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Solomon Project Schools Programme A project of WST. Walsall Street Teams Over the past 10 years, Walsall Street Teams have been working with people of all backgrounds and ages to support and empower them to make informed choices about their future.
Solomon Project Schools Programme A project of WST
Walsall Street Teams • Over the past 10 years, Walsall Street Teams have been working with people of all backgrounds and ages to support and empower them to make informed choices about their future. • Currently, Walsall Street Teams has 3 main project areas - • Jigsaw Project - Support for young people under 18 who are at risk of sexual exploitation. • Solomon Project - Run by the Jigsaw Project. Awareness training for young people looking at staying safe from sexual exploitation and unhealthy relationships. • Drug and Alcohol Project - Education on the risks and laws surrounding drugs and alcohol. The Solomon Project Solomon was developed as a result of acknowledging the damaging effect that underage prostitution, now rightly known as child abuse, has on young people. The ‘Young People in Prostitution Forum’ identified the need to heighten young people’s awareness of safety issues, and harm of abusive relationships. After a series of discussions the Solomon Project was developed. The presentation of factual information focuses on the potential dangers and risks of exploitative relationships. Solomon aims to empower young people to be able to choose healthy relationships and keep themselves safe. The primary function of Solomon is to create an awareness of the issue, and reassure pupils that there is support and advice available. Solomon hopes that young people will learn to recognise the warning signs of an abusive relationship. Through Solomon, we hope to explore safe boundaries in relationship behavior and divert young people from becoming victims of abuse.
Aims and Objectives • Raise awareness that people, whose purpose is harm and exploitation, will target young people. • Explore safe boundaries in relationship behaviour. • Divert young people from becoming victims of abuse. • Reduce the number of young people involved in potentially violent and dangerous situations. • Raise awareness of possible dangers of Internet Chat Rooms. • Deliver a relevant, interesting and impacting awareness package to year 6-8 pupils. • Support and council young people who are involved with or may be at risk of abuse through prostitution. • Assist and support teachers with any associated difficulties relating to the subjects covered. Staying Safe lessons Aim of the lesson • To teach them how to stay safe . • That they should set boundaries for themselves and how they will do that • They have the right to say no, in friendship and relationship, to anything they do not want to do or feel is wrong to do. Subjects we talk about • Not getting into cars with strangers • Controlling relationship • Internet safety • Truanting from schools • Under age drinking
Lesson plan for year 6 Introductions A short time for us to introduce ourselves to the class, tell them why we are here and set any ground rules for the pupils. • Dodgy or Safe!! • Pupils will be given three scenarios on the screen and will be asked to vote via their handsets on whether it is a safe or unsafe circumstance or if they are unsure. One of the team will then feedback on each questions by using film clips, slide shows, illustrations, and short simple discussions. Subjects covered in the three questions are internet safety, getting into cars with strangers, peer pressure. Internet safety When feeding back on the first of the dodgy and safe questions we show a short film and a short illustration using volunteers showing the dangers of talking to people when you do not know who they are.
Slide Show A three part Slide show of an evolving relationship set to music. We show this as part of are feed back for question three of the dodgy and safe to talk about the dangers of getting into cars with people you don’t know. . Pupils are asked to think about the pictures and what they think is happening in each of three parts. Discussion of the story as it develops and what mistakes the young girl makes that puts her in danger and what the pupils can do that will to stay safe. The whole lesson will last about 1 hours
Lesson plan for year 7 Introductions A short time for us to introduce ourselves to the class, tell them why we are here and set any ground rules for the pupils. Ice breaker quiz Using ezclick software, we play a pop quiz to get them thinking and interacting. • Dodgy or Safe!! • Pupils will be given scenario on the screen and will be asked to vote via their handsets on whether it is a dodgy or safe circumstance or if they are unsure. We then have short feedback on each one by a member of the team using the evaluation percentages on the screen. Example of a question from ‘Dodgy and safe’. Subjects covered in the questions are under age drinking, internet safety, getting into cars with strangers, and truanting. CEOP - film When feeding back on the dodgy and safe questions we show a short film on the dangers of meeting people off the internet CEOP Film
Slide Show Slide show of an evolving relationship set to music. Young people are asked to think about the pictures and what they think is happening to discuss after the slide show. Describing relationship step by step. Feedback of information to whole class. Discussion of what qualities are needed in a perfect partner. Feedback of information to whole class. Discussion of exploitation in relationships. Feedback of information to whole class. We show this as part of are feed back for dodgy and safe. Pics from slide show • Evaluation and round up • Each pupil will be asked to fill out our evaluation forms. • Literature and information distributed to young people. • Information given on how to contact Walsall Street Teams.
