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Inhoud. Einde van Loop-en-val (Sy Bynaam) se leweGedig is
1. Loop en val (By aanhoor van Matthews Motshwarateu se dood) Digter: DJ Opperman
2. Inhoud Einde van Loop-en-val (Sy Bynaam) se lewe
Gedig is n reaksie op n berig van sy dood in die koerant
Hartseer dat so n talentvolle atleet op so n tragiese en wreedaardige wyse moes sterf
Sy laaste wedloop was so onnodig en ondenkbaar
3. Strofe een: versreëls 1 - 5 Wie sou ooit kon dink
(Who would ever think)
dat dit so sou wees? Jy wat soveel rondtes
(that it would end (be) like that? You, who could do so many rounds)
om die baan triomfanklik kon loop
(triumphantly around the track)
en val
(and fall)
ongemaklik, die kommiek van totale toewyding
(uncomfortably, comically but totally committed -)
4. Versreëls 6 - 11 Wie sou ooit die afloop van jou laaste wedloop
(Who would ever think that your last race would end)
só voorsien? Jy wat eens die rekords
(like this? You who could obtain records)
en medaljes
(and medals)
amper na willekeur kon verwerf: Neergeskiet
(almost at will: Shot down)
in Molape onderweg na huis
(in Molape on your way home)
wie het kon dink
(who could think)
5. Strofe twee / Tweede strofe Op drie-en-veertig sou jy
(At the age of fourty three you would)
met vier koeëls in jou lyf roemloos
(with four bullets in your body and without fame)
oor die wenstreep
(over the winning line)
6. Strofe drie / Derde strofe hulpwaarts
(towards help)
7. Tuesday, November 6, 2001
Loop en Val killed for a paltry R30 ROAD RUNNINGBob Norris THE past few days have been emo-tional ones for the road running world. The death of one of South Africa~s all time greats, Matthews Motshwarateu, in a senseless manner, is devastating. 'Loop en Val', as he was affectionately known, was gunned down and robbed of R30 in Soweto and died in hospital days later. On Sunday the Soweto Marathon was run in rememberance of Motshwarateu and it is hoped the tragedy will streng~-then the resolve of all our people to eliminate thuggery and crime. Motshwarateu was a humble man despite towering above the sporting world in the late 70s, through the 80s and into the early 90s. He became the first South African to break 28 minutes for 10000m and won numerous track and cross country titles. He was a tough competitor, winning the SA half-marathon and holding the 10km record for some time. He went on to represent his country at the half-marathon, on the track and in the road relay. I was privileged to have managed the SA relay team which included Motshwarateu to the Berlin Ekiden in 1992.
8. On this trip he proved what a fine team man he was. Prior to selection he was one of two certainties, but lost form in the build-up to the event. A tough decision to replace him with reserve runner Adam Motlagale, mere days before the race, was made easier by the personality and team commitment of Motshwarateu, who filled the role of assisting with and motivating the team to a superb fourth place in their first outing at such an event. The entire contingent that made up that relay team were and are running greats. They, more than any others, should today be playing leading roles in South African athletics. The team included Mathews Temane, Xolile Yawa, Meshack Mogotsi and Motlagale. Just as difficult to fathom is the lack of media coverage of so great an athletes senseless death. The connotations are obvious and sad. p The president of Athletics South Africa, Leonard Chuene, paying tribute to Motshwarateu, who died on his birthday, said the South African athletics fraternity mourned the tragic and untimely death of one of the greatest and finest athletes the world has ever known.
9. ''Had it not been for the evil system of apartheid, Matthews would no doubt have been one of the athletes who would have not only represented our beloved country at the Olympics, but would have done so with distinction. That a hero of the people, and a soldier in the army of good, should have his life usurped by a villain, in such a callous and cold-blooded manner, is a serious indictment on the fabric of our society. ''I believe that for us sports people, the murder of Matthews should mark a turning point. It should serve as our moment of truth. At this dark hour we should ask ourselves what our role is in combating crime. Furthermore, we should be honest in answering the question: Have we played this role and, if yes, to what extent? ''I believe that by multiplying and intensifying our efforts in creating competition opportunities, particularly in the previously disadvantaged communities, we will go a long way to providing an alternative for the young boys who hijack cars and rob innocent people of their hard-earned means. ''Let us all say with one voice, enough is enough,'' the president of South African Athletics said.
