommendation and Code of Practice adopted in 2008.

  37. Knowledge transfer and IP management 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives Next steps (1): • Member States and Commission: CREST working group. The group has identified priorities for the next two years including: • Identifying indicators for measuring progress in implementing the Recommendation and Code of Practice; • Reviewing and reporting on initiatives taken at national levels to implement the Recommendation and Code of Practice; • Identifying specific issues related to international knowledge transfer (i.e. beyond the EU) including the development of practical guidelines where appropriate; • Reviewing how the Recommendation and Code of Practice are promoted in relevant EU initiatives.

  38. Knowledge transfer and IP management 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives Next steps (2): • Stakeholders and Commission: “Knowledge transfer forum” to discuss implementation of the Code of Practice, exchange best practices, and work on issues of common interest (e.g. international aspects, model contracts). An DG Research expert group has been created to produce studies on issues relating to knowledge transfer, to support the work of the forum. The next meeting of the forum is planned for October 2009. • Member States and Stakeholder events to discuss national implementation of Recommendation and Code of Practice, actions to develop national policies and guidelines. • Stakeholder events to disseminate Code of Practice • Commission will monitor progress and report in 2010, based on indicators and national reports.

  39. Research institutions 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives • Excellent research institutions, including universities: key players in the knowledge-based economy development, at the heart of the knowledge triangle • No separate ERA initiative, but elements firmly incorporated in the initiatives, e.g. on researchers and on knowledge transfer • Commission Communication “Modernisation agenda for universities: education, research and innovation”: research excellence, governance, funding, partnerships with business, knowledge exchange, networking,… • Largely in hands of Member States and research institutions themselves; European level and national actions politically endorsed by the November 2007 Council resolution on the modernisation of universities for Europe’s competitiveness

  40. Beyond the five initiatives 04/01/20203. The five ERA initiatives • The five initiatives and their future implementation mark important milestones in the further development of ERA but there are many other issues to be addressed • Other current initiatives contributing to advancement of the ERA: • ERC (external review made, Commission Communication in October) • European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) • European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET) • Maritime research strategy • European Technology Platforms (ETP) • JTIs, Art. 169s • Strengthening of synergies between FP7, CIP and Structural Funds • Member States and stakeholders encouraged to identify other challenges and initiatives

  41. We need a more research and innovation intensive, integrated and attractive EuropeanResearchArea Excellent Research Attracts http://ec.europa.eu/research/era 43

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