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PINION (PIN yun) verb To bind the wings so As not to fly; to continue Link: PIN

QUAFF (kwaf) verb To drink heartily. PREDATORY (PRED ah tor ee) adjective Victimizing or destroying others For one’s own gain; pillaging. PREHENSILE (pri HEN sile) adjective Adapted for grasping or holding. QUAIL (kwayl) verb To shrink with fear; to cower; to lose heart and courage.

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PINION (PIN yun) verb To bind the wings so As not to fly; to continue Link: PIN

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  1. QUAFF (kwaf) verb To drink heartily PREDATORY (PRED ah tor ee) adjective Victimizing or destroying others For one’s own gain; pillaging PREHENSILE (pri HEN sile) adjective Adapted for grasping or holding QUAIL (kwayl) verb To shrink with fear; to cower; to lose heart and courage PINION (PIN yun) verb To bind the wings so As not to fly; to continue Link: PIN PIOUS (PIE us) adjective Devout or virtuous; holy Link: PIE SYNONYM – down ANTONYM - eject SYNONYM – cringe ANTONYM - face SYNONYM - devout ANTONYM - unbelieving SYNONYM - adhere ANTONYM - free

  2. QUELL (kwel) verb To extinguish; to put down or suppress by force PRESENTIMENT (pre ZEN tih ment) noun A sense that something is About to occur; a premonition PRISTINE (PRIS teen) adjective Extremely pure; untouched QUIETUDE (KWIE ih tude) noun Calm; tranquility; peacefulness PLETHORA (PLETH or ah) noun A state of excessive fullness; superabundance Link: FLORA PINION (PIN yun) verb To bind the wings so As not to fly; to continue Link: PIN PLUCKY (PLUCK ee) adjective Brave and spirited; courageous Link: DUCKY PIOUS (PIE us) adjective Devout or virtuous; holy Link: PIE SYNONYM - serenity ANTONYM - agitation SYNONYM - suppress ANTONYM - succeed SYNONYM - bold ANTONYM -afraid SYNONYM - deluge ANTONYM - lack

  3. RAFFISH (RAF ish) adjective Cheaply vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry; disrespectable PRODIGIOUS (prah DIJ us) adjective Enormous in size quantity, Degree; marvelous, amazing PROFOUND (prah found) adjective Intellectually deep or penetrating; reaching to, rising from, or affecting the depths of one’s nature. RANSACK (RAN sak) verb To search thoroughly; pillage PLIABLE (PLYE ah bul) adjective Receptive to change; easily persuaded or controlled; easily bent or twisted Link: FLY BULL POLARIZE (POH luh ryz) verb To break up into opposing Factions or groups Link: POLAR ICE PLETHORA (PLETH or ah) noun A state of excessive fullness; superabundance Link: FLORA PINION (PIN yun) verb To bind the wings so As not to fly; to continue Link: PIN PLUCKY (PLUCK ee) adjective Brave and spirited; courageous Link: DUCKY PIOUS (PIE us) adjective Devout or virtuous; holy Link: PIE SYNONYM – ravage ANTONYM - tidy SYNONYM – coarse ANTONYM - aristocratic SYNONYM - unify ANTONYM - spread SYNONYM -flexible ANTONYM - rigid PLUCKY (PLUCK ee) adjective Brave and spirited; courageous Link: DUCKY

  4. REIGN (rayn) noun The exercise or possession of supreme power PROPINQUITY (proh PING kwi tee) noun Proximity, nearness; kinship PRUDENT (PROOD ent) adjective Cautious; discreet; exercising Good judgment REPLETE (rih PLEET) adjective Full or supplied to the utmost; gorged POLTROON (pol TROON) noun A coward LINK: PLATOON PORTAL (POR tul) noun An entrance, door or gate Link: PORTHOLE SYNONYM – abundant ANTONYM - empty SYNONYM – dominion ANTONYM - decline SYNONYM - entry ANTONYM - interior SYNONYM - alarmist ANTONYM - aggressor

  5. PSYCHE (SYE kee) noun The human soul; the mind REPROACH (rih PROACH) verb/noun To express disapproval of; an expression of disapproval REQUISITE (REK kwuh zut) adjective/noun Essential; necessary PURBLIND (PER blind) adjective Having poor vision; Nearly or partially blind PORTEND (por TEND) verb To warn of as an omen; forecast LINK: POOR END PRATTLE (PRAT l) verb To babble; to talk meaninglessly Link: RATTLE SYNONYM – need ANTONYM -nonessential SYNONYM – dishonor ANTONYM - respect SYNONYM - chatter ANTONYM – be quiet SYNONYM - foretell ANTONYM - ignore

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