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Greek I. Present Active Indicative (Chapter 16). Exegetical Insight – The “I am” statements in John’s Gospel. John 6:35: Egw, eivmi o` a;rtoj th/j zwh/j John 8:12: VEgw, eivmi to. fw/j tou/ ko,smou John 10:7: evgw, eivmi h` qu,ra tw/n proba,twnÅ
Greek I Present Active Indicative (Chapter 16)
Exegetical Insight – The “I am” statements in John’s Gospel • John 6:35: Egw, eivmi o` a;rtoj th/j zwh/j\ • John 8:12: VEgw, eivmi to. fw/j tou/ ko,smou\ • John 10:7: evgw, eivmi h` qu,ra tw/n proba,twnÅ • John 11:25: evgw, eivmi h` avna,stasij kai. h` zwh,\ • John 15:5: evgw, eivmi h` a;mpeloj( u`mei/j ta. klh,mataÅ • John 8:58: VAmh.n avmh.n le,gw u`mi/n( pri.n VAbraa.m gene,sqai evgw. eivmi,Å • Exod 3:15: evgw, eivmi o` w;n • John 8:24: eva.n ga.r mh. pisteu,shte o[ti evgw, eivmi( avpoqanei/sqe evn tai/j a`marti,aij u`mw/nÅ
Overview of this Lesson • In this lesson we will learn: • that the present tense typically portrays an action that occurs in present time; • that the present tense can describe an ongoing action (continuous action), or say nothing about the verb’s aspect (undefined); • the three parts to a present active indicative verb: present tense stem, connecting vowel, and personal ending; • the primary active personal endings.
English Grammar • The present indicative describes an action occurring in present time. • Active voice means that the subject is doing the action. • Indicative mood describes a fact or asks a question. We will be in the indicative mood for many weeks before moving on to the non-indicative moods. • I see the tall man.
Greek Grammar • The present active indicative in Greek is basically the same as it is in English. • With regard to aspect, it can be: • continuous – “I am studying.” • undefined – “I study on Monday through Friday.” • Primary personal endings are used in the present tense and the next several tenses that we study; secondary personal endings will be used for other tenses and will be explained later. • Voice will also be differentiated by the endings.
Form of the Present Active Indicative • Present tense stem – the most basic form of the verb in a particular tense; carries the meaning. • Connecting vowel – will be omicron when the ending begins with mu or nu; with all other endings it will be epsilon. If there is no personal ending, it can be either epsilon or omicron. • Personal ending – designates person and number, thus indicating the subject.
Paradigm for lu,w in Present Active Indicative • 6 no personal ending is used and the connecting vowel lengthens to omega. • 7 original ending was si; underwent metathesis, i.e., switched places. • 9 nu drops out and the connecting vowel lengthens to ou; can take a moveable nu on the end.
1 John 1:5-10 • 1 John 1:5-10 5 ¶ Kai. e;stin au[th h` avggeli,a h]n avkhko,amen avpV auvtou/ kai. avnagge,llomen u`mi/n( o[ti o` qeo.j fw/j evstin kai. skoti,a evn auvtw/| ouvk e;stin ouvdemi,aÅ 6 VEa.n ei;pwmen o[ti koinwni,an e;comen metV auvtou/ kai. evn tw/| sko,tei peripatw/men( yeudo,meqa kai. ouv poiou/men th.n avlh,qeian\ 7 eva.n de. evn tw/| fwti. peripatw/men w`j auvto,j evstin evn tw/| fwti,( koinwni,an e;comen metV avllh,lwn kai. to. ai-ma VIhsou/ tou/ ui`ou/ auvtou/ kaqari,zei h`ma/j avpo. pa,shj a`marti,ajÅ 8 eva.n ei;pwmen o[ti a`marti,an ouvk e;comen( e`autou.j planw/men kai. h` avlh,qeia ouvk e;stin evn h`mi/nÅ 9 eva.n o`mologw/men ta.j a`marti,aj h`mw/n( pisto,j evstin kai. di,kaioj( i[na avfh/| h`mi/n ta.j a`marti,aj kai. kaqari,sh| h`ma/j avpo. pa,shj avdiki,ajÅ 10 eva.n ei;pwmen o[ti ouvc h`marth,kamen( yeu,sthn poiou/men auvto.n kai. o` lo,goj auvtou/ ouvk e;stin evn h`mi/nÅ
1 John 2:1-5 • 1 John 2:1-5 1 John 2:1 ¶ Tekni,a mou( tau/ta gra,fw u`mi/n i[na mh. a`ma,rthteÅ kai. eva,n tij a`ma,rth|( para,klhton e;comen pro.j to.n pate,ra VIhsou/n Cristo.n di,kaion\ 2 kai. auvto.j i`lasmo,j evstin peri. tw/n a`martiw/n h`mw/n( ouv peri. tw/n h`mete,rwn de. mo,non avlla. kai. peri. o[lou tou/ ko,smouÅ 3 Kai. evn tou,tw| ginw,skomen o[ti evgnw,kamen auvto,n( eva.n ta.j evntola.j auvtou/ thrw/menÅ 4 o` le,gwn o[ti :Egnwka auvto,n kai. ta.j evntola.j auvtou/ mh. thrw/n( yeu,sthj evsti,n kai. evn tou,tw| h` avlh,qeia ouvk e;stin\ 5 o]j dV a'n thrh/| auvtou/ to.n lo,gon( avlhqw/j evn tou,tw| h` avga,ph tou/ qeou/ tetelei,wtai( evn tou,tw| ginw,skomen o[ti evn auvtw/| evsmenÅ
For Next Week • Vocab quiz from chapter 16. • Workbook Exercise #16. • Read chapter 17 on Contract Verbs, pp. 138-146.