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Following the master while leading others. Asia Regional Equipping Seminar October 18, 2011. introduction. introduction. Pauline Perspective A leader is a model to be imitated and followed. introduction. Pauline Perspective A leader is a model to be imitated and followed
Following the master while leading others Asia Regional Equipping Seminar October 18, 2011
introduction • Pauline Perspective A leader is a model to be imitated and followed
introduction • Pauline Perspective A leader is a model to be imitated and followed • Spiritual Followership In spiritual followership, leaders set the standard
Spiritual followership • A growing walk with God and conformity to the image of Christ is an essential condition for a spiritual leader. One must follow well before one is able to lead others.
Spiritual followership • A growing walk with God and conformity to the image of Christ is an essential condition for a spiritual leader. One must follow well before one is able to lead others. I Pet. 5:3 – “shepherd the flock of God . . . not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.”
Spiritual followership • A growing walk with God and conformity to the image of Christ is an essential condition for a spiritual leader. One must follow well before one is able to lead others. I Pet. 5:3 – “shepherd the flock of God . . . not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” “Great leaders realize that one of their biggest challenges is leading themselves. In the midst of leading up, down, and laterally, they set aside time for reflection, prayer, fasting, and solitude.” Assess the degree to which a leader regularly practices disciplines to keep healthy, fully surrendered and focused.
Spiritual followership Marks of Spiritual Followership:
Spiritual followership Marks of Spiritual Followership: • Study and Meditation in God’s Word
Spiritual followership Marks of Spiritual Followership: • Study and Meditation in God’s Word • Maintains disciplines necessary to hear God
Spiritual followership Marks of Spiritual Followership: • Study and Meditation in God’s Word • Maintains disciplines necessary to hear God • Walks in the light
Spiritual followership Marks of Spiritual Followership: • Study and Meditation in God’s Word • Maintains disciplines necessary to hear God • Walks in the light • Humility
Spiritual followership Marks of Spiritual Followership: • Study and Meditation in God’s Word • Maintains disciplines necessary to hear God • Walks in the light • Humility • Submission to those in spiritual authority
Spiritual followership Marks of Spiritual Followership: • Study and Meditation in God’s Word • Maintains disciplines necessary to hear God • Walks in the light • Humility • Submission to those in spiritual authority • Vulnerable accountability in community
Spiritual followership **Breakout: Share with others in your group: • What have been the most helpful exercises you have found to guard you from an even unconscious sense of superiority or pride as you lead others. • What is your present practice of disciplines that you find helpful in maintaining a life “fully surrendered” to God’s leading and will?
SPIRITUAL FOLLOWERSHIP • A growing walk with God and conformity to the image of Christ is an essential condition for a spiritual leader. One must follow well before one is able to lead others.
Passion for god’s glory • A growing walk with God and conformity to the image of Christ is an essential condition for a spiritual leader. One must follow well before one is able to lead others. • A spiritual leader is one who retains a passion for God’s glory above all else, and this passion regulates the leader’s personal disciplines, responses to challenges, and leadership of others.
Passion for god’s glory Daily evidences of pursuing God’s glory: • Willingness to submit to His leading to our corporate “team” rather than insisting upon personal ambition or “conviction.”
Passion for god’s glory Daily evidences of pursuing God’s glory: • Willingness to submit to His leading to our corporate “team” rather than insisting upon personal ambition or “conviction.” • Sincere disregard for personal notice or recognition for successes and achievement gained by those under one’s leadership. (This leader will seek to celebrate “wins” with her/his team, recognizing both the human and divine contributions, and absolute dependence on God for any spiritual fruit.)
Passion for god’s glory Daily evidences of pursuing God’s glory: • Sensitivity to the sovereign hand of God in the events of life and in the difficulties and crises that may arise, drawing the team to see God’s presence and supremacy even in times of darkness.
Passion for god’s glory Daily evidences of pursuing God’s glory: • Sensitivity to the sovereign hand of God in the events of life and in the difficulties and crises that may arise, drawing the team to see God’s presence and supremacy even in times of darkness. • Prayers by this leader reflect deep faith in the supremacy of God and His sovereign purposes and powerful working, rising above merely human concerns and pleas for comfort or ease.
Hearing god • A growing walk with God and conformity to the image of Christ is an essential condition for a spiritual leader. One must follow well before one is able to lead others. • A spiritual leader is one who retains a passion for God’s glory above all else, and this passion regulates the leader’s personal disciplines, responses to challenges, and leadership of others. • The ability to hear God in the context of daily challenges of leadership ministry is an essential discipline for the effective spiritual leader.
