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AGM 2008. Chairman’s report. Why a Development Trust? If Moseley is to remain a vibrant place to live There is a need to promote the distinctive character of Moseley Village …not just the architecture but our community as well ! A challenge for the future:
AGM 2008 Chairman’s report Moseley CDT AGM 2008
Why a Development Trust? If Moseley is to remain a vibrant place to live There is a need to promote the distinctive character of Moseley Village …not just the architecture but our community as well ! A challenge for the future: How can we better connect to other initiatives in the City? Moseley CDT is a “community anchor” organisation for the neighbourhood Moseley CDT AGM 2008
Moseley CDT Working towards a sustainable organisation Capacity building – CDT as an enabler- supporting initiatives from the community Supporting community cohesion Addressing economic change Working with our local elected representatives and officers Moseley CDT AGM 2008
Moseley CDT as a community hub Meetings Room hire Campaigns Volunteering Moseley CDT AGM 2008
Moseley Creative Village Made in Moseley – E Commerce project for local designer makers in partnership with Birmingham City University www.madeinmoseley.co.uk Creative Forum – Developing the Moseley Creative Community Moseley Arts Market – Strong presence from local Designer Makers Moseley CDT AGM 2008
Moseley Exchange Project Refurbished building by 2009 Funding package included £116,000 from ERDF Through GOWM Significant achievement!! Moseley CDT AGM 2008
Moseley Street Wardens (Green Doctors) Community support in the Village Seeking to mainstream Need to work hard to sustain this key resource for 2009/10 Moseley CDT AGM 2008
Moseley Action Plan Developing an Area Action Plan for Moseley Inclusive process building on Planning for Real 2004 Draft documents on the web site for comment Supporting the way Moseley develops Connecting our Village to the Big City Plan Moseley CDT AGM 2008
Guest speaker Mel Witherden Joseph Rowntree Foundation Lessons from the JRF Neighbourhood Programme Moseley CDT AGM 2008