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The Study of ISO TC215 for e-business/ebXML Frans van Bommel Montreal, 29 March 2007 Closing Plenary TC215. ISO TC215: Study for ebXML. TC215 is member of the MoU Management Group (ISO, ITU, UNcefact, OASIS,…) In 2006 (JeJu) TC215 decided to start a study for ebXML in the healthcare domain
The Study of ISO TC215 for e-business/ebXMLFrans van BommelMontreal, 29 March 2007Closing Plenary TC215 ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
ISO TC215:Study for ebXML • TC215 is member of the MoU Management Group (ISO, ITU, UNcefact, OASIS,…) • In 2006 (JeJu) TC215 decided to start a study for ebXML in the healthcare domain • Chairman of the group: Dr. Yun Sik Kwak • Members: Frans van Bommel, Audrey Dickerson and members of the TC215 working groups • Result to be presented in the TC meeting in Montreal (March 2007) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Subjects of the presentation: • Targets of the ISO ebXML study • More about ebXML and ISO 15000 • The use of ebXML in the Health sector • Recommendation for Continuation of the ebXML Task Force ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
The MoU on e-Business Standards • The Business Requirement: open, Interoperable and International accepted • History: Original MoU 1995; ITU signed in 2000 • EDIfact and XML transformation to ebXML • Stakeholders: IEC, ISO, ITU, UN and user groups • Objective: Avoiding duplication, Intersectoral coherence, open • Framework for OASIS/UNcefact on ebXML ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Targets of the ISO ebXML study • Starting: Awarness • Discover the benefits of ebXML (see MuO) for the activities of ISO in Health • How can ISO TC215 support the activities of ebXML (Patient administration, Insurance, healthcards) • Give recommendations for future collaboration (Montreal 2007) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Electronic Business XML (ebXML): • The best of 2 worlds combined • W3C (internet) • OASIS (industry, infrastructure) • UN/Cefact (users: TBG groups, semantics) • Health: eBES eg9/TBG10 Europe, TBG10 ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
EbXML covers the whole eBusiness spectrum ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Core components ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
ebXML: the results • Knowledge of OASIS and UN formalized the ISO 15000 standards • A framework for Awarness and Legislation • The CCTS with a growing repository of Core Components • Implementations: UBL in many languages, XBRL • In the future: more tools and international and intersectorial use ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
The ISO 15000 standards • 1 Collaboration protocol profile and agreement spec. (ebCPP) • 2 Message service specification (ebMS) • 3 Registry Information Model • 4 Registry Services Specification • 5 Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) (Building Blocks) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
ebXML in Health(Expert meeting with HL7 and OASIS in San Diego) • The same approach (UML, syntax independed,…..) • HL7 uses some of the technical parts • Ride project in Europe (roadmap, ebBP with IHE) • UNcefact TBG10: Core components project based upon HL7 CMETS and CEN GPICS; Datatypes…. • ISO registry framework of CDA • E-Invoicing, e-Procurement, payment • Messaging; Insurers, HCP,……. • ebMS/CPA for emergency alerting, NIST, UK, ……… ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Experts Questionnaire (preparation advice; ISO, CEN, HL7, UNcefact, OASIS, EEG9, TBG10) • Representing which sector? • Benefit of using ebXML for TC215/HL7? • Which parts of ebXML are of interest? • Which areas in healthcare can use ebXML as it is? • Can TC215 support ebXML? • Liasons, WG, Task Force? • Target of a new group? ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Answers (users) • Better integration health and business sector • ebXML has a sound technical base useful for health too • Medical know-how should be involved • Profiles made by TC215 are missing • ISO/HL7 should support the Core Component development • Use all the payload independent standards • Work together for the semantics (including Data Types) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Answers (users) 2 • TC215 sh0uld develope use-cases • Document Handling • Electronic Healthcare billing • Smartcard relation (ID and Insurance Check) • Organization: Step by step, join e.g. WG • Continue awarness activities ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Combined Answers OASIS • Encouraged about working with TC215 and HL7 • TC215 could provide use cases and needs • Open and proven standards; ISO 15000 range; ebMS as baseline • Architecture horizontal across domains • Accounting, reimbursement, document sharing • Organization: Liason (A?) • Oasis profiles ratification as ISO standard? ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Conclusing • The use of ebXML is growing • We can learn from each other • There is some awarness and use in Healthcare, but the focus is on Medical purposes and not enough on e-Business • We can use the technical parts of ISO 15000 • For the semantic part we can collaborate and perform use cases and user needs • There is a need to continue the studygroup as a Task Force ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Working program of the TF ebXML • Awarness (improved participation of the TC215 WG’s) • Discover where ebXML fits in the existing TC activities • Liason with OASIS for the technical parts • Liason with UNcefact for the semantics (Core Component and Datatype project…) • Liason with HL7 for input, harmonization and technology • E-Business in the medical domain (including reimbursement, document handling) • Advice for future organization (TC meeting 2008) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Resulution 1 (Task Force) • ISO/TC215 accepts the presented working program of the Task Force • ISO/TC215 agrees to continue the Task Force ebXML for at least 1 year ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)
Resolution 2 (Liasons) • ISO/TC215 decided to establish a formal liason with HL7 SIG XML (renamed as HL7 ITS Implementable Technology SIG) • ISO/TC 215 decided to establish formal A-liaisons with OASIS and UNcefact ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)