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3rd Dec 2009

Hybrid Educational Fields. Mathematics & Computer Science. Çankaya University Faculty of Art and Science Majid M. Gomainy majid@cankaya.edu.tr http://mcs.cankaya.edu.tr/~majid/ TED COLLEGE. 3rd Dec 2009. Outlines :.  Introduction  What is Hybrid ?  Hybrid Education Fields

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3rd Dec 2009

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hybrid Educational Fields Mathematics & Computer Science Çankaya University Faculty of Art and Science Majid M. Gomainy majid@cankaya.edu.tr http://mcs.cankaya.edu.tr/~majid/ TED COLLEGE 3rd Dec 2009

  2. Outlines : • Introduction • What is Hybrid ? •  Hybrid Education Fields •  Advantages & Disadvantages •  Computer Courses Description •  Conclusion •  References • References

  3. Introduction • Definitions • Examples • Questions?

  4. What is Hybrid? Is a simple combination of two different objects. x + y = z Where Z has properties of both

  5. Example Red

  6. Example Yellow

  7. Question Red Yellow + = ?

  8. Answer! Orange !

  9. Example Milk

  10. Example Coffee

  11. Question Milk Coffee + = ?

  12. Answer! Coffee Milk

  13. Example Water

  14. Example Fire

  15. Question Water Fire + = ?

  16. Answer! Steam

  17. Example Hedge Hog

  18. Example Snake

  19. Question Hedge Hog Snake + = ?

  20. Answer! Barbed Wire 

  21. What is Hybrid Education Field?

  22. Hybrid Education Field Is a combination of two related subjects In order to the real world requirements

  23. Examples Biomedical Engineering Aerospace Engineering MIS Management Information Systems Computer & Mathematics

  24. Combination Computer + Mathematics

  25. Combination Computer + Mathematics “ Flexibility + Integrity ”

  26. Advantages & Disadvantages

  27. Advantages & Disadvantages Hybrid Combination Rule [0,1] + [1,0] => [0,0] or [1,1]

  28. Advantages & Disadvantages Hybrid Combination Rule [0,1] + [1,0] => [0,0] or [1,1]

  29. Advantages of Hybrid Education Fields

  30. Advantages of Hybrid Education Fields • Job Opportunities

  31. Advantages of Hybrid Education Fields • Job Opportunities • Industries and Projects

  32. Advantages of Hybrid Education Fields • Job Opportunities • Industries and Projects • Research Areas

  33. Advantages of Hybrid Education Fields • Job Opportunities • Industries and Projects • Research Areas • Students Activities

  34. Computer Courses Description

  35. Computer Courses Description • Compulsory Courses • Elective Courses

  36. Compulsory Courses • Introduction to Computer Science • Computer Programming I • Computer Programming II • Data Structures • Database Management systems • Computer Graphics • Operating Systems • Computer Networks

  37. Elective Courses • Artificial Intelligence • Artificial Neural Networks • Fundamentals of Machine Learning • Introduction to Data Meaning • Application Programming with C++ • Digital Image Processing • Principles of Pattern Recognition • Automata Theory and Formal Languages • Introduction to Computer Simulation

  38. Minor and Major Mathematics + Computer 75% 25% 25% 75%

  39. ConclusionHere we did describe Hybrid and evaluate the Hybrid Education Fields and their properties in general We also describe Computer Compulsory and Elective Courses And also you are invited to our faculty to meet Instructors and the Lectures Content

  40. References http://www.cankaya.edu.tr http://mcs.cankaya.edu.tr/ http://mcs.cankaya.edu.tr/~majid/ http://www.amcs.cankaya.edu.tr/ • University • Department • My Website • Club Site

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