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Missile Defense Agency Advanced Research Overview

Missile Defense Agency Advanced Research Overview. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16). The Increasing Ballistic Missile Threat. Increasing theater threat capabilities Accuracy & Range

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Missile Defense Agency Advanced Research Overview

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  1. Missile Defense AgencyAdvanced Research Overview DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  2. The Increasing Ballistic Missile Threat • Increasing theater threat capabilities • Accuracy & Range • North Korea developing new IRBM • Developing ICBM threat • North Korea developing KN-08 ICBM • Iran may be technically capable of flight-testing an ICBM by 2015 • Space Launch Vehicles (SLV) could serve as a test beds for ICBM technologies • Challenging Missile Defense • Maneuver / Salvo firings / Countermeasures Theater Ballistic Missile Force Levels Not including U.S., China, Russia or NATO North Korean Mobile IRBM on Parade, 2010 North Korean KN-08 ICBM Launcher on Parade, 2012 Iranian Safir SLV on Launch Pad, 2011 NK Taepo Dong-2 SLV Launch, 2012 Sources: NASIC, Ballistic and Cruise Missile Threat, 2009; DIA, Iran’s Military Power, Statement before the Senate Armed Services Committee, 14 APR 10; Annual Report on Military Power of Iran, April 2012DNI, Remarks, Worldwide Threat Assessment to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 12 March 2013; Full Update, DIA, Annual Threat Assessment 2008, 2012; MSIC, e-mail, RE: Unclassified Force Level Numbers, 6 April 2012; DNI, Unclassified Report to Congress on the Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions, Covering 1 JAN to 31 DEC 2011; NSA-FCS5, e-mail, KN08 Classification, 20 Jan 2013FARS News Agency, Korea Central News Agency, Yonhap News Agency 2 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  3. Today’s Ballistic Missile Defense System 3 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  4. Ballistic Missile Defense System Order of Battle IFICS Data Terminals Fylingdales UEWR Thule UEWR 26 Ground Based Interceptors STRATCOMC2BMC NORTHCOMC2BMC Beale UEWR GMD Fire Control Nodes Ft Greely, AK; Eareckson, AK VAFB, CA; California Greenland United Kingdom CO Springs Offutt AFB Ft Greely, AK CENTCOM C2BMC EUCOM C2BMC PACOM C2BMC Space Based Infrared Ft Greely, AK CO Springs Ramstein AB, GE Al Udeid, Qatar Hickam AFB, HI Shemya, Alaska 4 Ground Based Interceptors Cobra Dane Upgrade AN/TPY-2 X-Band Radar AEGIS BMD Terminal High Altitude Area Defense Shariki, Japan Kyogamisaki, Japan Kurecik, Turkey Middle East Israel VAFB (Testing) Patriot Advanced Capability -3 Vandenberg AFB Shooter Sea-Based X-band Sensor C2BMC 4 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  5. International Partners Europe Middle East Israel: Arrow Deployed, Arrow System Improvement Program; development of David’s Sling Weapon System; Iron Dome Co-production NATO: NATO BMD Interim Capability ; ALTBMD; BMD (Territorial Missile Defense); Interoperability Tests with EPAA Czech Republic: BMD Framework Partner; University to University Research Kuwait: Missile defense discussions Denmark: BMD Framework Partner; Thule Upgraded Early Warning Radar; RDT&E Cooperative Project Qatar: Missile defense discussions; Foreign Military Sales cases for Patriot France: University to University Research; Cooperative R&D Agreement Saudi Arabia: Missile defense discussions; PAC-3 purchase Germany: PAC-3 United Arab Emirates: Foreign Military Sales cases for THAAD and PAC-3 Italy: BMD Framework Partner Netherlands: PAC-3; Maritime BMD studies Asia / Pacific Australia: BMD Framework Partner; R&D Cooperative Project Poland: Agreed to host Aegis Ashore Japan: BMD Framework Partner; AN/TPY-2 radar host, 21" Missile Development; 4 Aegis BMD capable ships Romania: Agreed to host Aegis Ashore UK: BMD Framework Partner; Fylingdales Upgraded Early Warning Radar, Joint Project Arrangements for Cooperative R&D Projects Spain: Hosting BMD-capable ships to support NATO BMD and other missions ROK: Missile defense discussions Turkey: AN/TPY-2 radar host, University to University Research Engagement / Outreach Missile Defense Analysis Cooperative MissileDefense Projects Co-development Co-production Deployment 5

  6. Representative Technology Topics Space and Sensor Technology Interceptor Technology Directed Energy Technology Future BMDS Concept Development Interceptor Thermal Protection Systems Lethality Enhancements Multi-Object Payload Deployment Advanced Reserve Battery Technologies MENS IMU Solutions for Missile Defense Applications Lithium Oxyhalide Battery Separator Material High Temperature Material Manufacturing Improvements Expand Digital, Constructive, and HWIL Tools Aerospace Vehicle Target Tracking and Discrimination Radar Interferometric Processing for EMG Radiation Hardened Mirror & Focal Plane Array Technology Low Light Short Wave Infrared Focal Plane Arrays Innovative Ways to Shorten System Level Simulation Integration Time Power Sources and Thermal Management for High Energy Lasers High Power Optical Fibers Quick Recovery High Energy Diodes Ultra low SWaP Diode Pump Modules Large Stroke, High Spatial Bandwidth, Deformable Mirrors Light Weight, Dampened Optical Benches Optics & Coatings for Alkali Environments Advanced Cognition Processing and Algorithms for Improved Identification System Communications Command and Control Human-to Machine Interface Improved Track Accuracy for Missile Engagements Open Framework Planner with Embedded Training Improvements in Spacecraft Manufacturing Efficiency Innovative Antenna Arrays Enabling Continuous Interceptor Communications 6 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  7. MDA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) / Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) Focus • Pursue a broad range of high-risk technologies • To search out revolutionary technologies • Transform new technologies into actual applications for insertion into the BMDS • Benefit from commercialization • Technology insertion into the BMDS is critical • 4th largest program in the Department of Defense Lightweight Composite Ruggedized Electronics High Energy Laser Advanced IMU Technology Seeker Technology Ultra Sensitive Detector Focal Plane Arrays Rad-hardened Mirror Technology Advanced Battery Technology Nanosat Technology Demonstrations Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16) 7

