This lesson explores some reasons why people get stressed, how to recognise the signs when this happens, and how we can help.
4. Remember to share your ground rules or working promises before you start!
What kind of circumstances are likely to cause stress?
11. When there are troubles in the family. For example
When people arent getting on
When mums and dads cant
find a job
When there are worries about
When someone close is ill, or has recently died.
When someone feels bad about themselves. For example
Their appearance
Their intelligence
Their popularity.
15. When someone feels they cant do
what is expected of them.
For example they might be worried
about whether they can pass their
tests or exams, or do their job well
How might I feel if I am suffering from stress?
18. You might be unable to get to sleep,
or keep waking up in the night.
You might have gone off your food.
You may feel more impatient and
get more easily upset than usual.
You might suffer from headaches
and stomach aches.
You may feel alone, even when
there are lots of people around you.
You may be lacking in energy, and
find it difficult to concentrate.
So what can I do if I am suffering from stress?
25. Ask people for help when you need it.
Do one thing at a time.
Try to eat healthily. Avoid junk food.
Go to bed in good time
Join a club, and take part in a physical
activity that you enjoy, like dance,
gymnastics or football.
Remember to congratulate yourself when
you learn how to do anything new or
26. Above all
Talk to someone you trust about what is bothering you.
Hidden feelings soon become unbearable.
If problems arent sorted, they tend to get bigger.
How can we recognise when our friends are suffering from stress?
They might be more moody, shout,
or lose their temper more often.
They may not be eating very much.
They might burst into tears for
very little reason.
30. You might notice that they often
start things, but dont finish.
They may say bad things about
They may not join in your games and
conversations like they used to.
So what can I do to help them?
Encourage them to tell you about
their worries and fears.
Sit with them while they talk, cry
or mull things over.
You dont have to give advice.
34. Talking is like opening a door.
It lets people see the choices they have.
It helps them to find a way forward.
Is there anything else I can do?
Encourage them to talk to an adult who can help them.
You might offer to be there with them when they do so.
38. Be patient - youll soon have your friend back!
39. Childline is a charity which offers
a free helpline for young people.
The site also includes printable advice sheets on topics such as Friends. Racism and Child Abuse.
40. Samaritans is a charity which is available 24 hours a day to adults and young people who are feeling a sense of despair.
They can call:
For the cost of a local call.
Sometimes people find it easier to talk to someone outside their world, who can be completely objective.
41. The Kings Sadness by Matisse
42. Glossary Stress constant worry, anxiety
Pressure stress, a heavy weight
Cope manage, deal with
Symptoms signs
45. Useful Web Links http://www.healthyschools.gov.uk/Resources.aspx - teaching resources on healthy eating, exercise, mental health
http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/healthyliving/ - information on healthy living
http://www.youngminds.org.uk/ -YoungMinds is a national charity working to improve the mental health of children and young people.
http://www.learntobehealthy.org free teacher-led activities, web quests and games for children
http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/fitness/motivation_young.shtml - advice on encouraging children to be active
http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_2940000/newsid_2945000/2945096.stm - PSHE lesson plan on healthy eating
http://www.activekidsgetcooking.org.uk free resources, certificates and recipes for primary and secondary schools