Hearing god Leading in uncertainty is the responsibility of a Christian leader. “Uncertainty is simply a fact of leadership.” (A. Stanley)
Hearing god Leading in uncertainty is the responsibility of a Christian leader. • Express your uncertainty with confidence. (Direction is clear, even if the steps are not.) From “The Uncertain Leader,” Andy Stanley)
Hearing god Leading in uncertainty is the responsibility of a Christian leader. • Express your uncertainty with confidence. (Direction is clear, even if the steps are not.) • Seek wise counsel. From “The Uncertain Leader,” Andy Stanley)
Hearing god Leading in uncertainty is the responsibility of a Christian leader. • Express your uncertainty with confidence. (Direction is clear, even if the steps are not.) • Seek wise counsel. • Measure success by the scoreboard, not the playbook. From “The Uncertain Leader,” Andy Stanley)
Hearing god Leading in uncertainty is the responsibility of a Christian leader. • Express your uncertainty with confidence. (Direction is clear, even if the steps are not.) • Seek wise counsel. • Measure success by the scoreboard, not the playbook. • Be willing to act decisively. From “The Uncertain Leader,” Andy Stanley)
Hearing god **Breakout: • How have you faced the challenge of “leading in a fog”? • What did you find helpful in discerning God’s direction for those you were responsible to lead?
Hearing god An established pattern of hearing and responding to God’s voice to us as leaders is an important quality of leadership. • “Hearing God is but one dimension of a richly interactive relationship, and obtaining guidance is but one facet of hearing God.” (Willard, Hearing God, 10) • “Hearing God only makes sense in the framework of living in the will of God.” (Willard, Hearing God, 11)
Hearing god Six ways in which people are addressed by God in the biblical record: • (1) Phenomenon plus a voice; • (2) Supernatural messenger or angel; • (3) Dreams and visions; • (4) Audible voice; • (5) Human voice; • (6) Human spirit or “still, small voice” (91).
Hearing god The discipline: Taking daily time to be quiet before the Lord, seeking His guidance in specific matters, and then waiting upon Him sensitive to His voice through the circumstances of life, through His Word, and through impressions that bear the marks of God’s “voice” to us (weight of authority, spirit of calm yet definite statement, content that is consistent with His revealed Word and purposes).
Hearing god The experience: Evidence of God’s voice includes the “burning heart,” a sense deep within that He has spoken in His unique way to us as His child.
Hearing god **Breakout: How have you as a leader (in home, marriage/family, business or church group) found guidance from the Lord in matters affecting those you are called to lead? Share your experience and principles you have learned to apply when facing decisions in God’s work. Group summary: Each group share two key highlights from your discussion. Discuss any lingering questions regarding hearing God’s voice as a leader, and discerning His guidance.
conclusion Action in response to our learning is our aim as leaders. • What are the two or three key “take-aways” you have garnered from this workshop? • What specific action do you plan to initiate in the next 60 days (and accomplish over the coming year) in advancing as a leader who follows the Master more closely and with greater zeal and passion, as you lead others? • With whom will you share the insights you have gained, and who will hold you accountable for the action steps you have determined?
Pursuit of lifelong learning • A growing walk with God and conformity to the image of Christ is an essential condition for a spiritual leader. One must follow well before one is able to lead others. • Growth in competence is also essential for an effective leader in today’s quickly changing global mission environment.
Pursuit of lifelong learning The needed fresh competencies growing out of principal trends in global missions include: • addressing the need for “mercy” ministry to the hurting peoples among those we seek to reach; • partnering with mission workers from many different backgrounds and cultures (e.g., multicultural teaming as SEND becomes increasingly multinational in nature); • addressing the challenge of “diaspora” mission to those outside of their traditional homelands;
Pursuit of lifelong learning The needed fresh competencies growing out of principal trends in global missions include: • dealing with the norming of global cultures, especially among youth and western-oriented societies. • Incorporating technological advances and adapting to technical innovations; • mediating and brokering resources for those who have been oppressed or are less fortunate;
Pursuit of lifelong learning The needed fresh competencies growing out of principal trends in global missions include: • understanding the impact of past patterns in the history of people we seek to reach in order to relevantly approach them with the claims of Christ. See The Meeting of the Waters, by Fritz Kling (Colorado Springs: David C. Cook), 2010.
Pursuit of lifelong learning Breakout: • What steps have you taken to “upgrade” your leadership competencies in the last two years? • In what areas do you sense the need to increase your skills or leadership ability? • What resources have you found helpful to address one or more of the issues that Fritz Kling highlights?
Hearing god Breakout: • How have you faced the challenge of “leading in a fog”? • What did you find helpful in discerning God’s direction for those you were responsible to lead?