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This report presents the findings of a survey conducted among Keyport business owners to assess downtown assets, liabilities, traffic and parking issues, and the potential impact of waterfront redevelopment on businesses. The survey results provide valuable insights for the town's revitalization efforts.
Citizens Committee Report, Business Keyport Downtown and Waterfront Revitalization Study Steering Committee Meeting July 19, 2004
Homework Assignments • Town-wide business inventory (thanks, KBA) • Create a survey instrument. Survey to assess • assets and liabilities of downtown location • traffic and parking issues from business owners perspective • How waterfront can bolster downtown businesses • Interview business owners.
Keyport Town-wide Business Inventory Antiques 6 Industrial Real Estate 1 Taxidermy 1 Apparel/Footwear 6 Industrial Supply 2 Upholstery 1 Appliances/Repair 3 Insurance 6 US Post Office 1 Assisted Living 1 Interior Decorators 1 Variety Store 2 Attorney 6 Jewelers 2 Automotive 47 Laundry 3 Bakery/Breads 2 Liquor & Wine 3 Beauty 3 Machine Shop 2 Bicycles 1 Manufacturing/B-B 18 Bridal & Florist 1 Marine/Recreation 8 Business Services 13 Marketing/Advertising 2 Childcare 3 Medical 15 Cigar 1 Metaphysical Boutique 1 Cleaning Services 5 Metaphysical/Psychic 1 Computer 2 Monuments 2 Consignment 2 Music 1 Construction Trades/ Nails 2 Home Improvement 22 Novelty Shop 1 Convenience Grocery8 Optical 2 Dental 6 Pet Care 1 Electrical 4 Pharmacy 1 Embroidery 1 Photography 4 Engineering 2 Printing/Digital 2 Environmental 2 Real Estate 4 Fast Food 13 Rental Equipment Financial Services 17 Restaurant 7 Florist 4 Restaurant/Catering 5 Fuel 1 Restaurant/Bar/Catering 2 Funeral 2 Restaurant/Bar/Grill 1 Furniture 1 Restaurant/Coffeehouse 1 Gift & Specialty Shops5 Catering 1 Glass 1 Security 2 Grocery Super Store1 Sewing 1 Hair 7 Signs Graphic 1 Health & Fitness 3 Specialty Crafts Home Improvement 2 Tattoo 1 Human Resources 2 Taverns 3 330 businesses. Great diversity. Available online.
Survey development process • Business inventory review • Establishment of survey area • Front Street East & West of Broad • Broad Street North & South of Maple • Division Street • Main Street • Survey development • Survey alert
Alert process • Target businesses identified, addresses confirmed • Survey alert developed, printed and mailed • Personal visits by volunteers to disseminate questionnaires
THE SURVEY ALERT Made businesses aware in advance of the project. Alerted them to the upcoming volunteer visit, and the timeline. Requested their participation, and underscored the benefit. Opened the doors for citizen volunteers.
Survey Methodology • KBA supplied database list • Debbie Ackerman managed database, assignments, followups • Survey volunteers hand delivered questionnaires, conducted followups and pickups. Jeff Fink Debbie Ackerman Marilyn Lane Kathy Shaw Michael Norris Cathy DiPierro • Control group (citizens committee) also surveyed • Analysis conducted by T Burns, team
Keyport businesses responded enthusiastically • There are 166 businesses in the target area. Of these businesses, 80 were identified for volunteer visits, followups. • Some volunteers returned five times. • 76% of the targeted businesses completed surveys. • These results are statistically significant. • To the committee, they are also deeply gratifying.
Who are they? • Questions 1 – 5 tell us about the respondents, their businesses, locations, etc. • The details – and all individual surveys - are available, if useful to the project. Here, we make some general observations.
67% of respondents rent the property in which their business is located. 73% of businesses who answered occupy a ground floor storefront location.
Questions 7,8,9 • These survey questions and responses addressed hours of operation, number of employees, and other specifics. Details are available to the project. • Some businesses are less than a year old, some go back nearly 100 years old • The average responder has been in business in Keyport for 16 years.
Question 6 • As you may know, the town is discussing re-routing American Legion drive, in part to create a new customer entry and expanded retail opportunity for West Front Street buildings where ground floor, rear entrances face the bay. Would you favor such a change? (Y or N)
76% of survey respondents favor re-routing American Legion drive. 100 % of control group respondents (citizens committee) agree.
