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Student Council 2019-2020: Your Welfare, Our Responsibility

Join the Student Council to promote support, guidance, leadership, human relations, and cultural values. Develop leadership skills, encourage personal growth, and increase student involvement. Follow rules, respect others, and communicate non-violently.

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Student Council 2019-2020: Your Welfare, Our Responsibility

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  2. A Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student / faculty / communityrelations. • Through projects and activities, student councils workto: • PROMOTESUPPORT • PROMOTEGUIDANCE • PROMOTELEADERSHIP • PROMOTE HUMANRELATIONS • PROMOTE CULTURALVALUES WHAT IS STUDENT COUNCIL??

  3. To develop and provide opportunities for leadership andservice. • To encourage personal growth of students through participation in cultural and extracurricular activities. • To provide a viable means for student expression and an increasing amount ofself-direction. • To improve understanding between and within groups through interaction andcommunications. • By providing experience in genuine problem-solvingprocedures. • To increase studentinvolvement. OBJECTIVES:

  4. OURPURPOSE: Ourpurpose is to give students an opportunityto develop leadership by organizing and carrying out activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to organization spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the studentbody. We help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the college widecommunity.

  5. ID is compulsory, if not present that particular student will be fined50/- • Every student is expected to follow grooming standards, if not followed ID will be collected, andis • expected to groom and then sit for lectures/ practical. • Attendance is mandatoryfor lectures as well as practical, for absentee student is expected to inform their class teachers with genuine reason, if medical issue, a copy of medical certificate to be submitted in college, if absentees' without informing is noticed, warning letters will be sent to studentsparent. • Students are expected to be Punctualfor lecture & practical hours, 15 minutes late arrival can be taken in consideration, if late more than 15 minutes student will not be allowed to attend that particular lecture. • EHTICS: a person's behavior or the conducting of an activities. Respect everyone and make them to respect you through you respected and polishedmanners. RULES ANDREGULATIONS

  6. DECORUM: Behavior that is socially correct, calm, and polite,Students are expected to behave well incollege, with everyone. Discipline should be followed and student should highlight their character in a positiveway. • NON VIOLENT COMMUNICATION: Abusive communication will not be acceptedin college as wellin • residency ofcollege. • HARASSMENT & BULLYINGwill not be accepted, if in contact with such case strict actions will betaken. • If in case of HARASSMENT with females, strict actions will be taken from IWDC ( Internal Women's Development Committee) • ODCs not to be carried out during college lecture hours, if noticed strict actions will betaken. • Any complaints and concerns, students are requested to directly contact student councilmembers. • Smoking and Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibitedin college, also within college residency. If caught, strict actions will be taken.Warning letters will be sent to students parent, if such actions are carried out even after improvising. RULES ANDREGULATIONS

  7. We have stood together to help you at your concerns, let it be regarding anything, may it be about topics that are taught to you or events that are carried out, you are free to share your ideas and be encouraged to perform yourskills! WEAREHEREFORYOU


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