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Creative Résumé Techniques for Marketing Your Skills. Debbie Lashbaugh, CPRW . Think of a résumé as your Photo - Snapshot Present Your Best Image “ Keep everything in focus”. The Résumé package includes a résumé, cover letter, reference sheet and corresponding envelope. Plan your Résumé Layout.
Creative Résumé Techniques for Marketing Your Skills Debbie Lashbaugh, CPRW
Think of a résumé as yourPhoto - SnapshotPresent Your Best Image“Keep everything in focus”
The Résumé package includes a résumé, cover letter, reference sheet and corresponding envelope.
Plan your Résumé Layout • Include the skill words from your local market research • Most attention “catching” information should be in the top area • Apply Desktop Publishing principles • Scanning Techniques used for speed reading • Strategy (Chronological, Functional, Combination, Letter Résumé) • each style has strengths & weaknesses • use the best style to overcome problems • Choose paper color & matching envelope • Make statements clear, concise and easy to read
Chronological Résumé Weakness May raise questions about gaps in employment Not open for a job change Makes when you did something more important that what you did Strength Easiest type of résumé to do because you use reverse order of employment history, starting with present or your last employer Most familiar to employers
Functional Résumé Weakness This style not as familiar to the employer and they may be suspicious, thinking you are hiding something May take more time to create because you need the employer “buzz” words and then do self-assessment to prove that you have the job qualifications Strength Highlights skills, abilities and accomplishments - notemployer or job duties Can combine employers job requirement with your skills and abilities Hides employment gaps The employer can see how you would “fit” their opening
Combination Résumé Strength Combines skills and abilities with work history Weakness Could become too long and not focused on the employers job needs Letter Résumé Strength Tailored to a specific employer for a specific job opening Weakness Time consuming
use white or light colored 8 1/2" by 11" paper printed on one side only laser printed original if possible do not fold or staple use standard font size avoid parentheses and brackets don’t condense spacing use boldface and/or all capital letters for section headings, unless letters touch each other place name at top of the page on it’s own line list each phone number on it’s own line usually need to use nouns as key words e.g. Spanish, marketing, writer Scannable Résumé This type of résumé is written to be read by an electronic scanner. It will not look like a résumé written to be read by a Human Resource Manager.
Tips for Maximizing “Hits” • Describe your experience with concrete words rather than vague descriptions • e.g. it is better to use “managed a team of software engineers” rather than “responsible for managing, training…” • Be concise and truthful • The scanner can handle multiple page resumes and you can add more information than you would for human readers • Use industry buzz words or jargon - do not use abbreviations • If you have extra space describe your interpersonal traits and attitude. Key words may include skill in time management, dependable, high energy, leadership, good memory
Cover Letter • Use customized stationery(match to résumé) • This demonstrates professionalism • Customize your letter, address it to a specific individual. (Be sure the person’s name is spelled correctly) • If you prefer to use a form letter, use the salutation “Dear Hiring Manager,” • Keep it to one page • Keep it short - 4 to 5 short paragraphs
Paragraph organization • Spark interest in the first paragraph. Why should they read your letter? What can you do for the employer? • Promise a benefit - Identify a need. • Sample: In the last 12 months, I’ve generated $40,000 worth of new business for my employer, and now I’d like to do the same for you. • Promote your value in the second paragraph. • What benefits do you offer? • Sample The match between your needs and my talents is ideal. Why? Because…. • Note specific accomplishments, achievements, and educational experiences that support paragraph two. • Instructs the reader of what future action you expect. • Ask for an interview or tell the reader that you will be calling. • Sample I look forward to hearing from you. My address and telephone numbers are listed above.
E-Mail Résumé • Is a text résumé created with the notepad program. It is similar to the scannable résumé. You will not be able to use special formatting. • Can be “cut and pasted” from your word processor into your e-mail letter. You can use your word processor’s save as option and choose MS-DOS text. • You may not want to send your résumé as an e-mail file attachment, unless the announcement told you to do this. • Computer viruses are a common problem and most employers will not open files from unknown sources.
What skills and abilities are listed in the employers job description? Are there any other “implied” characteristics? Example - self-starter Skills that you have and how you acquired these skills. What were your major accomplishments…not just your previous job duties. Make a ‘Key Words’ list. Combine both your skills and the employer’s job skills requirements in your resume.
Personal Information Club memberships that are not job related Marital Status Health Incorrect, inaccurate or misleading information. Religious organization membership. Age (birthdate) Social Security Number DO NOT Include This Information!
Skills Accomplishments Related training workshops vocational technical school college courses military work related seminars Certifications or licenses Contact Information mailing address telephone e-mail address cell phone - pager fax number Include This Information
Review - Proof read and have other professionals review to check for: • misspelled or incorrect words • spacing • correct grammar usage • punctuation • use of the active voice
Books William A. Sabin, The Gregg Reference Manual, McGraw-Hill Jay A. Block & Michalel Betrus, 101 Best Resumes, McGraw-Hill, 1997 Ray Potter, Résumés that Get Jobs 8th. Ed.Revised and Expanded, Arco Books, NY Ray Potter, Electronic Resumes That Get Jobs. New York: Macmillian General Reberence, c1996 Parker, Yana,Résumé Pro: The Professional’s Guide, Berkely, Calif: Ten Speed Press, c1993 Ronald L. Krannich, Caryl Krannich, William J. Banis (contributor) High Impact Resumes and Letters Impact Publishers 7th. Edition, 1998 Ron Tepper, Power Resumes, John Wiley & Sons Ronald L. Krannich, Caryl Rae Krannich, Dynamite Résumé: 101 Great Examples and Tips for Success, Impact Publicatons, c1999 Yana Parket, The Résumé Catalog: 200 Damn Good Examples, Ten Speed Press, c1996 David F. Noble, Gallery of Best Cover Letters: A Collection of Quality Cover Letters by Professional Résumé Writers, JIST, c1999 Susan Britton Whitcomb, Résumé Magic: Trade Secrets of a Professional Résumé Writer, JIST Works, c1999 Samuel N. Ray, Resumes for the Over 50 - Job Hunter, New York: J Wiley, c 1993 Yana Parker, Blue Collar & Beyond: Resumes for Skilled Trades and Services, Ten Speed Press, 1995 Susan Ireland, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Perfect Résumé (Complete Idiot’s Guide),Alpha Books
Internet Resources Curriculum Vitae Tips http://www.cvtips.com http://jobsmart.org/tools/resume/res-cv.htm http://jobsearch.about.com/careers/jobsearch/cs/resumes/index.htm Résumé tips http://jobstar.org/jobstar.htm America’s InfoNet http://www.acinet.org/acinet/ e-Résumé Writing http://www.eresumewriting.com/ Résumé Tutor - http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/ecep/resume/ Résumé writing for Federal Employment - http://www.resume-place.com/ Master Resume Writer's Secrets Revealed - http://www.liglobal.com/b_c/career/res.shtml Rebecca Smith’s e-résumés & resources - http://www.eresumes.com/ Microsoft Office templaters - http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/templategallery/ Occupational Outlook Handbook - http://stats.bls.gov/opub/ooq/ooqhome.htm AOL Search - http://my.aol.com Riley Guide - http://www.rileyguide.com/letters.html