10. Esterhuyzen
11. Inhoud Die gedig is oor Loop en val se laaste wedloop wat onnodig en sinneloos was
Geskryf a.g.v. n berig wat in die koerant verskyn het.
Hy het n komiese hardloopstyl gehad maar was meestal die oorwinnaar
Hy kon nie n sinnelose manier van sterf oorwin nie
12. RETORIESE VRAAG Die retoriese vraag word 3 keer gevra HOEKOM?
Dit dui en beklemtoon die ongeloof van die spreker oor Loop-en-val se onverwagse dood
Vier koeëls het sy liggaam binne gedring
13. Huiswaarts word nou hulpwaarts Dit verwys na Loop-en val- se laaste loop voordat hy geval en grondwaarts gestort het
Geen hulp sou sy lewe kon red nie
Die woord wenstreep = ironiese betekenis
Die verwysing na n erg beseerde Loop-en-val wat op die grond kruip op soek na hulp, herinner sterk aan die tragiese prentjies van Comradeshardlopers aan die einde van die wedstryd.
14. Hoe oud was hy? Hy was drie-en-veertig jaar oud
Sterf n wreedaardige dood
As n bykans vergete en onbekende voormalige atleet
15. Kontras Die beklemtoning van die woord Só in reël twee en in reël sewe dui die kontras aan van hoe dit vroeër was en hoe dit nou is.
Ons vind hierdie kontras dwardeur die gedig, ook in die kontrasterende stelleing dat hy vroeër na willekeur sy lewe kon beheer, terwyl hy aan die einde geen beheer gehad het oor wat met hom gebeur het nie.
16. Hardloopstyl Dit is sy uitsonderlike hardloopstyl wat hom so merkwaardig gemaak het
Hy het op n komiese manier gehardloop en tog geslaag om rekords te verbeter en groot name in atletiek uit te stof
Hy het sy bynaam gekry oor die vreemde manier waarop hy gehardloop het.
Het altyd gelyk asof hy enige oomblik balans kon verloor en val
Maar in sy laaste wedstryd het hy werklik geval
17. Derde dimensie Was loop en val
Nou word kruip ook bygevoeg
Woorde soos laaste wedloop
Daar is geen wensituasie hier nie die wenstreep is n verloopstreep
18. Agtergrondkennis Motshwarateu was in die 70s en 80s een van SA se kleurrykste atlete
Het lomp en onritmies gelyk, asof hy enige oomblik kon val
In April 1978 het hy Ewlad Bonzet in die 5000 in Stellenbosh geklop
n Jaar later het hy Bonzet se 10 000 meter rekord verpletter
Hy het n studiebeurs gewen om in Texas te studeer
In 1980 verbeter hy die 10 km padwedloop met 24 sek.
Na sy atletiekjare, terug in SA, voer hy n sukkelbestaan
19. Vervolg
. Toe hy op 43 sterf was hy so arm dat sy gesin nie eers vir sy begrafnis kon betaal nie
Gedig is gebaseer op die koerantberig wat op 11 November 2001 in die Sunday Times verskyn het
20. Opsomming van gedig 1-3 Spreker is verstom omdat hy so gesterf het.
4 en val (staan alleen /tipografie)
dit beklemtoon die laaste val van sy lewe
Vreemde hardloopstyl (komieklik) maar hy het baie hard geoefen
6-7 gedeeltelike herhaling van reël 1
Beklemtoon onbesonnenheid van dood
Reël 7 is op inhoud van koerant gebaseer
21. Versreëls
. 8 het rekords, oorwinnings en medaljes gehad
9 impliseer dat hy maklik / na willekeur kon wen
10 enjambement reël 9 gaan oor in reël 10 en vertel dat hy doodgeskiet is
11 Vra weer (verbaas) wie sou kon dink hy sou so doodgaan?
22. Versreëls
. 12-15 43 jaar oud. 4 Koeëls. Roemloos impliseer dat hy byna vergete was toe hy dood was / nie meer bekend nie sou nie meer opstaan as hy val nie
16-17 Val neer en kruip om hulp te soek (al was hy voorheen beroemd) Retoriese vraag maar vraag eindig hierdie keer nie met n ? Nie. Beklemtoon dat niemand hom gehelp het nie sterf in armoede nie eers genoeg geld vir n begrafnis nie