We need to create an image of Keyport from the bay side. The waterfront needs to be redone to attract more people to our town. Anything to clean up the rear of the buildings… looks dingy from the waterfront. Enormous expense by owners Attractive environment --- entrances, “space,”patios, lighting, etc. Q6a.Would you care to expand on your response?
Q6a.Would you care to expand on your response? • The waterfront is severely underutilized and unattractive. Re-routing American Legion and expanding historic business district will expand the range of shops and increase foot traffic to the scenic shopping district. • Keyport has such an advantage with its waterway. This could be enjoyable for everyone, and also help create more customer traffic for restaurants and retail. • If the bulkhead and American Legion Drive are rerouted/reworked, and become more aesthetically pleasing to attract broadened customer base, then a rear entrance serving area could prove beneficial.
Q6a.Would you care to expand on your response? • This could open up an entirely new opportunity to business and property owners downtown and would stimulate growth. • I have not seen the re-routing plans, so cannot comment. • If the waterfront were made a park area, this would be a great plan. • Recreation at the bulkhead … move the street as the master plan suggested, but parking (perhaps diagonal) is necessary.
Q6a.Would you care to expand on your response? • As a resident, I feel that removing the privilege of driving and parking by the water is a shame. • This makes more sense than walking up the path to West Front Street. See Seattle’s Market for example. • With a second level or retail, a promenade and patio restaurants, the waterfront would be great • From a residents’ point of view, it would create more green space and a buffer between the pedestrian walkway and the road. • A rerouted AL Drive places the traffic next to the rear of the businesses (which should be developed, or rear entrances opened).
Question 6b • Would you be interested in special funding to undertake such expansion? (Y or N) • 23 said no. • 8 said YES (all were owners) • More than half did not respond to this question. Write-in remarks: “…grants would be good!” “financing for whom?” Remember, many respondents are renters. This will need further examination.
Question 10 • Do any of the following factors preclude you from staying open longer hours? Please “X” all that apply. • 75% who provided an answer cited insufficient business/doesn’t warrant extended hours • 25% of respondents declared that s/he - or the owner – do not want to work the extra time Note: total responses to this question >15
Questions 11, 11a, 12 • These survey questions and responses addressed business owner and employee parking and commuting habits, and busy-ness throughout the year. • Details are available to the project.
Question 13 • What do you believe is the current business trend for YOUR business? Check only one.
Q13. More than 70% feel that the trend is stable or improving for their business • 47% feel the trend is stable. • The control group believed trend was improving “…but teeters between stable and scary.”
Q14. …current business trend for Keyport businesses overall? • By a small margin, more feel business is improving • Control group agreed.
The data in the response charts reflect remarks,respondents’ comments to volunteers. “your business” “Keyport biz overall”
Question 15 • How would you classify your customers? • Responses varied by business type. Of retail and service businesses who responded, they reported 50-90% were regular customers returning for goods and services. • Many respondents did not know • % visitors ranged 10 – 35% • “day trippers” choice usually blank.
Question 16 • Where do your customers come from? Choices: • Keyport • Monmouth County Bayshore(Aberdeen, Matawan Union Beach, Middletown, Atl Highlands, Highlands) • Other Monmouth County (Holmdel, Colts Neck, Red Bank, Marlboro, Manalapan, other) • Middlesex County (Old Bridge, S River, E Brunswick, S Amboy, Perth Amboy, other) • Staten Island NY • Other
Question 16 • Where do your customers come from? Results and distribution are quite detailed, and specific to businesses, business types. All data are available to the project. Responses and plotting tell us that customers come from all these places, and in interesting numbers. Some are 5% Keyport, some are 95% Keyport. Some are 50% other Monmouth, some 25% Staten Island, etc. Opportunities?
Question 17 • Over the past few years, which of these segments have increased or decreased most in terms of sales volume for your business? • We asked about: • Keyport residents • Surrounding communities • Residents from more than a 15 minute drive • other
Q17. Primary responses were no change, slight nod to increase. surrounding communities other
We don’t get a high enough percentage of Keyport residents. Haven’t been here long enough to tell. Old Keyport residents moved out of state due to rising costs, property taxes. Too new to answer this question. Antique shops closing We do good work. Increased due to Mexican population. Q17.We asked why. Some responses.
Answers are specific to respondents’ business type, but some themes emerge… Restaurants Starbucks NONE Supermarkets Drug stores, Travel agencies, Pier One Marshall’s, Kohl’s, Target Red Bank Antiques Center The internet Q18. Which major stores or shopping centers are your major competition?
