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Explore the progression of education in Indonesia from Hindu & Buddhist era to modern times post-independence, highlighting key developments and changes in curriculum over the centuries.
Education in Indonesia • Education in the Hindu and Buddha era – around 14 to 15 century • Bertapa ---a situation where you withdraw yourself from crowd and pray, to make yourself close with God.
Education in Indonesia • Education in the Islamic era - 15 to 17 century Pesantren this is just a continuation from hindu/Buddha era. They are choosing a quiet place to conduct their teaching. They create pesantren (boarding school) which is far from the city.
Education in Indonesia • Education in the colonialism era(Dutch) 1602 - 1942 Initially, only Dutch people who can go to school but then later they allowed Priyayi (local from the royal family) . Later there are several movement among the local where they open school for public in Indonesia. Dutch prepared the local educated people to work for them. The Islamic system still continues during this era.
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now Educations in Indonesia from 1945 still the same as what we know today. Which are Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Sekolah Menengah Atas. Kindergarten started only from year 1950.
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now • 1947 - The first curriculum has a name Subject Plan 1947 (RencanaPelajaran´ 1947).At that time, Indonesia's education curriculum in the Netherlands and Japan education system influenced. • RencanaPelajaran´ 1947 organized to replace the Netherlands education system, which emphasizes the establishment of the Indonesian people character.
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now • 1952- Curriculum is every lesson must consider content and subjects, connect with daily life. • 1968 – Curriculum has a goal form human Pancasila sincere, strong, healthy, physical, moral character and religious.
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now • 1975 – Curriculum emphasizing on: • Goal –oriented • Efficiency and effectiveness • Development Procedure of Instructional System (TujuanInstruksiKhusus- TIK)
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now • 1984- Curriculum characteristic : • Oriented to the Instructional goals • Approach teaching based on students with students active learning • To support the understanding, tools used to help students understand the concept.
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now • 1994- Curriculum created as the completion of curriculum 1984 and accordance implemented with Law no. 2 in 1989 about National Education System • The system of learning is changed of the semester to the quarter system. • Implementation appear some problems, mainly approach content oriented. Student load is too heavy because the number of subjects.
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now • 2002-2004 • To Improve the quality of education • Emphasize on students competency goals both of individual and classic • Result- Learning outcomes and diversity • Sources of learning is teacher and other sources that meet education elements • Achievement competency
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now • 2005- Government Regulation No. 19, the government has lead to implement the education curriculum in the form of the level of the education curriculum.
Education in Indonesia • Education after the independent 1945 – now • Curriculum has changed and improved from the previous. But it was not accompanied by the competency of the students' progress. • Curriculum Indonesia has experienced seven times changed, the reason because of the concept is more emphasis on the written instead of on the implementation.