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GSMP Local Community Network Global Agenda. 28 Aug 2008 (revised 27 Aug) Melanie Kudela. LCN Global Agenda / Enhanced Process. Welcome to the GSMP Local Community Network Global Agenda Meeting! Next LCN Meetings Key Milestones for August GA Cycle July 2008 CR Questions Summary
GSMP Local Community NetworkGlobal Agenda 28 Aug 2008 (revised 27 Aug)Melanie Kudela
LCN Global Agenda / Enhanced Process Welcome to the GSMP Local Community Network Global Agenda Meeting! • Next LCN Meetings • Key Milestones for August GA Cycle • July 2008 CR Questions Summary • The August Links
Next Meetings • GSMP Local Community Network Global Agenda Conference Call and Live Meeting • Thursday, 25 September 2008, 0500 to 0630 AM ET (Princeton)
July 2008 CR Questions Summary • GDSN Enhanced Party Synchronisation WG - Reconnaissance • CR 07-332 Use of GLN – 44 Responses (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands) • Q: 1. Are you assigning GLNs to your locations? 37 Yes; 7 No • Comments: 1. All of our retail stores (300+) as well as our companies have GLNs allocated to them. 2. To date, only as required for EDIFACT message envelope 3. To our different business entities that have separate ABNs as well as to our warehouses 4. Only for the companies of the group 5. At the moment, all geographic entities are grouped under the same GLN. In the future, each geographic entity will be identified by a different GLN. 6. one per subsidiary of the groupe FleuryMichon 7. We are looking using GLNs for outside communication by marrying up the GLN prefix with our internal "outlet number". Internal systems would continue to use outlet number only. • Q: 2. Are you assigning them according to the GLN Allocation Rules?37 Yes; 5 No • Comments: 1. Have been doing this for a few years, but if there have been any updates to these rules i can not guarantee that we have kept up to date. 2 Using numbers from GTIN range 3 I have used from our barcode range 4 Not sure but expect so. 5 To be able to work with small suppliers, small logistic service providers or foreign suppliers who are not using GLNs themselves, we create GLNs for them to be able to communicate electronically with them (EDI)es fournisseurs étrangers. 6 & 7 Not applicable • 3. Are you using them for trading partner communication?38 Yes; 6 No • Comments: 1. GLN's are the unique identifier for trading partners in AS2 communication 2 Used with EDI transactions. 3 Only in EDIFACT Message Envelope 4 In the control message and in the NAD segments of the ORDER and INVOIC message 5 Only for use currently on our supplier side of the business. 6 several types of EDI messages 7 EDI communication 8 we only use GLN for trading partner communication 9 in all our EDI messages 10 for EDI purposes 11 Only with Retailers who have agreed to use GLN Codes 12 We have had a request by one of our manufacturer partners to use in EDI communications and are investigating.
June 2008 CR Questions Summary cont. • 4. Are you assigning GLNs to functional entities and if yes, for what purpose? 19 Yes; 22 No • Comments1 Not at this moment, but if needed we will use this mechanism 2 necessary in EDI messaging to identify different roles i.e. Delivery Party Location), Buyer (functional) 3 These entities would never need to be communicated externally of our business so there would be no benefit of using this GLN method. We do however allocate 'numbers' to nearly all functional entities we can to automate all processes possible. 4 We have assigned GLNs representing different pricing regions for a particular customer. These equate to separate vendor ids in the customer system. This is a work-around due to limitations in the customer system. 5 For our warehouses. Plse Note not sure of your question 9. If it means whether we're implementing the answer is yes, however have not been able to implement properly (e.g. for store members) due to some systems not having fields in their system to cater for 13 digit GLN. It appears software vendors have not kept abreast with this technology standard 6 In our company each location have a GLN. We don't separate in functional entities. 7 -11, 13, 21-22 & 24 Provided that with the term “functional entities” roles in the supply chain are meant (e.g. accounting or buying department) the answer is YES 12 We did it in the past, but it creates a big complexity, so we stop. 14 We assign GLNs to product categories for the purpose of more efficient trading partner communication. 15 We use two "invoiced by" and "payed to" to distinguish our activities in the two distribution networks we have. 16 to organise the orders in the most logical way 17 not sure 18 We allocate GLNs to identify the two groupings "ordered at" and "payed to" to help us orient the orders to the right distribution network 19 for the purpose of electronic communication (EDI) 20 To identify the groupings "invoiced to", "payed by", "invoice sent to“ 23 For direct communications/links to responsible departments for processing the relevant data. 25 for the purpose of doing EDI we identify the functions "ordered at", "delivered by", "freight forwarder invoice", "invoiced by", "payed to"
August Links • August GA • http://community.gs1.org/apps/org/workgroup/gsmp_g_lcn/calendar.php • July Survey Results • http://www.gs1.org/services/gsmp/lcn/lcn_members.html
Contact Details Melanie Kudela GS1 Director, GDSN Technology D +1 609 620 4514 F +1 609 620-1200 E melanie.kudela@gs1.org