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Rome. Roman Republic. Roman Society was made of Plebeians and Patricians Rome’s Republic Senate: Finances, foreign affairs, Laws (Patricians) 2 Consuls (Patricians, head of Senate) 10 Tribunes, Assembly (Plebeians) Veto laws Dictator (Senate choose in time of war). Question:.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rome

  2. Roman Republic • Roman Society was made of Plebeians and Patricians • Rome’s Republic • Senate: Finances, foreign affairs, Laws (Patricians) • 2 Consuls (Patricians, head of Senate) • 10 Tribunes, Assembly (Plebeians) Veto laws • Dictator (Senate choose in time of war)

  3. Question: • When can a dictator be chosen?

  4. Question: • What does it mean to Veto a law?

  5. Roman Law -Twelve Tables step toward fair government -Two-Systems: Civil Law (Roman Citizens), Law of Nations (others in Roman Empire) -Complied into “Justinian Code” “government of laws not men”

  6. Questions: • True/False: Have two systems of laws that different people have to follow is a very fair law system.

  7. Question: • Was Justinian a Roman Emperor?

  8. Basic Principles • Innocent until proven guilty • Right to face the accuser and offer defense • Guilt had to be “Clearer than daylight” • Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt

  9. Question: • Which of the previous principles was used to clear Casey Anthony?

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