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Prism Research Market, Media and Social Research Roads Management and Safety Project Social Assesment Sarajevo – May, 2002. Methodology. Face to face research Duration: End of April – Begin of May Questionnaire administration – about 30 minutes Sample size: N=496.
PrismResearch Market, Media and Social Research Roads Management and Safety Project Social Assesment Sarajevo – May, 2002.
Methodology • Face to face research • Duration: End of April – Begin of May • Questionnaire administration – about 30 minutes • Sample size: N=496
How often, in the past 6 months has the household member commuted/traveled between cities on so-called inter-city routes? – total for B&H
How often, in the past 6 months has the household member commuted/traveled between cities on so-called inter-city routes? – by region
In what manner or by what means does that member of the household most frequently travel on those inter-city routes? – total for B&H
In what manner or by what means does that member of the household most frequently travel on those inter-city routes? – by region
On average, how many kilometers does the household member travel weekly, when all of the inter-city routes are summed, include the way there and back? – by region
Could you tell me how old the car, or each of the cars is in years? – total for B&H
Could you tell me how old the car, or each of the cars is in years? – by region Bosniaks Croats Serbs
How many time a weekdo you travel to other cities for the specific reasons? - total for B&H
How many kilometers on average do you travel a week on these routes when you total all of the travel you do in both directions (there and back) – by region
How much on average does your household spend monthly on… – by region
Overall, to what degree are you satisfied with the state that the local inter-city roads are in, that is the roads that link city centers? – by region
Compared to the general state of roads before the war, would you say that the roads today are in better, same or worse that in the period before the war? – by region
How would you describe the situation relating to traffic safety on the roads, regardless of whether you are a driver, passenger or pedestrian? – by region
How would you describe the situation relating to traffic safety on the roads, regardless of whether you are a driver, passenger or pedestrian? – total for B&H
Compared to the general state of traffic safety on the roads before the war, would you say that the roads are now safer, generally safer, equally or more dangerous then before the war? – total for BiH
Compared to the general state of traffic safety on the roads before the war, would you say that the roads are now safer, equally or more dangerous then before the war? – by region
What is the main source of danger, that is threat to people on our inter-city roads? – Bosniac majority (only first 10)
What is the main source of danger, that is threat to people on our inter-city roads? – Croat majority (only first 10)
What is the main source of danger, that is threat to people on our inter-city roads? – Serb majority (only first 10)
What do you consider is the most urgent to do to significantly improve the conditions on the roads? – total for B&H
What do you consider is the most urgent to do to significantly improve the conditions on the roads? – total for B&H
To what degree does the state of the roads effect the economic-material position of your household? – by region
In the case that the state of the roads were improved in one of the aforementioned ways, would, and if so to what degree, it have the effect of improving the economic-material situation of your household? – by region
And in what way would improvement of the state of the roads most benefit you and members of your household? – total for B&H
How state of the inter-city roads affects some aspects of ordinary life? – total for B&H
How state of the inter-city roads affects some aspects of ordinary life?
Do you think that people like you should in some way be included in decisions that the government makes relating to the improvement of the state on roads in this region? – by region
How often did you travel by train on inter-city routesbefore the war and how often do you travel now ? – total for B&H
How often do you now travel on inter-city routes by train? – by regions
What is the main reason you do not use the train? – total for B&H