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Think Beyond The Label 2010 Launch Initiative Media Plan Recommendation October 30, 2009. TBTL campaign to include the following elements:. Cross-platform package(s) for high impact, buzz generation, and maximum efficiency
Think Beyond The Label2010 Launch Initiative Media Plan RecommendationOctober 30, 2009
TBTL campaign to include the following elements: • Cross-platform package(s) for high impact, buzz generation, and maximum efficiency • Base plan in major media vehicles to sustain messaging effort and build plan reach/frequency • National Sunday AM news programming • National Cable • National Radio • National Print • Consumer & trade publications • Digital display (site and e-newsletter) and video • Search engine advertising
Considered cross-platform packages to reach core target within multiple touch points • Large-scale deals: • TIME Inc./Time Warner • TIME, TIME Global Business, Fortune, CNN, Headline CNN, CNNMoney.com, CNN.com & Fortune.com • NBC Universal • NBC Sunday Morning News, CNBC, MSNBC, Weather Channel, MSNBC.com, NBC.com & CNBC.com • Dow Jones Co. • Wall Street Journal, WSJ.com& the Wall Street Journal Digital Network • KSM/Fuor held joint meetings at KSM with representatives of all large-scale potential partners to explain goals of program and generate interest and relevant ideas from the media • Small-scale deals: • BBC Worldwide Americas • BBC America Channel, BBCA.com & BBC.com • ESPN • ESPNNews, ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN.com • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) • HR Magazine & SHRM.com
Recommend partnership with TIME Inc. / Turner Broadcasting • TIME Inc. / Turner Broadcasting package will align TBTL creative with credible, nationally recognized media properties that serve as news/business resource to both TBTL C-suite target and the general C-suite target • Package to include “100 Best Companies to Work For” program • Sponsorship includes media placements within Fortune, CNNMoney.com, CNN & HLN • Media schedules to run in the following properties:
“100 Best Companies to Work For” inclusion integrated across multiple media properties 728x90 300x250 • Fortune: Since 1998, Fortune and the Great Places to Work Institute have partnered to produce the 100 best places to work special edition • Issue delivered to subscribers 1/25 • CNN/HLN: Listed company profiles vignettes to run on-air week of 2/1 • TBTL to receive (9) sponsorship billboard tags followed by :30 spot airing • CNNMoney.com/Fortune: Complement to the print edition within online version of feature • Additional exposure across well-established rankings/lists featured within the site • Total package value: $725K
TIME Inc. / Turner Broadcasting – CNN.com 450x50 or 300x50 video overlay 770x600 transitional 770x600 300x250 companion unit • CNN.COM: achieve significant reach while strengthening TBTL cable spot messaging via pre-roll video, creating cross-platform synergies through Anderson Cooper Blog placements, and disrupting users with large, transitional units and video overlays • Also incorporate high impact section roadblocks and synched units throughout site
TIME Inc. / Turner Broadcasting – CNNMoney.com Corner Office Video Series Sponsorship 300x250 :30 pre-roll video • CNNMoney.com: “Corner Office” video series sponsorship integrates the TBTL :30 spot with relevant content from interviews with CEOs • Additional placements include highly trafficked homepage banners and incorporation of HR audience targeting
Recommend print and digital package with Wall Street Journal Source: MRI 2008 Doublebase • Provides presence of TBTL message in print & online with trusted business/news entity • Featured in Marketplace section & May Journal Report – Small Business special section • Reinforce message through integrated offline & online content • Guaranteed high frequency in print to sustain presence throughout media flight timeframe • (10) insertions negotiated • TBTL to be included in “filler” program for additional exposure • Ads to run in remnant space as determined by editorial staff • Negotiated sponsorship of the national small business series “Insight Exchange” in May 2010 – Washington, D.C. • Breakfast series featuring a panel discussion between successful entrepreneurs from a variety of backgrounds • Series led by WSJ’s own Wendy Bounds
Wall Street Journal package to include digital complement to print presence 300x250 Video Podcast • WSJ.com: ownership of the Small Business Journal Report and report archive living online ties the print and digital content together while emphasizing the TBTL message across both platforms • Includes ownership of any video (overlay) and/or podcast (:10 audio), banner rotation within the WSJ.com front page brand channel, and co-branded RON banners to promote and drive traffic to the report
Additional digital components secured through WSJ package “Presented By” logo 300x250 Custom created group with “Sponsored By” logo • WSJ.com: Journal Community Sponsorship not only allows for significant TBTL exposure within a community of discussion groups led by WSJ journalists, but also ability to become a part of the conversation • Staggeringly high quality of conversation on article comments, in discussion groups, and on the ‘Answers’ platform due to membership requirement • Includes custom created group with sponsored by logo, large half page units within columns and blogs, and co-branded Journal Community traffic drivers running throughout the WSJ Digital Network
Recommend small scale cross-platform packages with BBC America, ESPN & SHRM • Ability to create cohesive messaging by including strong offline media vehicles against TBTL targets that also see high traffic on corresponding websites • Integrate offline content with corresponding digital environments • TBTL message to live within similar content both on-air and online • Negotiate stronger schedules by leveraging inclusion of both offline & online properties • Worked to incorporate units and bonus weight that typically require a higher spend level • BBC America package includes: • 12-week on-air schedule to sustain TBTL message in qualified environment • Several digital tie-ins to BBC World News America content • ESPN package includes: • On-air schedules on ESPN, ESPN2 & ESPNews with key program inclusion (i.e. SportsCenter, First Take) • Pre-roll news opportunity on ESPN.com • SHRM package includes: • Consistent presence both in-book and online • Bonus paging and impressions
