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Sac cha rin e adj

Sac cha rin e adj. Of or like sugar; relating to , resembling or containing sugar. This tea is too saccharine, I would like it a little less sugar in it . To elaborately adorned; excessively flashy, showy. adjective. ornate.

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Sac cha rin e adj

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  1. Saccharineadj Of or like sugar; relating to,resemblingor containing sugar. This tea is toosaccharine,I would likeit alittle lesssugar in it.

  2. Toelaboratelyadorned; excessively flashy, showy adjective ornate My family’s Christmas tree is ornate because my parents love Christmas decorations so much.

  3. Magnanimous Part of speech: Adjective Definition: Generous in forgiving; unselfish Sentence: The king was very magnanimous when forgiving Robinhood after his stole the King’s crown. By: Randy Warlick

  4. By Jeremiah adjective Dubious doubt about something; causing doubt, uncertainty, or suspicion likely to be bad or wrong. My mother said my excuse was extremely dubious when I said I was in my room working on my homework when I was really playing on my PS3.

  5. (Noun) vestige Definition: a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists The mummy had decomposed so badly that only vestiges of the cotton gauze could be seen.

  6. Perfunctory (adj) Definition: done routinely and with little interest, or care. Sentence: The perfunctory student sat in class and daydreamed all period missing the entire lesson By: Brianna R.

  7. PRESTIGIOUS Definition- The PRESTIGIOUS author’s book was rated 5 stars and was asked to speak at an incredible book party!! (adj) By: Megan C

  8. Beseeching The puppy was beseeching for the food because he was hungry. VERB,(be-seech-ing) 1: To address an earnest or urgent request; beg for. Smile more 

  9. One, especially a grievance, that is in the past; Gone by past. bygones My favorite car became a distant bygone after my dad’s accident. adjective

  10. adj conscientious very careful about doing what you are supposed to do; concerned with doing something correctly The students were very conscientious of reading the directions on the test so that they answered all of the questions correctly.

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