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Visualizing Japanese Grammar Appendix. Shoko Hamano George Washington University. A large number of transitive and intransitive verbs are paired. They are only slightly different in shape and meaning and may confuse you. Here are some practical hints for telling them apart.
VisualizingJapanese GrammarAppendix Shoko Hamano George Washington University
A large number of transitive and intransitive verbs are paired. They are only slightly different in shape and meaning and may confuse you. Here are some practical hints for telling them apart. Transitive and intransitive verb pairs Su- vs. non-su-ending TransitiveIntransitive なおす fix なおる be fixed こわす break something こわれる break つぶす crush つぶれる be crushed こぼす spill something こぼれる spill 返す(かえす)return 帰る(かえる)return 戻す(もどす)put back 戻る(もどる)return 回す(まわす)turn around something 回る(まわる)turn around 残す(のこす)leave behind 残る(のこる)remain 散らかす(ちらかす)scatter 散らかる(ちらかる)be scattered 離す(はなす)separate 離れる(はなれる)move away 流す(ながす)flush 流れる(ながれる)flow 表わす(あらわす)express 現われる(あらわれる)appear 外す(はずす)remove 外れる(はずれる)come off 隠す(かくす)hide something 隠れる(かくれる)hide oneself 崩す(くずす)break down something 崩れる(くずれる)break down 倒す(たおす)throw down 倒れる(たおれる)fall • Generally speaking, if a su-ending verb has a non-su-ending counterpart, the su-ending one is the transitive one, and the other the intransitive one.
Here are more. Transitive and intransitive verb pairs Su- vs. non-su-ending Transitive Intransitive 起こす(おこす)raise起きる(おきる)rise 落とす(おとす)drop落ちる(おちる)fall 降ろす(おろす)lower 降りる(おりる)get off 過ごす(すごす)pass something 過ぎる(すぎる)pass 滅ぼす(ほろぼす)destroy 滅びる(ほろびる)perish 延ばす(のばす)stretch something 延びる(のびる)stretch 尽くす(つくす)exhaust 尽きる(つきる)run out 漏らす(もらす)leak something 漏れる(もれる)leak 荒す(あらす)devastate 荒れる(あれる)fall to ruin 燃やす(もやす)burn something 燃える(もえる)burn 冷やす(ひやす)chill 冷える(ひえる)be chilled 増やす(ふやす)increase something 増える(ふえる)increase
And more. Transitive and intransitive verb pairs Su- vs. non-su-ending Transitive Intransitive 減らす(へらす)decrease something 減る(へる)decrease 乾かす(かわかす)dry something 乾く(かわく)get dry 驚かす(おどろかす)surprise 驚く(おどろく)be surprised 動かす(うごかす)move something 動く(うごく)move 出す(だす)put out出る(でる)go out 消す(けす)extinguish消える(きえる)vanish
If an eru-ending verb is paired with an aru-ending verb, the eru-ending one is the transitive one. Transitive and intransitive verb pairs Eru- vs.aru-ending Transitive Intransitive ぶつける hit ぶつかる collide まとめる organize まとまる be organized つなげる connect つながる be connected かける hang something かかる hang 暖める(あたためる)warm something暖まる(あたたまる)get warm 上げる(あげる)raise上がる(あがる)go up 終える(おえる)finish something終わる(おわる)finish 始める(はじめる)begin something始まる(はじまる)begin 広める(ひろめる)spread knowledge広まる(ひろまる)spread 深める(ふかめる)deepen深まる(ふかまる)be deepened 重ねる(かさねる)pile重なる(かさなる)be piled up 固める(かためる)make solid固まる(かたまる)become solid 変える(かえる)change something変わる(かわる)change 曲げる(まげる)bend something曲がる(まがる)bend 混ぜる(まぜる)mix混ざる(まざる)be mixed
And here are some more. Transitive and intransitive verb pairs Eru- vs.aru-ending Transitive Intransitive 見つける(みつける)find見つかる(みつかる)be found 閉める(しめる)close something閉まる(しまる)close 止める(とめる)stop something止まる(とまる)stop 泊める(とめる)lodge a person泊まる(とまる)stay over 伝える(つたえる)communicate伝わる(つたわる)be passed on 分ける(わける)divide分かる(わかる)understand 受ける(うける)take a test 受かる(うかる)pass a test つかまえる catch つかまる be caught
The dichotomy is a relative one. Kasu “lend” and kariru “borrow” are both transitive in one sense because they take an o-marked direct object. However, in terms of the meaning, kasu is more transitive because an object moves away from the lender. Kariru is more intransitive in the sense that an object merges with the borrower. The same explanation holds for the other two pairs. Transitive and intransitive verb pairs More-or-less cases More transitiveLess transitive 貸す(かす)lend 借りる(かりる)borrow 預ける(あずける)deposit預かる(あずかる)receive 教える(おしえる)teach 教わる(おそわる)learn