Year 8 lesson plan Aims • To empower students to make the right choices and to stay safe. • To show that there are consequences to our decisions. CEOP film (girls or lads film) Short talk about the internet do’s and don’ts. How to report something you are worried about. Your choices make stop other getting hurt Quiz - Ezclick Multiple choice questions. intro Short talk The choices we make can either put us a risk or keep us safe. New slide show, part 1. Questions for discussion after seeing part 1 What decisions put her at risk? Taking stuff off someone she doesn’t know Giving phone number Meeting with them What caused her to make the decisions she made? Peer pressure – who introduced her to the guy Alcohol – lower your inhibitions Flattery/sweet talking Watch part 2 of slide show Short talk on setting boundaries and making right decisions. I
Listen to Grooming case study voices We are going to listen to a 14 year old girl who thinks she has made good friends with an older female of about 21. What is wrong with what the girl says about her friendship? Buys her stuff for no reason Takes her to clubs when she is under age Encourages one off relationship with men a lot older than her This friendship has cut her off from her friends – control He is an 11 year old boy who is waggin it from school with a mate. Makes friends with an older man who says they can go round his house so they don’t get caught. What is wrong with this friendship? Encouraging them to miss school (breaking the law) Giving then alcohol (breaking the law A 13 year old girl who has an older boyfriend who is 21 What is wrong with this relationship? She doesn’t really know him yet calls him her boyfriend He is a lot older Gives her money for nothing Always getting in his car alone
Endorsements from Teachers The presentation is very age appropriate and involves many different teaching styles to appeal to all types of learners. The use of easy click (who wants to be a millionaire style!) allows event the shyest pupil to express their opinion. The members of the team deal with the subject matter in a sensitive manner, and build good relationships with the pupils. They also provide a service for any issues that may arise during the session via out of school counselling with pupils and/or parents. (Miss K. Skinner – Head of Health, Barr Beacon, Walsall) Your session on Healthy Relationships was very well received and we appreciate all the work that you put in preparation. The importance of Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education is often under-valued and good input is difficult to find. Therefore, I appreciate your willingness to offer your expertise to us on this day. (Mrs R. Downes – Head of PSHCE, the Kingswinford School, Dudley) The Lessons have been pitched at exactly the right level, as has been your attitude and approachability. You have made many of our pupils think far more carefully about possible consequences to choices they make. For this, and for the manner and presentations of the lessons, thank you. (Mr E. Powell – Head of PSHE, Brownhills, Walsall)
Personal safety awareness session Training for teachers, parents and Professionals As a organisation we are understand it is not just the child, but also the parents, teachers and professionals that needs to be made aware of the issues of staying safe. Particularly from any type of exploitative relationship, whether in the real world or the E – world. Walsall Street Teams offer a comprehensive training session to teachers, parents and professionals on all issues surrounding a child’s personal safety. Session covers these topics • Internet safety. • What is grooming? • warning signs of relationships that could become exploitative. • Who to go too if you need help or advice. For more details of this session please contact Tim Downes on 01922 621208, 07787525993,or tim@walsallstreetteams.co.uk
Solomon Project - Schools ProgrammeA project of WSTA free of charge serviceRegistered Office:Bradford Street Centre51 Bradford StreetWalsall WS1 3QDTelephone: 01922 621208Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 3758772, registered charity no. 1075862