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NT Greek I. Dr. Samuel Lamerson. Greek Verbs. Tenses Present Aorist Future Imperfect Perfect Pluperfect. Greek Verbs- tenses. Present Shows action in present time. Greek Verbs- tenses. Future Shows action of the verb as defined in the future. Greek Verbs- tenses. Aorist
NT Greek I Dr. Samuel Lamerson
Greek Verbs Tenses Present Aorist Future Imperfect Perfect Pluperfect
Greek Verbs- tenses Present Shows action in present time
Greek Verbs- tenses Future Shows action of the verb as defined in the future.
Greek Verbs- tenses Aorist Simple, undefined action.
Greek Verbs- tenses Imperfect Continuous or linear action in past time.
Greek Verbs- tenses Perfect The action was completed in the past, but has lasting and continuing results into the future.
Greek Verbs- tenses Pluperfect The action was completed in the past, with continuing results in the past.
Greek Verbs- Moods Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative Participle* Infinitive
Greek Verbs- Moods Indicative Makes an assertion of fact
Greek Verbs- Moods Imperative A command to do something.
Greek Verbs- Moods Subjunctive Makes an assertion about which there is some doubt, uncertainty, or indefiniteness
Greek Verbs- Moods Optative Usually expresses a wish or desire.
Greek Verbs- Moods Participle* A verbal adjective
Greek Verbs- Moods Infinitive* A verbal noun
Greek Verbs- Voices Active Passive Middle
Greek Verbs- Voices Active Action was completed by the subject of the verb.
Greek Verbs- Voices Passive The subject receives the action of the verb.
Greek Verbs- Voices Middle The subject acts in some way upon itself or to itself.
Present Active Indicative Present tense stem + Connecting Vowel + Primary active personal endings lu + o + men = luvomen
Greek Verbs- Charts Stem: This is the part of the verb that carries the basic meaning. Connecting vowel: Greek verbs sometimes need a vowel after the stem to aid in the pronunciation of the word. Personal endings: Suffixes added to the end of the verb indicating person and number
Greek Verbs- Charts Our first set of endings and the primary active endings are as follows: 1s-w 2s-eiV 3s-ei 1p-omen 2p-ete 3p-ousi(n)
Greek Verbs- Charts Parsing: the breaking down of the verb and denoting of: person, number, tense, voice, mood, lexical form, and definition of inflected form. Lexical form: For verbs, this will be the 1st person singular, present indicative.
Paradigm: Present Active Indicative- luvvw Tense Aug/ Tense Tense Conn. Personal 1st Sing. Redup Stem Form. Vowel Endings Paradigm Present Present o / e Prim act luvw
Greek Verbs- Tense Aspect: This can be either continuous or undefined. Aspect ALWAYS takes precedence over time Time: Present tense generally indicates an action occurring in the present tense.
Verbs & Personal Pronouns It is not usually necessary to provide the personal pronoun as the subject of a verb because the verb ending indicates the personal pronoun subject of the verb. Reasons for including the personal pronoun are twofold: Emphasis. Gender.
Master Verb Chart Tense Aug/ Tense Tense Conn. Personal 1st Sing Redup Stem Form. Vowel Endings Paradigm Present act pres o/e prim act luvw
Assignment Workbook- Complete Parsing section 1-5 Complete warm-up sectiona-g Complete translation section 1-5 Study Vocab 4-17 Read ch. 17
Alpha • pisteu,w • I believe
Beta • th.n fwnh.n auvtou/ avkou,eij • You hear its sound
Gamma • evxousi,an e;cei o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou • the son of man has authority
Delta • to. fw/j tou/ ko,smou tou,tou ble,pousin • They see the light of the world
16.1 • tou,tw| u`mei/j ouv pisteu,ete • you do not believe this
16.2 • avpekri,qh o` o;cloj( Daimo,nion e;ceij\ • The crowd answered, “you have a demon”
16.3 • Ouvk e;cw a;ndra • I do not have a man (husband)
16.4 • ti, de. ble,peij to. ka,rfoj (splinter) to. evn tw/| ovfqalmw/| tou/ avdelfou/ sou; • Why do you see the splinter in the eye of your brother?
16.5 • o` w'n (one who is) evk tou/ qeou/ ta. r`h,mata tou/ qeou/ avkou,ei\ dia. tou/to u`mei/j ouvk avkou,ete( o[ti evk tou/ qeou/ ouvk evste,Å • The one who is of God hears the words of God, on account of this you are not hearing because you are not of God
16.6 • pa,ntote ga.r tou.j ptwcou.j e;cete meqV e`autw/n( evme. de. ouv pa,ntote e;cete\ • For you will always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me with you
16.7 • su. pisteu,eij eivj to.n ui`o.n tou/ avnqrw,pouÈ • Do you believe in the son of man?
16.8 • le,gw ga.r u`mi/n o[ti oi` a;ggeloi auvtw/n evn ouvranoi/j dia. panto.j ble,pousi to. pro,swpon tou/ patro,j mou tou/ evn ouvranoi/jÅ • For I am telling you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my father in heaven.
16.9 • u`mw/n de. maka,rioi oi` ovfqalmoi. o[ti ble,pousin kai. ta. w=ta u`mw/n o[ti avkou,ousinÅ (the main verb is implied in both phrases) • But blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear.
16.10a • le,gousin ou=n tw/| tuflw/| pa,lin( Ti, su. le,geij peri. auvtou/( o[ti hvne,w|xe,n (he opened) sou tou.j ovfqalmou,jÈ o` de. ei=pen o[ti Profh,thj evsti,nÅ • Therefore they are saying again to the blind man, “What are you saying about him, because he opened your eyes?” and he said “he is a prophet.”
16.10b • Ou-to,j evstin o` ui`o.j u`mw/n( o]n u`mei/j le,gete o[ti tuflo.j evgennh,qh (was born)È pw/j ou=n ble,pei a;rtiÈ (now) • Is this your son who you say was born blind? How can he see now?
16.c • avpekri,qh ou=n evkei/noj( Eiv a`martwlo,j (sinner) evstin ouvk oi=da\ e]n oi=da (I know) o[ti tuflo.j w'n (being) a;rti ble,pwÅ • Then answering them, “If he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I know, that being blind now I am seeing.