Q19. What do other stores or shopping areas have to offer that your business district does not? More “anchor” stores Included in 65% of responses …100% of control More group advertising nicer appearance
More turnover in parking spaces (8) Better highway access (7) Perceived to be safer (7) More convenient shopping hours (6) Easier to drive around/navigate (6) More central location (6) More competitive prices (6) Q19. additional responses
Q19. Write-in remarks for “other” choicewhat other stores/shopping areas offer that your business district does not… • Stores with a common goal • Diversified businesses attracting various age groups • Necessity stores • Collectives • Stores that work more closely with one another for shared success
Q20.The three most important features that Keyport needs….TOP TEN 8, 9, 10. 4-WAY TIE (4 each) Public restrooms Large stores Benches/places to sit More retail stores 7. Stores to stay open more hours, days in week and holidays 5 and 6. 2-WAY TIE (10 each) More parking, year round Greater variety of stores, goods
Q20.The three most important features that Keyport needs….TOP TEN 4. A ferry (12) 3. More restaurants (16) 2. Visual improvements, keeping the area attractive (17) 1. Waterfront redevelopment (27)
Q21. 30% of respondents feel waterfront redevelopment is an important feature for Keyport. 11% 11% 30% 13% 18% 17% The focus of the SmartGrowth project appears to align with the wishes of Keyport business.
Remarks from Q21 (most important features) • We need an attraction, like an amphitheatre • Prohibit employees from parking on Front Street • Trash receptacles • Parking away from the waterfront • Better sight lines at intersections • Stores stay open Friday nights…at least! • The ferry is an important catalyst, but waterfront redevelopment is more important.
Q21.The three least important features that Keyport needs…. • Improved access from highways (16) • More housing or apartments (14) • Public restrooms (10) • More chains or franchise (9) • Outlets (7) • Easier to get around by foot (7) • Better, easier traffic circulation (6)
Question 23 • Do you think that, through a ferry service to Keyport, your business would improve? 79% answered yes.
Q24. Assessing the Keyport business area • Business owners were asked to rank Keyport as excellent, good, fair or poor in twenty characteristics. Their perspectives follow.
Q24. EXCELLENT convenience to home highway roadway access walkability friendliness of townspeople friendliness of retailers safety, perception of safety events promotion and marketing attractiveness of storefronts convenience to public transportation convenience of retail hours availability of convenient parking TOP TEN BY NUMBER RANK
Q24. GOOD friendliness of retailers openness to diverse communities walkability safety, perception of safety highway and roadway access friendliness of townspeople events promotion and marketing convenience to home convenience to public trans quality of stores and services quality of restaurants, entertainment places to sit and socialize TOP TEN BY NUMBER RANK
Q24. A few more good responses…each also received minimum of ten good “votes” convenience of retail hours convenience of retail hours (13) walkability convenience of retail hours maintenance of sidewalks, curbs, streets (10) events promotion and marketing convenience of retail hours cleanliness (10) convenience to public trans convenience of retail hours quality of stores and services attractiveness of storefronts (10) quality of restaurants, entertainment
Q24. FAIR number and variety of restaurants quality of stores and services attractiveness of storefronts convenience of retail hours places to sit and socialize convenience to public transportation quality of restaurants, entertainment events promotion, marketing maintenance of sidewalks, curbs and streets walkability utilization of the waterfront TOP TEN BY NUMBER RANK
Q24. POOR number and variety of restaurants utilization of the waterfront quality of restaurants, entertainment convenience of retail hours places to sit, socialize attractiveness of storefronts maintenance of sidewalks, curbs and streets cleanliness quality of stores and services friendliness of townspeople highway and roadway access convenience of public transportation TOP TEN BY NUMBER RANK
So, what are the business people telling us in Q24? • We have a wonderful asset --- convenient to home, walkabable, friendly, attractive and safe. • We have challenges and opportunities to optimize the asset: increase number, variety and quality of restaurants and entertainment; utilize the waterfront; focus on convenience of retail hours, places to sit and socialize (public spaces), etc. They get it. And they told us.
Question 26 • Which of these statements most closely resembles your opinion about future planning for the Keyport business district? First – the top responses (they could choose two). We also asked for remarks. They follow.
Q26. Top five responses 8% 25% 17% 17% 28% • Redevelopment of the waterfront with business in mind must be a priority; the rest will follow. (18) • Restaurants with waterfront dining are very important (16) • Attracting new businesses is critical.(11) • Keyport should emphasize the heritage of the Bayshore (fishing, boating and water recreation. (11) • We must retain and work with the unique “small town feeling” of Keyport -- no one else has it.(8)