  8. MDA’s Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Programs Phase II Phase III Phase I Phase II Enhancement • SBIR / STTR program is a four step process • Phase I: feasibility and concept development • Phase II: technology and prototype development • Phase II Enhancement: Prototype testing and technology demonstrations and validation • Phase III: Commercialization and Transition Prototype Testing & Evolution Technology Demo & Validation Commercialization Transition Feasibility Study Technology Development & Prototype Demonstration 8 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  9. SBIR / STTR Phase I Overview • Proposals: • Twenty pages • Three criteria; • Technical merit, feasibility of the concept and approach • Qualifications of team • Commercialization/Transition potential and approach • Must identify all foreign nationals and level of involvement • Most recent SBIR and STTR topics and awards are available on the DoD SBIR / STTR website (http://sbir.defensebusiness.org) • Contracts: • Topics typically Export Control restricted • Unclassified • Currently $100,000; 6 Months • Options to those selected for Phase II award (Bridge Funding) 9 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  10. SBIR / STTR Phase II Overview • All Phase I awardees under a particular solicitation are allowed to submit a proposal for Phase II award • Phase II proposals: • Accepted only during announced open period • Announcement on web page with email notification to current Phase I awardees • Two-year award to further concept development to the prototype stage • Submitted for an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 • MDA may later consider enhancing Phase II contract funding (up to 50% of original award value) depending on BMDS relevance and program needs • Also may be eligible to receive a second Phase II award 10 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  11. Commercialization and Transition Initiatives • Encourage transition of SBIR and STTR projects into the BMDS • Facilitates transition planning • Oversees all Phase III projects • Coordinates with primes and program offices • Conducts workshops and industry days • Recommends Phase II projects for enhanced funding Advanced IMUs Thermally Insensitive Silicon Carbide Mirrors Lithium Reserve Battery Technology 11 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  12. Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) Program • Established under FY11 Defense Authorization Act (Section 1073) • A competitive, merit-based program • Accelerate fielding of innovative technologies into military systems • Typically, all MDA RIF projects are a SBIR Phase II follow-on • Prioritization is given to small business • Key Requirements: • Satisfy an operational or national security need • Accelerate or enhance military capability • Reduce • Technical risk • Cost: Development, acquisition, sustainment, or lifecycle • Improve timeliness and quality of test and evaluation outcome • Provide approach for use by an acquisition program • Typical award length 24 months • Award values up to $3M Advanced Insulation for Thermal Batteries Insulator Material for Propulsion Systems Lightweight Thermal Protection System 12 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  13. RIF: Source Selection • Steps of the RIF Competitive Process • Military Services and/or OSD Office of Small Business Programs issue solicitations • Open for 60 Days • Industry response: 3-5 page white paper and quad chart • White papers are evaluated by each Agency / Service • Highest rated evaluations receive invite to submit full proposal • Successful proposals lead to award 13 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  14. What is a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) • A competitive research and development contracting approach in the form of a general agency announcement: • Identifies areas of research interest • Includes criteria for selecting proposals • Solicits participation from all offers capable of satisfying the Government need • Primary objective is to encourage participation by science and technology firms and educational institutions in meeting general research and development goals for innovative ideas and approaches • Meet full and open competition requirements "The Competition in Contracting Act of 1984" • Evaluates proposals based on peer or scientific reviews against individual merits rather than against each other 16 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  15. BAA Programs • Missile Defense Science & Technology Advanced Research • Open continuously for proposals from universities • Broad Agency Announcement (http://www.fbo.gov) • Research topics revised annually • MDA is seeking strategic alliances with universities • Two year base period with one year option • Base period $400,000 • Option year $200,000 • Advanced Technology Innovation Broad Agency Announcement • Open continuously to university and commercial vendors • Contract value not limited • Link: http://www.mda.mil/business/advanced_research.html 17 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  16. BAA: Source Selection • MDA receives white paper • Evaluation team evaluates and makes recommendations for award based on a peer or scientific review process IAW with FAR 35.016(d) and (e) • Technical evaluator(s) uses criteria IAW the BAA to score white paper • Technical merit • Capabilities • Management • BAA Selection Official makes selections based on the evaluation criteria IAW the BAA, MDA funding and technology priorities 18 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

  17. For More Information www.mda.mil • Missile Defense News, Images, Videos, Fact Sheets • BMDS Overview, BMD Basics • MDA Business Opportunities (http://www.mda.mil/business/advanced_research.html) • DoD SBIR/STTR website: https://sbir.defensebusiness.org • SBA SBIR/STTR website: https://www.sbir.gov To Contact MDA • SBIR / STTR 256-955-2020 sbirsttr@mda.mil • University / BAA 256-450-3800 Advanced Research@mda.mil • Commercialization 256-450-5343 SBIR-PhaseIII@mda.mil 19 Approved for Public Release 16-MDA-8596 (9 March 16)

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