BBC America package includes wide range of digital opportunities 728x90 BBC World News America Roadblock 300x250 • BBC Worldwide Americas (BBC America, BBCAmerica.com & BBC.com) • Create synergies between cable and digital platforms with 100% SOV roadblocks of BBC World News America main page and section pages coinciding with cable flights (will run across both BBC.com and BBCAmerica.com) • Two weeks of BBC America site takeovers during cable flight further highlights the TBTL message • :30 pre-roll across news videos provides adjacencies to BBC World News America on-air content within the digital platform (BBC.com) • Point of entry sponsorship (1 day) on BBC.com captures users upon entry to the site, regardless of page • Disrupt users by leveraging BBC-produced ‘elastic’ (expanding) units running alongside executive news content (BBC.com)
Secured unique digital component with ESPN package Outside the Lines Programming :15 pre-roll video • ESPNNews, ESPN.com • ESPN.com: :15 pre-roll news bundle reinforces TBTL messaging across digital platform and integrates with cable schedule news programming • ESPN will cut :20/:30 spot to :15 to allow us to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity
Negotiated network TVSunday morning package to achieve large reach • Launch TV campaign during Sunday Morning shows on “Big Three” networks: ABC, NBC, and CBS • Achieve wide reach of A25-54 on popular ‘morning news and talk-show’ programming: • “Weekend Today” (NBC) • “Good Morning America Weekend” (ABC) • Target C-Suites on political-oriented broadcasts focused on business, economic, and governmental issues: • CBS “Sunday Morning” • “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” (ABC) • Combined scheduled spots: 18 • Combined A25-54 impressions: 26,785,526 • Combined M35-54 impressions: 8,734,696
Negotiated aggressive rates in order to afford presence on several major news/business networks • Cable news networks provide relevant environment for TBTL message • Business issues are top of mind during viewing • Mass networks provide reach while smaller niche, targeted networks allow for continuity of exposure • TBTL schedule includes: • 9 cable networks • 8 major on-air weeks • 12-week schedules featured on BBC America & Bloomberg • 100% :30s • 186 spots / week (average)
Recommended print schedule provides TBTL with presence in trusted business/news resources • Selected publications provide: • Overall cost efficiency • Minimum 3x frequency per publication • Bonus inclusion • Relevant editorial environment • Innovative in look and feel • Titles feature forward-thinking business news/ideas • Print schedule includes: • (4) business/news weeklies • (1) national newspaper • (1) business bi-weekly • (1) business monthly • (1) HR trade publication • (38) total TBTL insertions
Search engine advertising captures usersbeing funneled by other media ‘business Innovation’ $6 CPC • SEA serves as the backbone to any campaign by capturing users who are actively searching for relevant information • Users funnel to search engines from various sources – offline media, digital media, word-of-mouth, etc. • By concentrating spending on top performing engines, able to capture almost 90% of internet search volume ‘diversity in the workplace’ $4.50 CPC ‘benefits of hiring disabled workers’ $3 CPC ‘Think Beyond the Label’ $0.60 CPC Digital Hub
LinkedIn reaches professionals as they interact withindustry peers and seek business information • CXO, VP and HR job title targeting paired with company size targeting (1-500) highlights TBTL message against the precise audience • Achieve supplemental presence against users engaging with peers across HR/Hiring groups 300x250
Ad networks provide reach, efficiency, and presenceacross sites otherwise unable to purchase 728x90 • Gain exposure across additional sites to further achieve synergies with offline media • ABC and CBS News • Advanced targeting, such as ‘retargeting,’ captures TBTL audience across relevant channels and content • Retargeting re-exposes users to TBTL who have visited the digital hub or have seen the digital messaging 300x250
Savings garnered through negotiations led to opportunity for national radio inclusion • Recommend schedule on NPR for additional campaign reach • TBTL C-Suite index: 163 / TBTL HR index: 117 • NPR provides TBTL an influential, uncluttered media environment which serves to bring credibility to campaign message • 59% of listeners believe NPR sponsors are higher in quality • NPR sponsorships drives listeners online • Approximately 50% of listeners visit the website after hearing a sponsorship message • NPR units are :10 sponsorship reads that adhere to public broadcasting regulations • Sample: “Support for NPR comes from NPR member stations and from think beyond the label, working to promote hiring people with disabilities. Information at Think Beyond The Label dot com” • Schedule to include: • (8) units per week for 8 flight weeks • Spots to run in “Fresh Air”, “Moring Edition”, “All Things Considered” and “Talk of the Nation”
Final media mix includes national radio • Savings achieved during negotiations allowed for inclusion of national radio • KSM able to achieve diversified mix to bring broader reach to TBTL campaign
Overall plan delivery surpasses communication goals • Plan exceeds minimum 50% reach/3x frequency thresholds against broader target • 70% reach/5x frequency achieved against more narrow M35-54 target • Project 75%-80% reach / 6x frequency against TBTL target audiences
Next Steps • Broadcast approval Nov. 6 • Final plan approval Nov. 12 • Confirmation of state interest in local planning provided to KSM Nov. 16 • Rich media discussion w/o Nov. 16 • KSM to provide feedback for states on local planning efforts Nov. 23 THANK YOU!