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This document from Jón R. Blöndal explores the transition to accrual accounting in OECD member countries, discussing the importance, benefits, and challenges. It covers the spectrum of accrual accounting practices, including cash basis, recognition issues, valuation issues, and accounting standards. The report also addresses implementation issues, such as education and training, computer systems, and determining accounting standards. The conclusion emphasizes the ongoing importance of cash in financial management despite the move towards accrual accounting. For more information visit www.oecd.org/gov/budget.

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  1. ACCRUALS INOECD MEMBER COUNTRIES Jón R. Blöndal Directorate for Public Governance Santiago de Chile 29January 2003

  2. AGENDA Why Accruals? Application of Accruals Overview of Member Countries’ Practices Key Issues Recognition Issues Valuation Issues Accounting Standards Implementing Accruals Conclusion: Importance of Cash

  3. WHY ACCRUALS ? Major Trend in OECD Member countries Making the True Cost of Government Services Transparent Linkages with Wider Public Sector Reforms

  4. SPECTRUM OF ACCRUALS (1) Cash Basis, But Supplementary Information Presented on Accrual Basis Cash Basis, Except Certain Transactions on Accrual Basis Accrual Basis, Except No Capitalisation or Depreciation of Assets Full Accrual Basis

  5. SPECTRUM OF ACCRUALS (2) Departmental/Agency Financial Statements Consolidated, Whole of Government Financial Statements Budget

  6. Recognition Issues Heritage Assets ? Military Systems ? Infrastructure Assets ? Natural Resource Assets ? Social Insurance Programs ?

  7. Valuation Issues Historical Cost Current Market Value

  8. Accounting Standards Three Basic Models for Deciding Them Traditional: Finance Ministry Decision, with or without Consultative Group Australia/New Zealand: Single Standard Setter for Private and Public Sectors International Public Sector Accounting Standards

  9. Implementation Issues Too Slow vs. Too Fast Education and Training Issues Including Members of Parliament, the Media and the Public Computer Systems Assets Registers Determining Accounting Standards

  10. Conclusion:Cash Still Very Important Role of Cash-Flow Statement Focus on Economic Impact Cash Injection/Withdrawal Fiscal Policy Setting In-Year Control

  11. www.oecd.org/gov/budget OECD Journal on Budgeting

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